I have Wanjie Red Packet Group

Chapter 225 It's time for me to clean up you

Chapter 225 It's time for me to clean up you

Zhang Feng's eyelids twitched wildly when he saw it. Just now, the barrier of Buddha's light was still a foot thick, and now it was about to be broken in half.

No matter what kind of power it is, it has already surpassed the innate level at this moment. Under such circumstances, it is impossible for him to do anything.

Just under the collision of this force, the terrifying coercion made it difficult for him to move. Even if he could move, once he left the protection range of the Buddha's light, he would be injured by the force of the collision.

"The power of this formation is really powerful!"

Zhang Feng lamented that among the opponent's five Yin spirits, the most powerful one was only in the late Xiantian stage, not yet the Xiantian Dzogchen, but with the help of the formation, it exploded with a power that surpassed the innate.

It can be seen how powerful the array is
This is not just four or two to pull a thousand catties, but four or two to lift ten thousand catties.

Four or two moves a thousand catties, the human body has the opportunity to do it, as long as it follows the trend and uses skills.

And if you want to leverage the power of a thousand catties, your body can't reach that level at all. The difference between Siliang and Qianjin is thousands of times.

If you ask a person to push a car on a slope, you can do it with more effort, but if you want to lift a car up, ordinary people can't do it at all.

If it were a cultivator, it would be good for an innate master to cast spells, aura or other energy, or even evil spirit, within a radius of tens of meters. If it was more powerful, it would activate energy within hundreds of meters.

But it is not innately possible to arouse the evil spirit for hundreds of miles.

At this moment, this formation has achieved it, attracting a large area of ​​evil spirit, causing strong winds to blow up in the entire nearby mountains and rivers, and the weather has changed.

This kind of power, Zhang Feng has seen it with his own eyes and experienced it himself, so how can he not be moved?

"Formation! Formation! If you have the opportunity, you must learn the formation. In the future, if you encounter this kind of trouble, even if I don't arrange the formation, I can still see some ways and have a chance to break it."

Zhang Feng shouted in his heart, and the urge to learn the formation became stronger and stronger.

While he was thinking, the golden Buddha's light was broken another foot, and the black evil spirit surged, not far away from him.

Looking down, the Buddha's power in the rosary was released like a tide, offsetting the evil spirit.

The pressure formed by the two forces was terrifying. He tried to move, but found it difficult to even stand up.

This is the power of Jindan level, which is far beyond innate.

Seeing that the breaking speed was still very slow, the five Yin spirits stopped talking and urged the power of the formation with all their strength.

One is passive defense, one is active offense, and there are five innate-level beings motivating, and the evil energy of heaven and earth is constantly replenished, and the golden shield is being invaded faster and faster.

A few minutes later, the icy breath could be clearly perceived, and the Buddha's light could no longer resist the power of the formation, and the surroundings seemed to be in a cold winter.

Zhang Feng looked at the evil spirit sword that was close at hand, and understood that if this continues, it will be a matter of time before the Buddha's light is broken.

"Must do it!"

Thinking to himself, he stretched out his palm, facing the evil spirit sword, the glaring light condensed, and with a bang, the palm cannon was activated.

"court death!"

Seeing that Zhang Feng dared to attack in this state, the black-horned Yinling was not worried. He said just now that it would be the opponent who was unlucky to use this weapon here.

Zhang Feng didn't seem to care, and still launched an attack. With a bang, thunder-like power hit the black evil spirit.

The explosive power of technological weapons is still very strong, especially the level of this battle suit is not low, the energy of this blow instantly aroused the evil spirit sword.

The two erupted at the same time, the golden Buddha's light was torn apart by the raging evil spirit, and the destructive power of the energy cannon in the palm rebounded towards him first.

A smile appeared on the corner of Zhang Feng's mouth, the moment the light engulfed him, he grabbed the rosary and suddenly sank, the whole person fell down.

At some point, a hole appeared under his body, which was just blocked by his body, and even lying down just now was to cover up this growing hole.

This hole leads to the outside of the formation, and it was dug out secretly by him with nano-robots. This also has to be said that the opponent's formation is flawed. It only seals the front, back, left, and top, and the underground is not too strong. Power.

His nanites broke through easily and dug a tunnel in the dirt for him to escape.

Zhang Feng's speed was very fast, and the moment the energy turbulent flow fell, he entered the winding tunnel and rushed outside.

There was a roar in the ears, the ground shook violently, and the tunnel behind him immediately collapsed. Zhang Feng pressed against the soil and rushed more than ten meters in one breath.

The earth is full of virtue, absorbing the power of destruction quickly, and the direction of the explosion is perpendicular to the direction of his escape. After arriving here, the force has weakened a lot, and when it hit him, it only shook the soil and buried him.

In the formation, a huge energy group over ten feet rose up, most of which were detonated evil spirits, and there was very little Buddha light left, and it was swallowed up in a blink of an eye.

Similarly, Zhang Feng's figure could not be seen either.Immediately, the energy cluster exploded and spread ferociously.

With a change in the eyes of the five great evils, the power of this explosion has exceeded the limit they can bear, and the formation is distorted and exploded.

They retreated in a hurry, not daring to be bombed, otherwise they would have to be scrapped if they didn't die.

While retreating, the formation exploded, and a mushroom cloud over a hundred meters rose.

The bridge next to it was instantly torn apart, the ground trembled violently, and a circle of black waves spread, breaking the nearby trees, flying out like rags, and continuing to be crushed in the air.

The thunderous explosion echoed in the mountains, startling all the nearby villagers. They ran out of their homes one by one and looked towards the source of the sound.

However, they felt gusts of wind coming, and they couldn't see anything else.

In the place of the explosion, as the sound calmed down, the sound of rushing water flowed by the river stood out.

The original bridge has disappeared, and a huge pit appeared, connected to the shore, with a diameter of more than 20 meters, which shows how powerful it was just now.

The five figures dispersed in a state of embarrassment. They gathered too much evil spirit, and they couldn't even control themselves when they exploded.

"do you died?"

They looked towards the center of the explosion. In the crater more than two feet deep, there were no figures, and the incomplete parts could not be seen.

"Could it be that his body was smashed to pieces and there was nothing left?"

They didn't see any corpses, so they were still a little puzzled.

"Didn't that kid have a magic weapon just now, so he wouldn't be blown up?"

Just when one of the ghosts approached and wanted to check, a ray of golden light suddenly burst out from the ground, and a string of glowing rosary beads protruded from the soil and hit him directly.


Even the passive power of the rosary was released by the magic weapon. He screamed on the spot, the evil spirit protecting his body was instantly broken by the Buddha's light, his body was injured by the rosary, and his head was smashed open.

On the rosary, the hand held was Zhang Feng's. He sneered: "The gang fights were fun just now, but now there is no formation, it's time for me to deal with you."

As he spoke, he pulled out a rosary and punched it into the latter's mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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