The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 135 Escape from Suzaku Town

Chapter 135 Escape from Suzaku Town

"Quick, quick! The corpse puppets are here!"

"Use a shooter-type hero to pin down from a distance!"

"You can't let anyone in, anyone is at risk of being infected right now."

At the entrance of the hearse station at this moment, a group of NPCs and players are fighting bloody corpses to buy time for the arrival of the suspended hearse. Now, no one is allowed to enter the hearse station, because now anyone is at risk of being infected, and they cannot Put a risk in there.

Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue rushed to everyone from an alley on the side, followed by a group of corpse puppets. Huang Zhong and Marco Polo next to them spotted Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue, and immediately turned to attack, shouting: "Hit!"

As soon as the words were finished, shells and bullets hit the two of them. Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue were taken aback. Zi Lingyi immediately dodged to the left, and Zheng Xuanxue also turned to the right to dodge.

"I'll go, what are you doing!"

"No one can be put into the hearse station, hit!" Huang Zhong roared angrily, and then continued to fire, Zi Lingyi also gritted his teeth angrily, and shouted: "Okay! You have the guts, you forced me!"

As soon as the words were finished, Zi Lingyi jumped on one foot and rushed straight up, Zheng Xuanxue followed closely behind, Huang Zhong and Marco Polo continued to fire at them, Houyi and Sun Shangxiang who were beside them also rushed over to help, and the four guns fired together.

Zi Lingyi continued to dodge the charge from left to right, and after getting closer, without hesitation, Zi Lingyi released "Jiang Jiu Jin" to rush into their formation. The "pen of magic" restrained them.

After the painting formation was over, Zi Lingyi slashed at them, and the four of them struggled to resist with their weapons. Zheng Xuanxue also arrived and released Hongyue Slash, hitting everyone. Jin" flew aside, Zheng Xuanxue immediately seized the opportunity: "New Moon Assault!"

As soon as the words fell, Zheng Xuanxue rushed up, and a burst of purple energy flow was driven in front of her. With a "bang", all four of them were knocked into the air. !"

Immediately, Zi Lingyi turned into five white sword shadows, and slashed at the four people in the air. All four of them were shooters, and they were not fleshy at all. The "Qinglian Sword Song" big move, they couldn't hold it at all, and they were all instantly killed.

"If you kill a player, you need to use your teeth. You will be rewarded with 20 experience points and 10 gold coins."

"You killed the player Longya - Reverse Current, reward experience 20, gold coins 10."

"You killed the player Nikola, the reward experience is 20, and the gold coin is 10."

"You killed the player to destroy the storm machine, the reward experience is 20, and the gold coin is 10."

Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue killed all four shooters, and immediately rushed into the hearse station, and their fallen corpses were being eaten by corpse puppets. This direction was broken, and the other guards in front were surprised, that someone forcibly entered Hearse station.

They panicked and managed to control the situation, but they couldn't last long. The people inside the hearse station also changed heroes to help, but they were outnumbered. Now, there are at least 2000 million corpse puppets outside.

Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue ran into the hearse station, and saw that it was already overcrowded with people crowded everywhere. Everyone seemed very panicked and wanted to run off the assembly line, but they found that they were actually in a fighting state.

The same is true for Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue. The two of them opened the detailed situation before and found that as long as there is a war caused by corpse puppets, unless they have a distance of more than 2000 and leave the battle for 10 minutes, or do not fight more than one corpse puppets Hours, otherwise, it is impossible to go offline at all.

Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue were waiting for the flight, but they didn't just sit idle. Both of them were changing heroes. In this situation, heroes like Li Bai and Luna are not suitable for dealing with corpse puppets, so Zi Lingyi switched Became Fan Haixin, who is close but far away, and Zheng Xuanxue was replaced by Jing Ke, who she is best at.

After a while, the flight to Fengyun Ancient City arrived. Many people rushed over regardless of how many people there were, but they were all blocked and unable to get on the train. Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue finally squeezed onto the train with great effort.

Panting, Zi Lingyi attached her hands to the wall, covered her abdomen, walked to the seat and sat down, Zheng Xuanxue was also sitting opposite him, Zi Lingyi panted, shook her head and said: "No! No, too Tired, oh my god."

"Huhu Xiaoyi, look!" Zheng Xuanxue also took a breath, pointing out the window and said, Zi Lingyi looked out the window and found that there was a corpse puppet on the platform of the station!They are attacking other players.

"I'm going! What's the situation!"

"The corpse puppet came in!"

"Driver! Drive fast! Fast!

The players at the hearse station panicked, and the reason why the corpse puppet appeared in the hearse station was because the defense outside had reached its limit, and one or two corpse puppets were missed to come in. Infected players mixed into the station, and finally mutated in the station, so that the current situation appeared.

The pilot of Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue's flight was also terrified. He didn't care if there were other players on the car, and immediately launched the suspension hearse. After leaving the hearse station, he arrived at the scene outside Suzaku Town and headed for Fengyun Ancient City.

"Finally come out." Zi Lingyi let out a long breath and put her head on the seat. Zheng Xuanxue also closed her eyes, feeling a lot more relaxed: "Now there are no corpse puppets, and we haven't entered into battle with them either. Posture, you should be able to go offline now."

"Well, hurry up and log off, I really don't want to play any more today." Zi Lingyi immediately straightened up and said, after finishing speaking, Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue opened the interface of the crystal bracelet, and when they were about to log off, they found that they still had In the fighting posture with the corpse puppet, he did not log off the assembly line.

how is this possible!The levitating hearse has left Suzaku Town, and the distance has been at least 3500, and the two of them have never fought the corpse puppet, so... there is only one possibility. There is a corpse puppet on the levitating hearse!

"Ugh!" Just when Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue thought of this possibility, suddenly, there was a scream from the rear compartment, Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue came to their senses, and were shocked, they knew that this was the player's The screams, and such screams at this time, do you need to think about it?
"There is an infected person on the hearse!"

"Hurry up! Quickly!"

"Ahh! He bit me, ah! It hurts!" A group of players made a noise again, and they immediately attacked the corpse puppets in the back compartment, but the place is too narrow, and it is difficult for close-range players not to be attacked by them , So, slowly, the strength of the corpse puppets began to expand again.

(End of this chapter)

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