I have Wanjie Red Packet Group

Chapter 220 I Can't Stand By

Chapter 220 I Can't Stand By

"You bloody security guard, dare to seduce my woman, I will beat you to death!"

A potbellied guy became angry from embarrassment, pointed at Wang Dong and cursed, and then slapped him.

Wang Dong clenched his fist and was about to resist, but found that the other party's hand that wanted to slap him had been caught and he couldn't move.

"He is my security guard, can you hit him casually?" Zhang Feng looked at this person lightly, his face was full of fat, and his chin could not be seen.

Next to it, there is a delicate-looking woman in her early twenties, slender and tall, from a small family.

However, at this moment, his face was a little pale, a little pitiful, and he was pinching his clothes and mobile phone, looking very anxious, his mouth opened slightly, as if he wanted to say something.


Huang Tingnian was taken aback, he didn't know why Zhang Feng appeared suddenly, he just felt that he couldn't move his wrist at all.

That's all, the opponent's hand clamped him like an iron hoop, and there were continuous bursts of severe pain in his wrist.

He couldn't help grinning, and while trying to break free, he cursed: "Fuck, let me loose, let go quickly, or I will kill you!"


Zhang Feng's eyes were slightly cold, and at the same time, he exerted a little force on his hand, and the bones in the opponent's wrist made an unbearable sound.

Fortunately, he was trained by Yang Bing'er, so he has strong control, otherwise, if he used too much force, he might have broken the opponent's wrist.

Even if he controlled his strength, Huang Tingnian screamed in pain on the spot: "Ah, it hurts, let go, it's about to break!"

The severe pain made him break out in a cold sweat. When did he suffer this pain, how could he bear it.

"Remember, he is my security guard now, not something you can mess with!"

Zhang Feng gave the latter a cold look, and let go of his hand. Huang Tingnian quickly took a few steps back as if he had been electrocuted.

He saw that there was a circle of bruises on his wrist, and he couldn't help being surprised and angry. He didn't care what Zhang Feng said at all, so he became angry from embarrassment.

"You... do you know who I am? How dare you touch me?"

Zhang Feng couldn't help laughing: "Your words are really familiar. I don't know how many times I have heard them, but every time the person who said this seems to have a bad result."

Seeing that Zhang Feng wasn't afraid at all, Huang Tingnian came back to his senses, thought of what the other party said, and glanced at the gate again.

The person who can afford this luxury house may be really capable, let's forget about it today, go back and ask who this person is, I have never seen it before.

His eyes turned. Although he looked full of fat, his head was not all fat, and he was still a little rational.

Wang Dong let go of his clenched hands. Naturally, he is not afraid of an ordinary person. If he just makes a move, it is absolutely impossible to stay here, and it is still not worth it.

Zhang Feng was not in the mood to care about an ordinary rich man. He looked at the silent Wang Dong and said, "Why don't you explain what's going on?"

Wang Dong hesitated for a moment, and pointed at the woman next to him: "Because of her, this fat man once pressed her into the water to play with her, and almost died. I saved it, and she bought me some things to thank me." , was discovered by this fat man, but he thought I was seducing his woman."

"Oh, so that's the case. You go, I'm not in the mood to take care of this matter."

Zhang Feng understands that this woman is Fatty's lover, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer, he can't be nosy, just like the shot just now is because after buying the house, Wang Dong belongs to the security guard outside his house, so he has some relationship with him It was directly related to it.

"No, you have to explain to me, is it the woman who touched me?"

Huang Tingnian was not forgiving, and stared at Wang Dong with anger.

"I told you, there is none at all. If you don't believe me, don't come to me just because you can't find a place to get angry."

Wang Dong said with a cold face, even if he lacks a woman, he is a dignified cultivator, and he will not find someone else's lover, not to mention that he is injured at the moment, and he can't touch a woman at all.

When Zhang Feng heard this, the corner of his mouth twitched. How could this guy say that others are not good? This is a man.

"Cao Nima, who do you think can't do it?"

Sure enough, Huang Tingnian immediately became angry. How could a man say no, even if he was really no good, he would never allow others to say no to him!
He was completely enraged and rushed forward to slap him.

Wang Dong frowned and avoided, saying: "If you can't even accept the facts, you can't even be considered a man."

Zhang Feng glanced at the latter, since the other party did not bow his head, there was no need for him to make another move.

"Brother Huang, stop hitting. It's all my fault. I won't talk or contact him anymore, okay?"

The woman on the side grabbed Huang Tingnian and said with a smile on her face, everyone could see her humbleness.


Huang Tingnian was furious because he couldn't hit Wang Dong, so he slapped the woman's face with his backhand. The slap was so powerful that he slapped the woman to the ground on the spot, dropped the phone, and scattered the contents of the bag Not a lot.

Her hair was disheveled, her white face immediately turned red, and she couldn't help crying while covering her face.

Zhang Feng didn't show any sympathy. The other party chose this path, and he had to bear some things.

Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the broken screen of the phone. Due to a fall, the screen lit up, revealing a photo.

There is a familiar figure on it.

"Bitch, tell me, can I do it?" Huang Tingnian grabbed Fang Keren's hair and said with a grim expression.

Fang Keren burst into tears, weeping silently, but did not speak.


Huang Tingnian felt that this bitch was acquiescing that he couldn't do it, and immediately became even more angry, waving his hand and slapping him across the face.

There was a crisp bang, which was louder than the previous one.

Fang Keren was stunned for a moment, but she didn't feel any pain. She looked up, and the person who hit her fell to the side for no reason at this moment, ouch, screaming in pain.

To her surprise, the person who shot was not Wang Dong, but the person from the beginning.

He obviously didn't care about it, so why did he still make a move?

Fang Keren had doubts in his heart.

"You are too much!"

Zhang Feng said expressionlessly, raised his hand to grab the broken mobile phone on the ground, and the invisible force sucked the mobile phone up.

He pointed the phone screen at Fang Keren and said, "What does this person have to do with you?"

Fang Keren looked at the photos on his phone and said blankly, "She is my best friend, my best friend."

"best friend……"

Zhang Feng muttered, stretched out his hand and pulled Fang Keren up, his face softened a bit: "She is also my friend, it seems that I can't just stand by and watch."

"You know Kong Liqiu!"

Feeling the warmth in Zhang Feng's hands, Kong Liqiu was slightly relieved, and showed surprise and a little shame, after all, she was being a lover for a rich man.

If my best friend knew what I did, she would probably be very angry.

"Yes, we are classmates in elementary school. We met not long ago, and we came back together."

Zhang Feng nodded, and handed the phone to Fang Keren: "You should be classmates with her in college, right?"

Fang Keren has a good appearance and a good figure. At first glance, he looks like a student of art and sports, similar to Kong Liqiu.

(End of this chapter)

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