I have Wanjie Red Packet Group

Chapter 221 Finished?

Chapter 221 Finished?

"Well, we were in the same high school, and then we made an appointment to be admitted to the same university and the same major."

Fang Keren nodded.

"No wonder."

Zhang Feng was stunned.

On one side, Huang Tingnian was dizzy from the beating, his face was stinging with burning pain, and it swelled up immediately, leaving five finger marks.

He was completely dazzled by the beating, and it took him a while to recover. Seeing Zhang Feng standing next to his woman, he didn't understand that it was this person who beat him again.

This time, he completely lost his mind. He didn't care about the other party's background. He sneered and said, "Okay! You beat me twice in a row. Do you really think my old man, Huang Foye, is a bully?"

"Huang Foye!"

Some passers-by who had already gathered had a slight change of expression. They were either rich or expensive, and it was definitely not ordinary people who could change their expressions.

This Yellow Buddha is indeed not simple, he is a big shot from the entire Western Province in Yutian City, and it is rumored that this person started his business in the jade business, because his ears are a bit long, so he is honored as Buddha.

For decades, this person has almost monopolized most of the jade and jewelry business in the west, and is also involved in many industries such as real estate and medical treatment. His assets are hundreds of billions. He is an invisible rich man with a large number of contacts in both black and white.

The astonishing energy contained in it is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. Even rich people like them have to tremble in front of it. If they are offended, they will not be able to hang out in this west, and their lives may even be in danger.

Sensing the apprehensive expressions of the people around him, Huang Tingnian became more angry, triumphantly, pointed at Zhang Feng and said, "Now be afraid, if you are afraid, first slap yourself twice, and I can give you a chance to apologize, otherwise You're done."

Another slap fell on the other side of his face. Zhang Feng waved his hand across the air and slapped it flying.

Everyone's eyes changed, how did they do it? Could it be that their hands have grown longer, or are they dazzled?

Huang Tingnian was beaten even worse this time. His body flew up and fell like a dog eating shit. His whole body was spinning and he couldn't get up for a while.

"Now, who is finished? Just rely on what Buddha you said?"

Zhang Feng looked at Huang Tingnian coldly, he hated others threatening him the most.

What kind of Buddha's father is the other party called? At most, he is at the level of the Xiao family. He has already cleaned up a few, so why would he care?
Looking at this scene, Wang Dong sighed. He just pulled this drowning woman out of the swimming pool, and he didn't expect so many things to happen.

I hope there won't be any big problems and don't bring those people here.

Huang Tingnian spat out a mouthful of blood, and found that his teeth had fallen out, his cheeks were swollen with pain, and he couldn't speak fluently.

He glanced at Zhang Feng in fear, then immediately lowered his head, not daring to speak anymore, he was really terrified of being slapped twice.

"A good man doesn't suffer from immediate losses, I will deal with you when I go back!"

Huang Tingnian comforted himself secretly, found an excuse, looked fearfully, and grinned to get up.

Seeing that there were several security guards onlookers, he was immediately furious, and said angrily, "Why are you acting as security guards just to watch me being beaten?"

"Ah, we just came too."

"Yes, how did you fight?"

"You all seem to be the owners here, we can't take care of it."

The security guards hurriedly shied away, making jokes, this man looks so fierce, and it was this fat man who wanted to hit someone first, they had no reason to help Huang Tingnian, and they would still be beaten, who would want to.

Huang Tingnian was so angry that his face was crooked, and he said angrily, "Then you just watch me get beaten?"

"Oh, didn't we just come here?"

"Sir, you are seriously injured, let us take you to the hospital."

They didn't dare to offend Huang Tingnian, so they dragged him to the hospital to avoid another conflict.

Seeing that there was nothing good to watch, the others left a lot, and the remaining few looked at Zhang Feng curiously.

Wang Dong squeezed out a smile and said, "Thank you for your help. It seems that you are going to become the master here."

"I didn't want to take care of it at first, but who made this happen at my doorstep."

Zhang Feng said lightly: "If it's you, it seems that you don't want to conflict with him."

Wang Dong smiled wryly, "I just wanted to be a security guard in peace, but I didn't expect to save her once. This is something within my profession, and it will cause so much trouble."

"I'm sorry, I'm the one who hurt you."

Fang Keren said guiltily that because Wang Dong saved her, she sent several things to express her gratitude. She never thought that Huang Tingnian would suspect that she had an ulterior relationship with Wang Dong, and it was useless to explain.

"I don't blame you, it was an accident. Whoever makes this fat man suspicious, thinks there is something wrong with others if he can't do it himself."

Wang Dong shook his head: "If it's you, I don't think it's really necessary to follow him. This person is too paranoid. Don't get the money, and his life is in danger."

Fang Keren's face turned pale, but he didn't speak, as if he still wanted to follow Huang Tingnian.

Zhang Feng frowned and said, "Are you short of money?"

If it wasn't about money, a fool would follow that person just now.

"Well, my younger brother has leukemia, and my parents are not in good health, so I need a lot of money."

Fang Keren looked worried, if it wasn't because of her family, how could she continue to follow Huang Tingnian.

"The money is easy to solve, I can lend you."

Zhang Feng said lightly, since he is a friend of a friend, it is not difficult for him to reach out to help, so why not do it.

"Really? But my brother's illness is just a hole, and I may... I can't afford it for a while."

Fang Keren bit her rosy lips, and was not in a hurry to ask for money, but told her own situation.

"Well, I have a film and television company. Since you are a professional with Liqiu, you can work for me when the time comes, and just pay back the money slowly, so that I can continue to help your brother. You also have a contract relationship with me. I am not afraid of you. Ran."

The two parties are not relatives or relatives, Zhang Feng can help, but it will not be free. It is most appropriate to ask the other party to work for her and pay back the money.

"Thank you, as long as I live, I will work for you and pay back the money."

Fang Keren was very grateful, knowing that the other party's actions actually helped her get a job. Although she would always be tied to the other party's company, she did not have any complaints.

"After going to the company to work, I said, first take the money to save your brother. I will send an assistant to deal with the matter. How much money is spent will be recorded in the account. You don't have to worry about not having enough."

Zhang Feng nodded, "If it's convenient for you now, you can go to the hospital."

"I have some things at his house, and I want to get them back. His house is just across the road, very close." Fang Keren thought for a while and said.

"Let's go, I'll be with you, or that fat man will probably make things difficult for you."

Zhang Feng asked Fang Keren to lead the way, and turned to Wang Dong and said, "Since you want to be quiet, you can be my security guard honestly. As long as you do your job well, I will block you if there is any trouble."

Wang Dong's body trembled slightly, knowing that Zhang Feng had seen his thoughts, and said complicatedly: "Yes, Mr. Zhang."

(End of this chapter)

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