The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 102 Bloody Battle at Zhaowang Valley

Chapter 102 Bloody Battle at Zhaowang Valley

Zi Lingyi rushed up the mountain and did not encounter any enemies on the way. He seized the opportunity, opened the crystal bracelet, and looked at the inventory and equipment. Suddenly, Zi Lingyi saw a piece of equipment, which was definitely not his own. It should be I just beat so many people, the equipment that exploded.
Zi Lingyi put on the equipment, and then rushed up, and saw a group of shooters rushing forward, about ten people, they were all Hou Yi, Sun Shangxiang, Huang Zhong, etc., all set up their guns A long-range weapon fired at Zi Lingyi.

On the way of dodging left and right, Zi Lingyi also used "Join the Wine" to rush in. When Zi Lingyi rushed up, he lost half of his current blood, but Zi Lingyi had already rushed in front of them.

"I'll go!" Hou Yi exclaimed in front of him, and Zi Lingyi held the Feng Yu sword and slashed at him at close range, brushing out the knight line, and releasing the Qinglian sword song again, after a burst of sword light and sword shadow, Five white sword shadows rushed into the formation, turning back into Zi Lingyi, and around, a total of 13 shooters fell to the ground, all of them were killed.

"You killed the player Dragon Tooth-Moon Wheel, the reward experience is 20, and the gold coin is 10."

"You killed the player Longya-Starry Sky, reward experience 20, gold coins 10."

"You killed the player Dragon Tooth - Boiling, reward experience 20, gold coins 10."

There are 13 messages like this in Zi Lingyi's red spirit crystal bracelet. There will be no voice for this kind of news that is not too urgent. The shooters slashed at close range. These shooters are not in the competitive mode. Once they are close, they are basically finished.

Soon, Zi Lingyi dealt with the 21 shooters and continued to kill up the mountain. However, just a few steps up the mountain, a group of Longya gang members rushed up the mountain. All of them are assassins, they use their skills to rush up.

The one at the front was Han Xin. He raised his spear and stabbed at him. Zi Lingyi turned around and kicked him in the face with a roundabout kick. He kicked him over and fell off the cliff. He was killed directly, and the killing message appeared: "You killed the player Longya-big brother, reward experience 20, gold coins 10."

Then there was a Zhao Yun and a Guo Ziyi, they charged forward with weapons in hand, and launched an attack. Zi Lingyi drank the wine from the Lie Yu Gourd, and after using the skill "Drinking Rivers and Lakes", rushed up to fight with them for 3 seconds After that, both of them lost half of their health. Zi Lingyi's 1.5 times damage bonus, plus pure output equipment, is no joke.

The people behind also rushed up, and other assassins also surrounded Zi Lingyi. Instead of panicking, Zi Lingyi was very calm. When they rushed forward, he released the "magic pen" to escape, and the assassins were immediately unable to move. , Zi Lingyi made another fighting posture and shouted: "Qinglian Sword Song!"

As soon as the voice fell, Zi Lingyi attacked with five white sword shadows again. After drinking Jianghu for 5 seconds, the next skill damage will be a critical hit. Therefore, several assassins who were slowed down by the "magic pen" and just now The people who rushed up were all hit by the critical "Qinglian Sword Song", without the armor-piercing assistance of "Cup Mo Ting", but they also killed a full 15 people.

"You killed the player Longya-Xijun, you will be rewarded with 20 experience points and 10 gold coins."

There were 15 posts of this kind of news, and the bodies of 15 members of the Dragon Tooth Gang rolled down, stopping the first few people at once. Zi Lingyi seized the opportunity, turned around and ran to the mountain, however, what was waiting for him on the mountain, Another shooter unit.

A group of archers set up their shooting weapons. This time there were more than 50 people, and Longya-Joint stood at the back. This time, instead of being angry, he looked at him with a sneer.

No matter what state of mind or expression he had, Zi Lingyi directly raised the Fengyu Sword, ready to charge up, but just as he rushed up, suddenly, two members of the Longya Gang rushed out from the grass on the left and right, and hugged Zi Lingyi. Ling Yi, Zi Lingyi was taken aback and couldn't move for a moment.

The two people hugging him, one is Mozi and the other is Donghuang Taiyi. These two heroes, in the glory of the king, are the originators of accusing people. God's contract, Zi Lingyi couldn't move for a moment, unable to make any evasive actions at all.

This is Long Ya - Juggernaut's backhand. Seeing that Zi Lingyi was restrained, he immediately shouted: "Get rid of him now!"

"Yes!" The members of the Dragon Tooth Gang's shooter unit roared in unison. As soon as the words fell, countless bows, arrows, shells, and bullets all hit Zi Lingyi. After a burst of shattering, Zi Lingyi's red spirit crystal exploded, his eyes widened, and the Feng Yu sword dropped from his hand and fell to the ground
In the world mode, there are team injuries. Mozi and Donghuang Taiyi who tightly restricted Zi Lingyi at close range were also killed in the firepower, and they fell to the ground. However, Zi Lingyi stood where he was, standing upright, But in the end, also fell down
Longya-Zhuzhu laughed ferociously, looked at Zi Lingyi who was lying on the ground, and laughed wildly: "Hahaha, ahahaha, Ziling flowers are blooming! You are awesome! Ah? You Hit again? Ah? Hahahaha, uhhahaha!"

After finishing speaking, Longya-Zhuzhu walked towards Zilingyi. The hero he used was Xiahoudun. He took Xiahoudun's big knife, walked up to Zilingyi, pointed the knife at Zilingyi, and said: "You Think this is the end? I'm going to tear you to pieces!"

However, among the shooting troops, a few of them had sharp eyes and quickly discovered the problem. One scratched his scalp and said, "It's strange, the purple bell flower was killed, why didn't it explode?"

Just when Longya Master-Zai raised his knife and was about to slash it, suddenly, Zi Lingyi opened his eyes. Longya-Master was startled, and almost didn't cry out. Zi Lingyi stretched out his hand and grabbed it with his right hand. With the Phoenix Feather Sword, he took out the Fiery Feather Gourd with his left hand, stood up holding the Phoenix Feather Sword, and slashed obliquely with the sword, hitting Longya-Junzhu's chest, sparking a burst of red spirit crystal shards, hitting Longya-Junzhu back two steps.

The shooting troops were taken aback. How did this guy survive? However, seeing their boss being beaten, these guys didn't dare to attack. Why, there are too many shooters. , Dragon Tooth-Master was also killed.

Zi Lingyi slashed at Longya-Judgment while drinking the Fiery Feather Gourd, used the skill "Drinking Rivers and Lakes", and then sprinkled it on the sword, and slashed at Longya-Junzhur at close range. The wine also hit him, and Dragon Tooth-Master was hit by the Mostop skill of the cup, and his armor was gone.

Longya-The ruler gritted his teeth. He knew that when "Drinking Rivers and Lakes" was over for 5 seconds, Zi Lingyi would finish with a "Qinglian Sword Song". How could Zi Lingyi let him go, and used "Join the wine" twice in a row to rush in, and came to Longya - the Juggernaut.

"What!" Longya-Master exclaimed. Just as he was about to continue running, Zilingyi released the skill "Stroke of Magic" on the spot, and the speed of Longya-Master was greatly reduced. Hold the sword in place, make a fighting posture and shout: "Qinglian Sword Song!"

As soon as the words fell, Zi Lingyi turned into five white sword shadows, and slashed at Longya-Master, all the damage was a critical strike, and Longya-Master had no armor, so he couldn't stop it at all. -The Juggernaut was blown up, fell to the ground, and died completely.

"You killed the player Longya-Master, you will be rewarded with 20 experience points and 10 gold coins." After Zi Lingyi killed Longya-Master, he stood in place holding the Phoenix Feather Sword. The strong wind blew Zi Lingyi's robe and hair.

Zi Lingyi didn't say much, he slowly raised his head and looked at the Longya Gang's shooting troops. All the Longya Gang's shooting troops set up their weapons and aimed at Zi Lingyi. In an instant, they launched another attack. Shoot, spread fire.

After a burst of firepower, Zi Lingyi was pierced again. This time, there were no red spirit crystal fragments, but Zi Lingyi was directly killed. Zi Lingyi was completely powerless in the game, and finally fell to the ground. This time, Zi Lingyi Yi is really hung up.

"You have been killed by player Longya-Xuanmo, deduct 2000 experience, deduct 300 diamonds, deduct 500 gold coins" This is the news of being killed by Zi Lingyi, persisted for 1 hour and 21 minutes, and killed a full 118 people , but in the end, Zi Lingyi was killed by the Dragon Tooth Gang.
 There are too many characters in the hero information. In Genesis, my computer still can’t load it. I can only change the URL. In a post on Baidu Tieba, the URL:

(End of this chapter)

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