Chapter 239 Origin
"Stop fighting, I admit defeat."

Not long after, Cang Xuan begged for mercy, there was no way, who put him at a disadvantage, and he would be the one who would suffer if the fight continued.

At this moment, he who looked like a handsome man is already quite embarrassed, and the light on his body has dimmed a lot.

Du Wenzhi watched speechlessly, this guy's subordinates are too strong, who can bully him?

Zhang Feng waved his hand, Wu Luoshan stopped immediately, and stood beside Zhang Feng obediently.

"Now, if I ask you, I will answer seriously, what is your name?"

Zhang Feng glanced at the unconscious Wang Dong and began to ask.

"Cang Xuan."

"From where?"

"Northern Cangshan."

"Where's this guy?" Zhang Feng pointed to Wang Dong.

"The royal family of Cangshan Mountain."

Zhang Feng looked at Du Wenzhi.

The latter didn't understand anything, and explained: "The Beishen faction has five top families, Wang, Bai, Ma, Huang, and Xiong. The Wang family belongs to one of them."

"Oh, that's a person with status and status, why come here? And be a security guard."

Zhang Feng folded his arms and asked lightly.

"He was expelled from the family, and he was injured, so he had to find a place with aura, which is more suitable."

Cang Xuan explained.

"How did he get hurt?"

"Compete with people for babies."

"What baby?"

Speaking of this, Cang Xuan didn't answer.

Wu Luoshan's eyes turned cold: "Why, you can't protect yourself, and you still want to hide it?"

"No, baby is very troublesome. Even I can't suppress it. I don't want to cause trouble for you."

Cang Xuan squeezed out a smile, obviously perfunctory.

"Hmph, it's you who are here that might be troublesome. Tell me the truth now, or kill you and see for yourself what it will be."

Zhang Feng said coldly, at first he thought Wang Dong only had some cultivation, but he didn't expect his hidden strength to be so strong, even if he was injured, it would still be an unstable factor, after all, apart from Wu Luoshan, there was nothing anyone else could do.

Cang Xuan was shocked, knowing that Zhang Feng was not joking, the other party had a master, and he was not an opponent at all at the moment.

His eyes changed for a moment, and he said helplessly: "It's okay to tell you, this thing is a murderous thing, and it is of no use to you."

He opened his mouth to spit out, and a black item appeared. It was a scroll, and when it appeared, it exuded a cold aura, which was obviously not a righteous item.

But Wu Luoshan showed great interest, and said unexpectedly: "This seems to be a sealed scroll, what is it sealed inside?"

"Evil spirit."

Cang Xuan glanced at Zhang Feng: "This is what I am going to use to devour evolution, and it is of no use to you."

"open to take a look."

Zhang Feng was very interested.

"This... can't be done. After opening it, it will be very difficult to seal it again."

Cang Xuan shook his head, "It's very powerful, we can't deal with it."

"Master, it's really dangerous. I feel an extremely fierce aura inside, most likely it's a spirit stronger than it."

Wu Luoshan hesitated for a moment, and reminded Zhang Feng in a low voice.

Zhang Feng felt it carefully, as if facing a fierce beast, it seemed that it would rush out and devour him at any moment.

His complexion changed, and he sneered, "That means, you still have a time bomb in your hand."

"I have no choice. If our spirit wants to be strong, the quickest way is to devour other spirits."

Cangxuan said helplessly, although spirits have a long lifespan, their cultivation is more difficult than normal creatures, and devouring evolution is the fastest way.

Du Wenzhi frowned and said, "I'm afraid you're an unusual ominous spirit. Even this sealing scroll can't block all the power. Could it be that it's at the Golden Core level? Can you eat it?"

"How could it be? If it is at the Golden Core level, how can I seal it with a scroll?"

Cang Xuan was startled, he didn't expect to be noticed.

"Maybe it wasn't you who sealed it, but where did you get the scroll, it has been sealed."

Du Wenzhi pointed out something.

"Then it can't be released. If it is sealed by the strong, it is probably not innately able to deal with it."

Wu Luoshan showed fear.

Zhang Feng pondered for a while, and said, "Where did you get this scroll?"

"An ancient ruin."

Cang Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that the other party was afraid of what was in the scroll and would not try to snatch it.

"That is to say, you were injured while snatching this thing with others. Does this have anything to do with your being kicked out of the family?"

Zhang Feng is not a fool, he immediately saw the key.

Cang Xuan froze for a moment, nodded and said: "Yes, the Wang family has always pursued stability, and they didn't want this scroll to cause more trouble, so when he was unwilling to give up, they expelled him from the family to protect themselves. "

"Interesting, that is to say, this is really a big trouble, even the Wang family is afraid. Now that you come to me, wouldn't it be possible to get me into trouble?"

Zhang Feng squinted his eyes, cursing secretly in his heart, he has already had enough troubles, if this guy provokes another group of people, wouldn't it be getting worse and worse.

"We don't want to either. Who told you to buy this house? It's been empty for almost a year and no one dares to buy it."

Cang Xuan smiled wryly, who would have expected such a thing.

"Forget it, it's too late to say this now, you put this thing away, I don't care what your origins are, and what are you hiding from me, after he wakes up, leave me immediately, I don't want to get into trouble for no reason .”

Zhang Feng waved his hand, he has no interest in the scroll, so it's better to send him away quickly.

"Okay, when he recovers, we'll leave right away."

Cang Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, as long as Zhang Feng didn't covet its things.

At this time, Wu Luoshan's eyes turned cold, and he shouted: "Boy, you are already awake, so stop pretending!"

The figure on the ground trembled, opened his eyes, got up weakly, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said with a wry smile: "I just woke up too."

"You should have heard what I said just now. There is no enmity between you and me. I won't embarrass you. Likewise, don't cause trouble for me. Just leave."

Having said this, Zhang Feng said to Wu Luoshan: "From now on, you will come here as a security guard, and you don't need to be sneaky."

Wu Luoshan has been protecting in secret, this time he can take the opportunity to turn from darkness to light.

"Yes, Master."

Wu Luoshan has no objection, when the nature of the security guard has not changed, and he can still show up in front of people, he is naturally more willing.

"Give me half a day, I'm in a bad state right now."

Wang Dong said bitterly, he never thought that one day he would be chased away like a bereaved dog.

"Okay, leave within today."

Nodding his head, he knew Wang Dong's background and asked him to leave today. Zhang Feng had no interest in staying any longer, and waved his hand: "Let's go, go back and rest."

When they entered the gate, Zhang Feng threw something at Wu Luoshan: "This is your reward for protecting my family during this time, and the two of you will share it equally."

(End of this chapter)

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