Chapter 250
Zhang Feng's eyes were fixed, and he sighed in his heart. Sure enough, no scheme is perfect. He threw the top-grade spirit stone fragments. Although he diverted the attention of the two families, it also attracted more troubles.

But at this moment, these troubles have become a huge threat because of new things.

"That is to say, there are a lot of ghosts and monsters gathered in Yutian City at this moment, and it is very likely that many people will come to snatch this monster."

Zhang Feng muttered, and at the end, he changed his tone and said, "To be exact, there will definitely be someone to fight for it. I don't believe those devils will be willing to suffer this loss."

100 yuan of spirit stones is not a small amount, even if it is really given in the end, it is impossible for Wu Luoshan to eat comfortably.

"It seems that you have to be careful."

Zhang Feng's heart was slightly solemn. He was not afraid of trouble, but he was afraid of affecting his family.

It's a pity that I originally wanted to get rid of these guys, but the result didn't go as usual.

It was he who underestimated the demon sword and ignored the situation in this world.

Compared with the treasures he can easily obtain, the resources of other cultivators on the earth are very limited, let alone such top treasures.

It seems that we have to pay attention to this aspect in the future.

Zhang Feng was secretly vigilant, he had no experience in this field before, but now that he has, he must be careful.

"Mr. Zhang, don't worry, the people from our special operations department are here now, no matter who they are, they will restrain themselves, but you have to be careful when trading tomorrow."

Zhao Zhenhua assured that he still had this confidence, otherwise what would be the use of the existence of the Special Operations Department.

"Thank you, I'm not afraid of some miscellaneous fish, I'm afraid that my family will be affected."

Zhang Feng nodded and did not refuse. His family only had treasures to guard against Yin spirits, and did not have defense methods against normal practitioners.

"If you want, we can activate the highest level of protection to ensure that Mr. Zhang's family is not threatened, but Mr. Zhang has to become the veteran of the Special Operations Department and do some tasks on a fixed time."

Zhao Zhenhua suggested that he already knew Zhang Feng's true strength, and he also had subordinates like Wu Luoshan, so further absorption is definitely more valuable than other methods of handling.

"To what extent can it be protected?"

Zhang Feng's heart moved. After all, he was short of manpower, and he was definitely willing to exchange his own efforts for the protection of his family.

"You can let anyone understand that once your family is moved, you will be an enemy of the Special Operations Department and will suffer a catastrophe!"

Zhao Zhenhua said in a deep voice, with a trace of coldness: "The Special Operations Department is one of the most powerful supernatural forces on this planet. It is qualified to deter all forces in China, and it is not a disaster for the family. It is the rules of the world. The former is enough to deter people who do anything , the latter is the rule that most people follow, so Mr. Zhang can rest assured."

"A word is settled!"

Zhang Feng's eyes lit up, he was originally the enshrinement of the Operation Department, and he became a veteran by taking advantage of the trend, which was a matter of course.

As for doing tasks, it should be done, there is no free lunch in this world.

"Mr. Zhang is refreshing. I will arrange manpower to protect Mr.'s family in all aspects. However, as a veteran, I still need to go to the headquarters. After this incident, I hope that Mr. can go there."

Zhao Zhenhua smiled. It is the habit of their special operations department to unite all suitable forces. Zhang Feng is already enshrined, so it is more suitable.

"no problem."

Zhang Feng nodded, most of his worries were resolved, he was in a good mood, and said: "Since I have provoked a lot of guys, this time I will use my tricks and clean up some malicious ones, so that Yutian City will become stable."

Originally, he didn't want to make much fanfare, but now that he is further cooperating with the Special Operations Department, he doesn't need to be too low-key. It is more valuable to let others know his strength.

"Mr. Zhang is still careful. There are many guys in the dark, from various schools, and their methods are hard to guard against. They may not be strong, but they are tricky." Zhao Zhenhua pointed out.

"Oh, it seems that I have attracted a lot of ghosts and monsters, tell me about it?"

Zhang Feng was not careless, knowing himself and the enemy is the only way to be victorious in all battles. He knew that not long ago, when he was in the underworld, he still had difficulty facing the siege of ghosts.

"There are both at home and abroad, all major genres, warriors, cultivators, magicians, wizards, evil warriors, poisoners, magicians, supernatural beings, spiritual practitioners, ninjas, swordsmen, beast masters, body refiners ...I guess most of the genres will jump out, after all, Yaoqie itself is a magic weapon, and it is also related to the relics of the Jindan level."

Hearing a series of genres, Zhang Feng was shocked. He never knew that there are so many genres on the earth.

He knew the main schools of Huaxia before, and he had the most contact with the ninjas of Rijima. Now, at this time, is it possible to fight against so many schools?

Why are you a little excited? Could it be because of curiosity?

Seeing Zhang Feng's strange expression, Zhao Zhenhua suggested: "Sir, if you are really in trouble, you can consider giving up Yaoqie."

He still thought that Zhang Feng wanted to take down Yaoqie. After all, with the opponent's strength, he did have the qualifications, but this was bound to cause many secret people to plot and cause constant trouble.

"I know what to do, as long as you take care of my family."

Zhang Feng glanced at the scroll, "It seems that you can't stay at home for the time being, you take this thing and wait for me at the gate of the villa area, I'll come right over."

"Yes, sir."

Wu Luoshan knew that he wanted him to lure the trouble out, so he immediately walked outside after receiving the order.

"I'll save some staff, oh, I don't know what your name is?"

Zhang Feng looked at Zhao Zhenhua, and then remembered that he didn't know his name yet.

"Zhao Zhenhua, the person in charge of the Special Operations Department of Yutian City, happy cooperation."

"Please take care of me in the future."

Zhang Feng said seriously, Yutian City is his hometown, and the other party is in charge of it, so he must pay attention to it.

Zhao Zhenhua smiled, turned around and said, "You all stay here, and those who can hide will be hidden by me. You, third child, go and arrange for people to repair the road and restore the green belt."

The people from the special operations department moved around, swiped a few times, and quickly disappeared, appearing to be well-trained.

Zhang Feng could sense that these people were hiding nearby and protected the villa area.

He showed satisfaction, looked back at Wang Zhuying and the two, pondered for a while and said: "You guys should stay here first, and leave after this matter is settled."

"Thank you."

Wang Zhuying got up and bowed to Zhang Feng very politely.

"It's just that I don't like devils bullying my countrymen."

Zhang Feng curled his lips, looking very indifferent.

Wang Zhuying's smile became stronger, this man is very interesting.

Zhang Feng didn't say much, he took Wang Zhuying and Zhao Zhenhua into the villa, arranged a place to live, and at the same time asked Iijima Yuzu to bring his parents back as soon as possible.

He then walked into his room, closed and took away the formation board that had just been set up, and then he had to face all kinds of ghosts and monsters. This thing seemed to play a big role.

"If you want a baby, you have to be capable, otherwise..."

With a sneer, Zhang Feng walked outside.

(End of this chapter)

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