The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 134 The Great Disaster in Suzaku Town

Chapter 134 The Great Disaster in Suzaku Town

Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue had no choice but to buy a ticket to Fengyun Ancient City, and then Zheng Xuanxue distributed a name shielding card to Zi Lingyi, and the two hid their names again in Zhuque Town.

Zi Lingyi was sitting on the seat of the open-air tea shop, drinking tea. On the surface, he looked fine, but in his heart, he was extremely nervous and fearful. The military strength of Suzaku Town Pingshan Commander was at least [-], that is to say, , Tens of thousands of undead troops are about to come to Suzaku Town.

About an hour later, outside Suzaku town
"Ehhhhhh" a group of corpse puppets slowly came over, the players outside the formation looked at a bunch of people, one of them pointed at the corpse puppets to the player next to him, and said curiously: "I said , are they cosplaying?"

"I don't know, but this zombie really looks like a new skin?" Another player shrugged and asked. However, when those zombies saw a player outside the city, they all opened their mouths wide. Waving his claws, he rushed straight at those players, and suddenly fell into a commotion.

"What are you doing! Hey, hey, don't come here!"

"Uh, he bit me, why does it hurt so much, uh!"

"Damn, there are so many people, brothers, what the hell!"

Immediately, the players at the entrance of the town fought with the corpse puppet army, and some NPCs from Suzaku Town also participated in the battle. .
The two were drinking tea while the other players started talking.

"Have you heard, now outside the town, a group of zombies are coming!"

"What do you mean by hearing? I just escaped from outside the city. It was so dangerous. At that time, a zombie jumped at me. Fortunately, I dodged fast, and the attack was hit by him, just like in the movie." The players around They were all talking about things at the entrance of the town, and Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue also heard them.

Hearing this, Ziling clenched her fists tightly. In just an hour, the corpse puppet army arrived. Their marching speed was really fast. The players and NPCs at the entrance of the town didn't know how long they could resist them.

At this time, an NPC policeman covered his shoulders and ran to the street in a panic. Zi Lingyi, Zheng Xuanxue, and other players looked at him. This policeman was standing in the middle of the street, panting, his shoulder was injured. Yes, the blood ran down the arm and fell from the fingers.

After panting for a few breaths, the catcher raised his head and shouted to the players: "Everyone in Zhuque Town! Everyone evacuate quickly! There are a lot of corpse puppets at the entrance of the town, and we can't stand it any longer. !"

"Corpse! Isn't it a zombie?"

"I said, it won't really be the same as the movie, you will be infected if you are bitten or scratched."

"Look at the shoulder of this policeman. He seems to be hurt."

A group of players started to discuss, and some players had already seen the wound on the catcher's shoulder, but suddenly, the catcher widened his eyes, covered his head, lost his steps in pain, and screamed in grief: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh , ah ah ah!"

The policeman threw himself on a player's chest, and the player panicked: "Wow! Mr. policeman, are you okay!?"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" the policeman suddenly threw the player down and bit him. Said: "Ah, don't! Don't want to!!"

"Pull the arrester away quickly! Quick!" Some players reacted quickly and immediately went to help him. At this time, the entrance of the town had been breached, and a group of corpse puppets poured in. Their number was expanded again, 20 Wan Dajun.

Seeing so many corpse puppets, Zi Lingyi immediately stood up, took Zheng Xuanxue's hand, turned to look at Zheng Xuanxue, and hurriedly said: "I can't hold on here anymore, let's go!"

"Well, let's go!" Zheng Xuanxue didn't say much, and beckoned, the two began to run into the town, and the corpse puppet army killed the street just now, some players also chose to run, and some players started to fight against the corpse puppet army. Fighting, but they are outnumbered and can't be stopped at all.

In an instant, the entire Suzaku Town fell into a panic. There were corpse puppets everywhere. They bit and grabbed everyone they saw. They were really like zombies. Suzaku Town became the second raccoon city. (PS: In the "Resident Evil" series of games, Raccoon City is a city infected by zombies, which also appears in movies)
A Zhuge Liang and a Monkey King ran on the street in a panic, but suddenly, a few corpse puppets sprang out from the side alley and threw Zhuge Liang down. puppet's face, but another corpse puppet crawled over and bit Zhuge Liang's arm.

"Ugh! Help me!" Zhuge Liang asked Sun Wukong for help in pain. Sun Wukong hesitated for a while, looked at Zhuge Liang's bitten arm, and said, "Brother, you have been bitten, go away!"

After finishing speaking, Monkey King turned around and ran away. However, he couldn't run away. A corpse puppet behind him grabbed his calf. Monkey King was startled. He didn't hesitate, no matter what, he turned around and hit him with a stick It hit the corpse puppet hard on the head, and the corpse puppet remained motionless.

Sun Wukong breathed a sigh of relief. When he thought he had been beaten to death, the corpse puppet suddenly raised his head and bit on Sun Wukong's calf.

On the other side, in a private house bought by a player, two people hid inside and closed the door. A group of corpse puppets were beating outside. The two tried their best to hold the door to prevent the corpse puppets from breaking through, but in the end, there were too many corpse puppets, and the door Forced to crush, the two fell to the ground. Before they could react, they were surrounded and bitten by corpse puppets, and their screams came from the room.

But at this moment, Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue were running on the street, surrounded by corpse puppets, Zi Lingyi turned to look at Zheng Xuanxue, and hurriedly asked while running: "The weakness of the corpse puppets I told you, remember Yet?"

"Well, remember, how much time is left before the departure?"

"There are still 10 minutes, let's go back to the station, let's go!" Zi Lingyi looked at the time on the interface of the crystal bracelet, and then the two immediately rushed to the side street and returned to the hearse station.

Right in front were around nine corpse puppets, Zi Lingyi gritted her teeth, pulled out the Fengyu sword, rushed forward and stabbed straight with the sword, hit a corpse puppets in the chest, broke the energy crystal in his body, and then Pulling out the Phoenix Feather Sword, he turned around and slashed diagonally with the sword, hitting the shoulder of another corpse puppet, and crushing an energy crystal.

Zheng Xuanxue also pulled out the Ziqing sword, slashed horizontally, and hit the thigh of a corpse puppet, then turned around, struck the abdomen of another corpse puppet from bottom to top, smashing two energy crystals in a row .

The two attacked the other corpse puppets, because the corpse puppets moved slowly, and Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue knew the weakness of the corpse puppets, so they killed all nine corpse puppets and returned to the hearse station.

The current hearse station is overcrowded, all of them are players, there are some NPC police outside, and there are also players who volunteered to resist. They are all fighting fiercely with the corpse puppets, giving players time and opportunity to escape from Suzaku Town.

(End of this chapter)

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