I have Wanjie Red Packet Group

Chapter 240 Double the training speed

Chapter 240 Hundred Times Training Speed
Seeing the spar the size of a thumb in his hand, wisps of pure aura were sensed, Wu Luoshan said happily, "Thank you, master."

Even Wu Jixiu, who was resting at the moment, grabbed control of his body and expressed his gratitude to Zhang Feng.

Lingshi, it is still a top-quality spirit stone, even if it is only a small piece, it is enough for them to improve their cultivation.

Du Wenzhi secretly scolded the big dog, and even rewarded the servants with top-quality spirit stones. For some reason, he was a little envious.

"Cultivate hard, otherwise the enemy will attack you, and you will be killed if you can't stop it."

Zhang Feng said lightly, this is not a joke, Wu Luoshan is his servant, there are really too powerful enemies, and the one who dies will definitely be the first.

"Master, don't worry, I will definitely practice hard." Now that he has benefited, Wu Luoshan would not care about this.

Zhang Feng waved his hand to let him go down, and returned to the basement with Du Wenzhi.

"How much truth do you think the eagle said?"

As soon as he sat down, Zhang Feng opened his mouth and said.

"I can't see through it. The elves are basically guys who have lived for hundreds of years. They are old and cunning. I don't have the ability to see through their hearts."

Du Wenzhi shook his head.

"I can't figure it out either. I hope they will leave honestly and nothing will happen."

Zhang Feng sighed and said a few more words, then he and Du Wenzhi went back to their rooms to rest.

Being alone was even quieter. Zhang Feng sat on the bed and made a divination. Seeing that there were no bad omens in the past few days, he felt a little relieved.

But thinking of Yang Bing'er, he couldn't help becoming irritable. Tonight, he didn't seem to call her.

Touching the phone, he hesitated for a moment, and still sent a message, saying that he was learning the formation.

I really don't know how long this misunderstanding will last.

He thought for a while, and looked at the date on his phone. It was already the 19th, and school would start in ten days.

It turned out that he was still a student.

Dazed for a moment, Zhang Feng was a little dazed.

He feels that this period of time is very long, and every day is very fulfilling. In just over a month, there is an illusion that several years have passed.

Perhaps, experiencing this thing has nothing to do with time, but has something to do with specific things.

During this period of time, he experienced so much that he was very fulfilled every day.

Perhaps it was because of studying for a day and worrying about his relationship, Zhang Feng fell asleep after thinking about it.

The next day, warm eyes fell on Zhang Feng's face through the floor-to-ceiling windows, his eyelids moved, and he opened his eyes, revealing star-like pupils.

He let out a breath, stretched his waist, and said with a smile, "I haven't slept so comfortably for a long time."

Standing up and looking at the scenery outside the window, under the bright sun, Qianhu Lake is extremely quiet, the lotus flowers are vibrant, bright and beautiful, and occasionally birds fly by, which makes people feel peaceful.

He smiled: "I've been too nervous during this time, thinking too much, but it's not very good. I'm gifted in external skills at the moment, and I have so many subordinates, so why should I be nervous? At worst, the soldiers will come and cover me up."

With a chuckle, the whole person calmed down a lot. Zhang Feng sat on the ground and began to practice.
Maybe it was tightening and loosening, Zhang Feng built it for a while, and then his whole body shook, the golden light on his body shone brightly, and a more powerful wave of spiritual power emerged.

The internal strength has broken through to the seventh level of the day after tomorrow, and it has reached the late stage!

In just one and a half months, the internal strength has crossed seven small levels in one go. This speed is probably scary.

It is extremely difficult for others to break through to the middle stage of Acquired cultivation, not to mention the late stage, most talented people also need more than ten years.

It only took him one and a half months, and the speed was a hundred times faster than others.

The key point is that he came from his actual practice, unlike his external skills, which can only be broken through quickly with the help of the Body Shaping Pill.

Of course, there is still some relationship between internal strength and external strength. When external strength is innate, it promotes the improvement of internal strength faster.

In addition, he used the immortal energy to cultivate, it was like cheating, it was a hundred times faster, so it made sense.

"Acquired Nine Levels, plus one Dzogchen, it is equivalent to ten steps, and now we have reached the seventh step, even if the speed will drop in the future, it is estimated that we can break through the innate within three months."

Zhang Feng muttered, the out-of-synchronization of external energy and internal energy is destined to force internal energy to catch up and form an internal and external balance.

He is still willing to let his external skills take the lead, so that he can continuously promote his internal skills to improve rapidly, saving a lot of trouble.

"Son, let's have breakfast."

His mother's voice sounded downstairs, Zhang Feng stopped practicing, and went to the yard, where a hot breakfast was already placed on the chair, including buns, pickles, and porridge, simple but healthy.

"Xiaofeng, I discussed it with your elder sister and the others. After two days to clean up, I will go and pick up your niece and nephew. Where is the kindergarten you mentioned last time? I will go and see it with your eldest sister when I have time."

The mother served her son a bowl of porridge and said with a smile.

"It's in this villa area. Someone will take you there to have a look later. School will start soon. Please contact me first. When Tuan Tuan comes over, you can go to school directly."

Zhang Feng nodded, while drinking porridge, he took out his mobile phone to contact Kang Qingxue.

The latter replied quickly, saying that he would come right away.

Zhang Feng smiled, and asked Iijima Yuzu who was wearing a scarf, "Where's Lao Du?"

"I'm here."

Du Wenzhi came in from the door and changed into casual clothes.

"Why, you don't put on the clothes you used to pretend?" Zhang Feng was a little surprised.

"What pretentiousness? I feel like you're being sarcastic. I don't only have that set of clothes. Now that I change into casual clothes, I'm suitable for walking in the secular world. Otherwise, I'll be surrounded by people everywhere I go."

Du Wenzhi hummed.

"Dao Daoist, hurry up and have breakfast." His father was polite to Du Wenzhi, knowing that he was a capable young man.

"Uncle, you're welcome, just treat me as your son's friend."

Du Wenzhi smiled, took a bun and sat beside Zhang Feng, ate a few mouthfuls and said, "Just now I took a look at the feng shui of the entire villa area, it's not simple, I'm afraid there is something here."


Zhang Feng didn't hear it for a while.

"In ancient times, places with good Fengshui were either occupied by living people, or..."

When Du Wenzhi said this, he couldn't say much, but Zhang Feng immediately understood, and said calmly: "What's the matter, our elementary school was built on the mass grave."

"Let me just say, it shouldn't be a big problem."

Du Wenzhi stopped talking about it and went to eat the steamed stuffed bun.

Zhang Feng didn't think much about it, he glanced at the door, ate two steamed buns, drank a bowl of porridge, and the phone rang.

After saying a few words and hanging up, Zhang Feng got up and said, "Kang Qingxue is here, do you want to go and have a look?"

"It's not my style, my goal is fairies, you go."

Du Wenzhi said proudly.

"The fairy you want, I haven't met one so far, so you can continue to fantasize."

Zhang Feng curled his lips and stepped away.

(End of this chapter)

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