I have Wanjie Red Packet Group

Chapter 241 Arranging the Spirit Formation

Chapter 241 Arranging the Spirit Formation
At the door, the young and beautiful Kang Qingxue was waiting, and when she saw Zhang Feng coming out, she smiled: "Mr. Zhang stayed for one night, how do you feel?"

"The problem here has been solved, and naturally sleeps comfortably."

Zhang Feng knew what the other party meant, referring to the problem that this mansion was not suitable for people to live in.

"Excellent, my father has found many so-called masters, but there is nothing he can do."

Kang Qingxue sighed, and realized more and more what her father said, there is an insurmountable gap between people in the secular world and people in the hidden world, and it is difficult to connect and touch.

"Don't talk about this, let's talk about business. I want you to take my eldest sister and the others to see the kindergarten here. If they are satisfied, it will be settled."

Zhang Feng was not interested in talking about this matter, and told the purpose of calling the other party over.

"No problem, you let them come with me."

Kang Qingxue smiled, and didn't care that Zhang Feng didn't want to talk more about that world.

"Well, you come in first, and I will introduce you to each other."

Zhang Feng let Kang Qingxue in, and introduced him to his parents, eldest sister and others.

After the two parties got acquainted, they chatted for a long time, then packed some things and went to see the kindergarten.

He didn't go, but Du Wenzhi ran away with great interest. After talking, he had a look at the future flowers of the motherland.

Zhang Feng stayed, of course, to watch Wang Dong leave, and arrange the formation by the way.

He came to his room, took out a jade plate, looked at it for a while, but still couldn't understand it.

The formation above is much more advanced than the Five Elements Qi Gathering Formation, and the runes are densely packed. With his level, he can't find a clue at all.

"Above the formation is the spiritual formation. This is a formation suitable for the golden core. I am far behind."

Zhang Feng smiled wryly, pressed his hand on the jade plate, injected spiritual power to activate it, and with a click, the jade plate opened and a depression appeared.

This is the place where the spirit stones are stored. According to the size, he put in a bunch of top-quality spirit stones, and the light suddenly brightened.

To be honest, even if the Nascent Soul exists, you may not be able to obtain the ultimate spirit stone. It has exceeded the standard required by this array and is enough for it to perform supernormally.

Zhang Feng closed the location where the spirit stone was stored, and then clicked on one of the locations according to the activation method.

In the sound of vibration, the dense runes on the jade plate suddenly seemed to come alive, jumping up one by one, quickly unfolding, expanding and becoming larger, combined in the combination, and turned into a Taiji diagram.

The Taiji diagram emerged from the jade plate, and quickly expanded and enlarged. Within the coverage of the Taiji diagram, Zhang Feng felt that his vision seemed to be distorted, and his surroundings became a little unreal for a while.

At the same time, Taijitu exuded a powerful aura, which made him feel like he was sinking into the mud, making it difficult to move.
"Excellent, just activated, the power emitted makes me unable to move. If the full power is exerted, it is probably enough to trap the golden core."

Zhang Feng's eyes lit up, his thoughts penetrated into the array, and he continued to control the expansion of its power. The runes continued to unfold and combined into an array, expanding from a room to the entire building, and then to most of the mansions.

After expanding to a radius of ten feet, Zhang Feng stopped. It wasn't that he couldn't continue, but that the mansion was so big that it now covered Qianhu.

"Some are overqualified!"

Seeing that the expansion range is less than one-tenth of its maximum range, Zhang Feng felt that it was a bit wasteful.

"Hide it."

Zhang Feng manipulated the array to change, and the surrounding Tai Chi diagram immediately dimmed and disappeared into the void.

He set it up. As long as there is no fluctuation in cultivation, the formation will not be activated. As for the few subordinates, he only needs to give permission, and they will not be attacked by his own formation.

After doing this, he walked around for a while, but he couldn't detect the formation at all, which shows that its hiding ability is also very good.


Zhang Feng snapped his fingers. With this formation, the safety of his family members is guaranteed to a great extent, so there is basically no need to worry too much.

After all, in China, ordinary people are protected, and the Special Operations Department does not allow people with extraordinary strength to hurt ordinary people, and he is still a member of the Special Operations Department. Parents are actually safer outside than at home.

Now that the home is safe, as long as no one wants to provoke the Special Operations Department, the parents should not have to worry too much.

If there is any problem, he can detect it in advance with his innate gossip skills. It is not so easy to harm his family.

"With the protection of the inverted yin and yang spirit array, you can withdraw now."

Zhang Feng murmured, revealing a smile.

After solving Chen Weisheng's lame problem, the family doesn't need to worry too much for the time being. His money and power are enough to make them live well.

He continued to study the formation, and at the same time recalled the sealing method he learned yesterday, trying to learn the first spell as soon as possible.

He tried to condense the fireball with his hands, but failed many times yesterday, and with the continuous summarization of experience, he quickly got a feeling.

Just when the flames condensed in front of his eyes, making him look excited, there was a sudden commotion outside, and with a puff, the spell failed.

He frowned, jumped out of the window, and walked towards the door.

A group of people were surrounding the door, and the leader looked stern. Seeing Zhang Feng coming over so quickly, he who was about to break in, laughed grinningly: "Boy, it's just in time to come out, come here now and let me deal with you, or you will be smashed!" your home!"

There was resentment in Huang Tingnian's eyes, and his face was still swollen, looking rather funny.

Is he the one who hit you? "

Someone nearby asked indifferently, staring at Zhang Feng unkindly.

"Yes, it's him, boy. I will pay you back twice the humiliation I suffered that day. I will beat you until your mother doesn't know you!"

Facing Huang Tingnian's threat, Zhang Feng's expression was flat. He was just an ordinary rich man, and he wanted to compete with him in strength, purely for fun.

He glanced at the people next to Huang Tingnian. There were about a dozen burly and tall men wearing suits, leather shoes, sunglasses, and muscular bodies all over their bodies, exuding an intimidating aura.

These bodyguards only let him stay for a while, and finally landed on the middle-aged man beside Huang Tingnian.

He has a long yellow mandarin jacket, a dry and thin face, high cheekbones, and monkey cheeks with a sharp mouth. It is the complete opposite of Huang Tingnian, who is extremely fat. This guy is extremely thin.

This is still a bit interesting.

Sensing the aura on this person, Zhang Feng took another look.

Other bodyguards are just muscular, but this one has real strength, not ordinary people.

"It turned out that a cultivator was found here, no wonder he is so confident."

Seeing that Zhang Feng wasn't afraid at all, the latter's eyes turned cold, and he locked on Zhang Feng, and said with an unfriendly expression, "You were the one who beat someone?"

"Do you have a problem with your head or your ears? Didn't you hear what this pig said just now?"

Zhang Feng despises, the pig's head next to him clearly wants to pay back twice, could it be someone else?
This person asked the question knowingly, but it was not so easy to pretend to be coercive.

(End of this chapter)

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