Chapter 219
A quarter of an hour later, Kang Shiyong was drenched in sweat, but his complexion improved a lot, his face was no longer pale, and there was a lot of rosy color on his face.

He felt relaxed all over his body, as if he had come alive, and said gratefully: "Thank you benefactor, you have given me the grace of rebuilding."

"Hehe, don't be so excited. Since you can meet us, it means that this is also your fate."

Du Wenzhi smiled lightly, he really didn't deserve to be able to meet them.

"Yes, yes, without you, I'm afraid I will die of illness, so I ask my benefactor to help me, there is a housekeeper who can save my family."

Kang Shiyong said respectfully.

Zhang Feng glanced at the latter one more time, and it was quite humane to remember his housekeeper.

He said: "Old Du, you just go for a while."

"Lead the way, and it will be resolved soon." Du Wenzhi also admired this person, so he was also willing to make a move.

"Benefactor, wait a moment. We will sign a sales contract. You don't need to pay any money. The name of the sale will be directly transferred to this gentleman's name. This will be faster. I don't know what you think."

Kang Shiyong suggested that he was too embarrassed to wait until he recovered before giving the house.


Zhang Feng understood what the other party meant, and the sales method was actually better than gifting, with advantages such as fewer procedures and lower tax rates.

As for whether the other party will cheat him after signing the contract, it depends on the other party's courage.

Kang Shiyong hurriedly asked the real estate manager on one side to take out the contract, sign the contract together, and then ask someone to handle it, and the real estate certificate can be obtained in half a month at most.

To solve the problem of the house, Du Wenzhi and Kang Shiyong left to help solve other people's problems.

Looking at the leaving vehicle, Zhang Feng muttered, "This is probably the most expensive medical treatment. It seems that I don't have enough skills, and living in a good house is not much different from ordinary people."

From this matter, he once again saw the limitations of worldly wealth. Du Wenzhi has the ability to make the other party willing to spend hundreds of millions in exchange for health.

Ordinary people are really too fragile!

He sighed, took out his rosary, divided it into a dozen parts, and came to his parents.

"Mom and Dad, these are the prayer beads I asked Master to consecrate. I have prepared one for you, the two sisters, their children, husbands and parents. Remember to tell them to wear it, it is good for your health."

Zhang Feng gave the things to his parents, each of them had a rosary bead, and more than a dozen of them were removed at once. These were enough to prevent the evil spirits below the Jindan realm from harming people.

"So much."

Father Zhang Dansong didn't care much about it, thinking it was just two yuan a piece of beads on the street.

"It cost hundreds of thousands, so don't lose it." Zhang Feng deliberately reminded that he would cherish it if he said this.

"Oh, it's so expensive, you kid, what are you doing buying these? You're wasting money."

Mother Song Shujuan was very angry.

"You get what you pay for. This is a good thing. If you don't believe me, try it on."

"Hey, it really feels warm."

The latter was extremely surprised and amazed.

Seeing that his parents were wearing them, Zhang Feng felt relieved and asked his parents to continue looking at the house, while he sat on a chair by the lake and looked into the distance.

"I have offended a lot of enemies recently. The Pei family has innate masters in the late stage, and they can barely deal with it, but Hei Wuchang is comparable to Jindan. You have to keep a low profile for a while, otherwise it will be too dangerous."

Zhang Feng was vigilant in his heart. As the number of enemies increased, he was a little powerless, and he knew that his current power was still too weak.

He had to choose defense to deal with various possible enemies.

"The Pei family has Jiang Daokui attracting attention, but he can't find me for the time being. Instead, Hei Wuchang is the biggest threat."

Zhang Feng's eyes flickered, "I don't know his movements, I can only ask the sky."

He glanced at the sky and thought of the innate gossip technique.

This hexagram technique comes from Renhuang Fuxi, and it is closer to the way of heaven and earth than Houtian gossip, so it is easier to spy on the secrets of heaven.

However, no matter how powerful the technique is, it must be performed by humans, relying on humans to spy on the secrets of the sky and withstand the backlash.

If the cultivation base is not enough, or if you see something you shouldn't see, you will be in bad luck.

Therefore, with his current cultivation base, he can only divination up to three times a day. After the number exceeds, he will not be able to bear it. In addition, the content of the divination should not be too difficult, otherwise he will not be able to bear it.

Fortunately, it is not too difficult to predict good and bad luck. The only problem is that what he predicts are all his relatives, the connection is too close, and the force of backlash is very strong.

"Try it!"

Thinking of this, he made a formula to predict the good or bad luck of today's relatives.

After he came to the result, a force from somewhere in the dark descended in an instant, and his whole body was shaken. Even his innate-level external skills were injured at this moment.

His eyes suddenly dimmed, and his spirit was exhausted too much. Fortunately, the God-guarding Jade Talisman resisted most of the backlash for him, otherwise his soul would definitely be damaged.

Letting out a breath, he said with some lingering fear: "Middle Xiantian! At least I have to have a cultivation base of the middle Xiantian, so that I can resist this level of backlash."

Zhang Feng murmured in his heart, this divination consumed most of his spiritual power, and the backlash was so fierce that his current strength could not completely stop it.

The most important thing is this kind of counterattack force, the God-guarding Jade Talisman can't completely block it, probably because the level of the power of heaven and earth is higher than this Jade Talisman.

"I'm so exhausted. One divination consumes almost [-]% of my energy and energy. The price is too high. Today I can't do the second divination at all."

Zhang Feng's breathing became a little short, and the number of divinations was like a quota, which was exhausted at once, so naturally he couldn't continue.

"I must find a magic weapon for divination to help me share part of the counterattack force, otherwise I will make myself half dead every time divination. Once there is an enemy, how can I fight?"

Zhang Feng thought of a solution, that is a special magic weapon, which is used to assist divination, which can greatly reduce the power of backlash.

However, there are few magic tools, not to mention magic tools that can be used for divination. Just ask Du Wenzhi later, that guy is well-informed and probably has a way.

Zhang Feng closed his eyes and began to meditate with his eyes closed, practicing Nuwa's visualization map.

His energy recovered little by little, and the past half disappeared, and there was more energy in his eyes.

Looking back, my parents went to other places, probably wanting to visit all areas in the villa.

With a thought, Zhang Feng asked Xiaoyue to come out, and said solemnly: "With me, my parents, once a Yin spirit approaches, I will kill you without mercy!"

Among the results of his divination just now, the hexagram was ominous and pointed to his parents, so he had to be on his guard.

"Yes, master!" Xiaoyue nodded seriously, knowing that this matter is very important.

"Go, they all have rosary beads for body protection, just don't get too close, if you can't solve it, let me know in time."

Zhang Feng waved his hand, telling Xiaoyue to leave, he stayed for a while, then called Wu Luoshan and Wu Jixiu over, and asked them to secretly protect her too.

After doing this, he came to the door to investigate Wang Dong's situation again, but found that Wang Dong had quarreled with others, and it seemed that he would strike at any time.

"What's the situation? Isn't he guarding the villa? How could he have conflicts with other people?"

Zhang Feng showed surprise and walked over quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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