Chapter 251

He can't stay at home, he has to take the initiative to attack. Only when the hidden enemies are scared, those people will know that from now on, no one in this place can be messed with.

At the gate, the family just came back, with a smile on their faces, obviously very satisfied with the kindergarten.

"Hey, what's going on here, is there construction going on?"

Mother Song Shujuan followed the potholed ground and the destroyed green belt strangely, looking at her son.

"Well, the sewer needs to be repaired."

Zhang Feng was talking nonsense, in fact, these were all caused by fighting.

"These people really don't know how to plan ahead, and they're tinkering everywhere they go."

Song Shujuan complained a little, but didn't think much about it, after all, she could see this scene no matter where she went.

Du Wenzhi followed beside him, noticed something, and looked around with a strange expression.

After Zhang Feng's family walked in, he said, "It seems that there are many guests."

"Some are."

Zhang Feng knew that this guy had sensed people from the secret special operations department, and even some guys with malicious intentions.

"Want to help?"

Du Wenzhi asked, if Zhang Feng could invite so many people to protect him, the enemy must not be easy.

"Forget it this time, you are a Taoist priest who catches spirits, and you are useless."

Zhang Feng shook his head.

"Why do you feel like you're belittling me? Besides, my profession isn't so vulgar, is it?"

Even if he was talking about business, Du Wenzhi felt that this guy was hurting him.

"Most of them are alive this time."

Zhang Feng said seriously.

"Mr. Zhang, I didn't expect you to be friends with the disciples of the Xuanqing Sect. If possible, you can let him follow. This person is good at dealing with some shady methods."

Zhao Zhenhua cupped his fists when he saw Du Wenzhi, obviously he knew him.

"Look, don't underestimate my ability. If you really fight, you may not be able to beat me."

Du Wenzhi said triumphantly.

"If you are not afraid of death, follow along. You will be paid, and you will receive a pension when you die."

Zhang Feng didn't refuse again, but he didn't ask Du Wenzhibai to help, after all, the other party was an outsider.

"My lord, do I need a pension? Don't curse me."

Du Wenzhi rolled up his sleeves, really wanting to beat this guy up.

"Daoist Master Du really has to be careful, there are a lot of troubles this time."

Zhao Zhenhua said seriously.

Seeing that the person in charge of the special operations department was like this, Du Wenzhi's face changed slightly, and he looked at Zhang Feng speechlessly: "Who did you mess with?"

"It's not the security guard, I have no choice but to trouble yourself to find the door."

Zhang Feng shrugged. He thought that there would be no trouble if Wang Dong left, but the trouble came so fast that no one else left yet.

"It's that security guard again. It looks like the goshawk took something from it. I felt it was very dangerous last night."

Just hearing this, Du Wenzhi guessed the root cause as soon as he rolled his eyes.

"We can't blame him entirely. Our sudden arrival should have caused some changes."

Zhang Feng rubbed his chin, thinking about the past few days, whether there is something wrong with Huang Tingnian.

Could it even be related to some early events, such as the coincidence of choosing this villa, or is it just a coincidence?

It shouldn't be that complicated, at most Huang Tingnian has some problems.

Even if someone was plotting secretly, he still had to frighten him this time.

Thinking of this, he glanced at Du Wenzhi: "Do you want to prepare something? You have to leave quickly. I guess the news will spread in a short time."

"No preparations, the guys are all on me, but what news do you mean?"

"Talk while you walk."

Zhang Feng gave Zhao Zhenhua a frustrated look. The latter understood that Zhang Feng told him to favor this side, and nodded in response.

He didn't worry too much, he still had Xiaoyue and Iijima Yuzu staying behind, and there was nothing to endanger his relatives in the secret divination, plus the baby had already gone out, and the family was safer than him.

On the way, Zhang Feng told Du Wenzhi about the situation while walking towards the outside of the villa area at a leisurely pace.

Du Wenzhi was speechless and understood why Zhao Zhenhua said there was a lot of trouble.

A magic weapon, as well as the possible existence of the relics of the golden core, once the news spreads, all ghosts and snakes will be moved.

The moment they stepped out of the gate of the villa area, Zhang Feng felt something. At this moment, there were no less than ten malicious eyes looking at the surrounding dark places.

"It's only been a while, is there any fish?"

There was a cold expression on the corner of Zhang Feng's mouth, it really is a treasure that touches people's hearts, and there is an innate late-stage existence, but it can't deter these guys with ulterior motives.

It seemed that the hidden world was much more chaotic than what he had seen before, and it was not as peaceful as ordinary people saw.

He knew that behind a stable life, there were people who were carrying heavy burdens and protecting ordinary people with their lives in secret. If one became a member of the hidden world, this protection would naturally disappear.

Even if he is an enshrinement of the Special Operations Department, he has to face more troubles from the hidden family, such as this time.

Zhang Feng was not afraid, but showed excitement, just like a child, curious about all new things that he has never seen before.

This time, it might allow him to fully appreciate the secrets under the light of this world, and see various schools and methods.


Wu Luoshan was standing beside the flower bed not far from the door, holding a scroll in his hand, as if he was not afraid of being seen.

He just stood like this, and no one around him dared to approach him, and his faint aura was enough to make most people afraid.

Of course, the guys in the dark are waiting for others to make the first bird, and then reap the benefits. After all, there are people who help to test, why do it yourself?
But as long as there is a chance, no one will be lenient.

"Go to Xishan you said."

Zhang Feng said indifferently, he found that more and more secret eyes were falling on him, and they also regarded him as a target, including Du Wenzhi next to him.

"It doesn't seem that easy for you to blackmail the Tokugawa family's spirit stones. Tomorrow is 12 o'clock, and there is still more than a day left. Such a long time will probably attract a lot of moths."

Du Wenzhi looked around solemnly, and there was trouble at the beginning, and there would only be more to come.

"It's better this way, the more fish there are, the easier it is to catch them all in one go."

Zhang Feng said lightly, the family's problems were basically solved, and he could make Yutian City more stable by dealing with these miscellaneous fish.

He glanced at the gate of the villa area, and his heart settled down. The deterrent force of the Special Operations Department was indeed powerful. At least no one dared to look at the entire villa area unscrupulously.

"You are really not afraid of big things."

Du Wenzhi shook his head. This guy dared to offend Wuchang when he was in the underworld. It is normal to deal with the guy in the real world now.

"Blind silence will only make people ignore me. They have to be afraid, otherwise they will act freely here in the future, won't they?"

Zhang Feng was full of murderous intent, and those devils dared to approach his villa. If he hadn't shown his strength, he would have been more unscrupulous. He asked Wu Luoshan to teach him a lesson, but the other party didn't want to give 100 Yuan Lingshi to provoke trouble in secret .

And the guy who was secretly staring at them at the moment.

This is already a bit too much, this is his territory after all, he must see a little blood, to scare some Xiao Xiao to do it!
(End of this chapter)

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