The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 101 Bloody Battle at Zhaowang Valley

Chapter 101 Bloody Battle at Zhaowang Valley

"Damn it! Did this guy open a cheat!"

"Make it up, make it up!"

"Back away first, let the meat shield go!" The current Dragon Tooth gang is in a mess, Zi Lingyi gritted her teeth, and rushed in front of a Han Xin, stabbing straight with a sword, Han Xin responded well, and used a long spear Blocked it, but Zi Lingyi slashed with his sword again, turned around, and knocked down Han Xin in front of him and Arthur on the right.

"Successful!" Behind him, a Zhao Yun rushed up with a spear in his hand and stabbed straight. Zi Lingyi turned around and stared at him, facing him sideways. Zhao Yun was stunned for a moment, Zi Lingyi's eyes were very sharp, It was as cold as a blade, but although Zhao Yun was in a daze, he was still walking forward.

"Bring in the wine!" Zi Lingyi shouted, just as she finished speaking, Zi Lingyi used it on her back, turning into a white sword shadow and piercing through her back, which was in front of Zhao Yun's right, Gai Nie who wanted to sneak attack.

After Gai Nie was penetrated, causing damage, Zi Lingyi raised his foot, kicked up, and hit Zhao Yun fiercely. The two collided together, but Zi Lingyi didn't stop at all. His right side, There was another fight.


"Destroy him!" A Zhang Liao and a bull demon rushed up, Zi Lingyi turned around, and saw the bull demon use the second skill "Rampant and Domineering" to rush over, Zi Lingyi kicked his feet, leaped high, and flew into the air. Opening his body to dodge, the bull demon rushed over his head, immediately gave up his skills, stopped, and when he was about to brake suddenly, he slammed into Zhao Yun and Gai Nie, and the three of them stacked on top of each other.

After Zi Lingyi landed, Zhang Liao held the halberd tightly and stabbed straight. Zi Lingyi held the sword in both hands and blocked it vertically. The collision of the two weapons sparked a burst of sparks. They are all doing their best.

"Ahhhhh!" Zhang Liao roared angrily, released a skill "Fearless Halberd", and suppressed Zi Lingyi with a halberd with all his strength, causing a burst of blue light, but when he was about to completely overwhelm Zi Lingyi, Zi Lingyi Released "Pull the wine in" and penetrated through Zhang Liao, Zhang Liao's skill was cut to nothing.

"What!" Zhang Liao exclaimed in surprise, but before he could turn around, Zi Lingyi turned around first, slashed obliquely with his sword, and then stabbed straight with a "Ting" sound, brushing out the chivalrous line, Zi Lingyi raised his hand, A palm hit Zhang Liao's back, Zhang Liao lost his steps and fell beside the Bull Demon.

Zi Lingyi drank the wine casually, used Yinjianghu, then rushed up, shouting: "Qinglian Sword Song!"

As soon as the words fell, Zi Lingyi turned into five white sword shadows, and slashed at Zhang Liao and the three people beside him. After the attack, the five white sword shadows rushed aside and merged, turning back into Zi Lingyi, and Zhang Liao and the others, the red spirit crystals all over their bodies were shattered, and they fell to the ground one by one.

"You killed the player Longya - Fearless, reward experience 20, gold coins 10."

"You killed the player Dragon Tooth - Great King, reward experience 20, gold coins 10."

"You killed the player Longya-boy, you will be rewarded with 20 experience and 10 gold coins." Except for the Bull Demon just now, Zhao Yun, Gai Nie, and Zhang Liao, all three of them were killed by Zi Lingyi's "Qinglian Sword Song" .

There are light balls on the ground one by one. These light balls can be picked up. These are the items that Zi Lingyi killed these Dragon Tooth Gang members. Zi Lingyi picked them up while fighting, but because of too much It's intense, so not many can be picked up.

In the Miracle Light version, as long as players are killed in the world, they will drop gold coins, experience, and diamonds, and may even drop skins or weapons, as well as some non-binding props.

Zi Lingyi gritted his teeth. Under the crazy attack of the enemy, Zi Lingyi resisted with all his strength. He rushed forward, slashed horizontally with his sword, knocked away a member of the Dragon Tooth Gang, and then pointed at the member of the Dragon Tooth Gang on the left, A straight thrust of the sword knocked him into the air, and then Zi Lingyi was hit by two long spears behind Zi Lingyi, sparking two red spirit crystal shards.

Zi Lingyi rolled and fell to the ground for a while, but just got up on one knee, and rushed up with two people, still stabbing straight with his sword, Zi Lingyi released the skill of "Style of Magic" on the spot, trapping them in the formation, and the people who came in from outside Also slowed down, Zi Lingyi seized the opportunity, slashed and slashed, after brushing out "Xia Ke Xing", it was Qinglian Sword Song again.

"Ahhh!" With screams, five people were blown away by Zi Lingyi's "Qinglian Sword Song", and two of them were killed. However, Zi Lingyi had just released Qinglian Sword Song and gasped. After a few breaths, there was another skill attack behind him, knocking Zilingyi into the air, just as Zilingyi was knocked into the air, he gritted his teeth, turned around in the air, released "Jiangjiujin" to fly, and unexpectedly returned to the original place.

It was a Xiang Yu who hit, and Xiang Yu was shocked to see that Zi Lingyi used his skills to come back, but Zi Lingyi released the wine again and rushed behind him. After causing damage, Zi Lingyi struck up with two swords, and Xiang Yu also Knock over.

Zi Lingyi has the Blade of Weeping Blood, which can recover a little HP for normal attack damage and some skill damage, otherwise Zi Lingyi would not be able to hold on for a long time. However, although it has the bloodthirsty effect, the blood volume of Zi Lingyi The value is still dropping little by little.

One hour passed, and Zi Lingyi was still in the midst of the bloody battle. Standing on the cliff, Longya-Joint, his face was extremely pale, he gritted his teeth angrily, and watched with his hands crossed. More than 3000 of his own surrounded Zi Lingyi. He attacked, but with so many people, it took an hour and he still hadn't taken it down. Not only that, he had already killed more than 60 people on his side.

Dragon Tooth-The Juggernaut couldn't take it anymore, opened the interface of the crystal bracelet, entered the gang channel, and sent a voice message to everyone: "Shooters, attack me, don't worry about attacking your own people, below, please avoid me .”

The people in the gang, when they heard that the gang leader actually ordered the shooter troops to attack, they backed away in fright. Zi Lingyi was also a little surprised to see them retreat. Although they were killed a lot, they still had the upper hand. Why? To return.

There must be something wrong, Zi Lingyi looked around, and found that on the cliff where Longya-Master is located, one by one professional marksman heroes, all set up their long-range weapons, facing Zi Lingyi, a burst of output, Zi Lingyi was surprised , they were originally going to cover it with a firepower net.

Zi Lingyi didn't care so much anymore, released the wine twice in a row, and directly grabbed a retreating person. This person was actually a Bodhidharma. He grabbed his arm, turned around, and turned him to face the cliff. In an instant, Bodhidharma's whole body was covered by the firepower from the cliff. Although the damage of the team's injuries was halved, Bodhidharma died within 5 seconds. Bye.

Zilingyi grabbed Bodhidharma's body and charged towards the cliff. Longya-Zhuzhu became anxious and waved his hand to signal for more firepower, but the shooters were all out, Zilingyi still held Bodhidharma's body, and Bodhidharma's The corpse became a shield.

Zi Lingyi used Bodhidharma's body to rush to the mouth of the cliff, then left Bodhidharma who was covered in bows, arrows and bullet holes aside, and rushed up the cliff. The Dragon Tooth Gang troops below were frightened, this guy really rushed coming.

Zi Lingyi immediately fought with more than 10 people from the Yamashita army, but Zi Lingyi slashed, brushed out "Xia Ke Xing" and then released the skill "Qinglian Sword Song". Immediately, five people were killed, Zi Lingyi seized the opportunity, Rush up the cliff and directly attack the shooter unit.

On the cliff in the distance, the members of Tiewumen watching the battle were stunned. What is this guy's background and why is he so powerful? Tiewu-Zhanfei also watched in shock. This kind of thing, but, such a powerful character, why haven't I heard of it before, but Tiewu-Zhan Fei knows that Zi Lingyi is just a rookie who has played Glory of Kings for about a month.

 There are too many characters in the hero information. In Genesis, my computer still can’t load it. I can only change the URL. In a post on Baidu Tieba, the URL:

(End of this chapter)

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