Chapter 224
A violent energy turbulence was bounced back from the top of the head. This power is either good or evil, it is pure energy, and the Buddha's light does not resist it.

This made Zhang Feng's face change slightly, and he had to activate his spiritual defense so as not to hurt himself.

"There is still a way. You have quite a lot of treasures. No wonder the adults don't want you to live."

The black-horned evil spirit sneered: "However, it's useless for you to use many means. At this moment, the evil spirit has been aroused. Even if the golden core comes, don't try to break it easily. You are not afraid of blowing yourself to death, just continue!"

Zhang Feng's face darkened when he heard that, the surroundings were already surrounded by black air currents, the space was very limited, but the formation barrier was extremely tough.

In this kind of place, he really opened up the nano-suit with full firepower. If he couldn't break the formation, it would be equivalent to blowing himself up.

The more violently he bombards with technological weapons, he will have to bear it later, and will not be controlled by him like spiritual power.

Another shortcoming of technological means is revealed here.

Zhang Feng hesitated for a moment, and did not stop attacking, but only reduced the attacking force.

He wants to attack this formation, try to find the weak point, and at the same time influence the opponent to mobilize the power of the formation.

It's a pity that he didn't know anything about formations. After searching for a while, he didn't think of a point to break through, and the ground was full of mud.

"It's a dog, and it doesn't know how to use formations at all, and it can't find any flaws."

Zhang Feng scolded, if it was a fight, he could still find loopholes, but in front of this formation, he was completely stupefied.

He simply sat down cross-legged, accumulated his strength, frantically operated the Tongtian Diagram, and mobilized his dantian spiritual power.

Both internal strength and external strength have been pushed to the extreme, and the defense system of the nano suit is also fully activated.

Even if the other party really breaks the shield of his rosary, he still has to go through the defense of the nano-suit, external skills, and spiritual power to protect him before he can be hurt.

Just in case, he pinched a golden talisman in his hand. If he really couldn't stop it, he would have to waste the beast control talisman.

At that time, as long as you can forcefully control a Yin spirit, you can directly break the siege.

"Have you accepted your fate, Jie Jie?"

Seeing that Zhang Feng was sitting cross-legged, the black-horned Yinling couldn't help but sneer.

Zhang Feng curled his lips and said, "What fate do I accept? The power of your formation can't break through the power of my rosary. Go back and wash up and sleep."

A guilty conscience is a guilty conscience, but it must not be shown, otherwise the other party may not know what it looks like.

"Just be stubborn, the power of this world is endless, how can you resist it!"

The black-horned Yin Ling sneered, winning the game.

"Let's talk about this later, I'm curious, why did you choose to attack me?"

Seeing that the evil spirit was still condensing, and the coercion was getting stronger and stronger, Zhang Feng endured the shock and changed the subject.

"You want to know why?"

The latter teased, "But I won't tell you."

Zhang Feng's face twitched, he really wanted to beat this guy up, he curled his lips and said, "It's fine if you don't say anything, I'll just ask."

"It's okay to tell you, the reason for attacking you is very simple, have you read Journey to the West?"

This guy is still playing tricks, Zhang Feng said angrily: "Sorry, I haven't read it."

"Hehe, on the way Tang Seng was learning the scriptures, the monsters in the Nine-Nine-Nine-Eight-One Calamity, those who were related were basically fine, and the ones who were not related were all dead. Now do you understand why we attacked you?"

Zhang Feng was stunned for a moment, and then realized that he was very angry.

"Fuck, you think I have no background, so you shoot me, it's too embarrassing!"

"I can't help it. The persimmons are too soft. It's best to use you to scare the chickens and monkeys."

The black-horned ghost said contemptuously, and the other ghosts also laughed.

"But brother, this kid has a Buddhist magic weapon, so he is probably not an ordinary person."

"You think too much. He probably stole this magic weapon. If you really have a background, won't you tell me?"

"It should be some kind of dog luck, where did you get the magic weapon, and you don't even know how to use it."

"It's really not like it, it's just good luck."

The other four Yinlings discussed for a while, but they still felt that Zhang Feng had no background.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, the evil spirit is almost condensed, kill him!"

The black-horned Yin Ling, who was called the big brother, saw that the evil spirit had almost reached the limit they could bear, interrupted the discussion of several other guys, and began to activate the ultimate move.

Zhang Feng opened his eyes and looked at the top of his head. The coercion at this moment was so strong that it distorted the void, and the heavy force made it difficult for him to stand up.

A mass of black evil energy has condensed, forming a huge sword, more than ten feet long, like a building, with a terrifying aura.

Only the light of the rosary is still bright, not weakened, but strengthened, almost covering the entire formation space, making the power of the surrounding formations continue to evaporate.

The power of the Buddha is bright and upright, the most yang and the most powerful.

This five evil spirit extermination array is extremely yin and evil, and what is aroused is also the evil force of heaven and earth, which belongs to the power of yin and evil.

The two forces are diametrically opposite and restrain each other. If it weren't for this, it would be very difficult for Zhang Feng to stimulate the Buddha power in the rosary to this level.

"Stop it!"

Zhang Feng squeezed the rosary beads tightly, his heart tightened suddenly, the black long sword above his head trembled suddenly, and plunged towards him.

When the sword tip touched the golden Buddha's light, a loud bang erupted, deafening, and the sky and the earth trembled.

The black evil sword broke through a part of the golden Buddha power barrier, but it didn't stop, and continued to bombard downwards.

A circle of violent air flow erupted from the sword body, causing the entire formation to twist. On the hilt, a black air flow connected to the formation, and the surrounding evil energy gathered and continuously injected into it to increase its strength.

"What, it didn't even break through!"

Yin Ling exclaimed, and looked at the part of the shield in shock, "This is definitely the power that can only be contained in a top-grade magic weapon. Who are you!"

"Whoever he is, he has already done it, and he must be killed!"

The killing intent in the eyes of the black-horned yin spirit did not decrease but increased, and he said with a smirk: "Give me all the strength to activate the formation, this person will be wiped out tonight!"

"Come on, let's see if you can break through!"

Zhang Feng didn't seem to be afraid, and lay down on purpose, watching the five Yin spirits gather next to the evil spirit sword with disdain, and released their strength vigorously to promote the power of the formation.

"You're still stubborn when you're about to die!"

Even if he knew it was the other party's intention, the black-horned Yin Spirit was still furious. They had already used the most powerful means, but they still couldn't kill this person for a while, which really surprised and angered him.

"Break it for me!"

He let out a loud shout, and put his hand on the black sword, his eyes widened, and wisps of power crazily poured into the sword of evil spirit.

With the power of the five great Yin spirits, the black giant sword has grown in size again, and the sharp breath collided with the Buddha's power, forming a black wave in midair, which continued to spread around.

Their hard work is also effective. As the power of the black giant sword increases, the golden barrier is broken little by little, and it is getting closer and closer to Zhang Feng's head.

(End of this chapter)

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