Chapter 136

"Give way! I'll help!" Zi Lingyi gritted her teeth and squeezed into the panicked crowd. All these blocked the entrance. Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue couldn't break through at all. Block the corpse puppet.

However, in front, a Mozi slashed obliquely and hit a corpse puppet on the shoulder. The corpse puppet charged up against his blade and bit his shoulder, breaking through his spirit armor. Mozi immediately His eyes widened, and he looked up to the sky in pain and screamed: "Ahhhhhhh!"

"Retreat! Retreat!"

"No! There are people in the back, there is no way to retreat, uhhh!" The front also fell into a panic, and the players blocking the entrance saw that the front couldn't hold on any longer, and retreated one after another. Zi Lingyi grabbed the gap and rushed over. Raise the Demon Hunting Crossbow.

"Ah, ah, ah," a group of corpse puppets slowly walked towards Zi Lingyi, Zi Lingyi held a crossbow gun, shot back, and a burst of energy crossbow bolts hit them, killing the two corpse puppets in front, but Behind, there are still a large number of corpse puppets, constantly walking towards Zi Lingyi.

Zheng Xuanxue also squeezed over, Zi Lingyi gritted her teeth, turned her head and yelled at Zheng Xuanxue: "Xiaoxue! I can't keep it! Break open the window! Jump out of the car!"

"Okay!" Zheng Xuanxue replied immediately, and then directed at the window on the right, continuously releasing the two skills "Arc Light" and "Shunhua". The magic crossbow gun pulled out the silver and iron holy sword, rushed up and turned around, the epee slashed horizontally, and smashed the window with one sword.

The corpse puppet behind "errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrup" followed, Zi Lingyi put away the silver and iron holy sword, took Zheng Xuanxue's hand, rushed to the window frame, then jumped down, roaring: "Jump!"

As soon as the words were finished, Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue jumped out of the suspended hearse and landed on a nearby lawn. Zi Lingyi hugged Zheng Xuanxue, and the two of them rolled over and fell straight down: "Ah, ah!"

Zi Lingyi gritted his teeth. He felt that he had bumped into a lot of rocks, and it hurt a little. Finally, Zi Lingyi hugged Zheng Xuanxue and bumped into a boulder below. Zi Lingyi's back hit it completely. Only then stopped.

"Wow, my God, it hurts." Zi Lingyi frowned, gritted her teeth and said, then let go of Zheng Xuanxue, Zheng Xuanxue also sat up immediately, looked at Zi Lingyi, and said with concern: "How is it?" Xiao Yi, are you okay?"

"It's okay, even if something really happened, it's just a game." Zi Lingyi waved her hand and said, Zheng Xuanxue breathed a long sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "That's right, I can finally rest this time."

After finishing speaking, Zheng Xuanxue turned around and lay down on the lawn, and Zi Lingyi was also lying next to Zheng Xuanxue. It was already night, and the weather and time of Glory of Kings were also based on reality, so now, the sky in the game is also night.

The two looked at the sky. The stars in the game are beautiful, which cannot be seen in reality, and there are no roars of corpse puppets and noise from players around. It is very quiet and relaxing.

However, because it was too quiet, Zi Lingyi also calmed down, and immediately frowned, Zheng Xuanxue noticed Zi Lingyi's expression, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"What time is it?" Zi Lingyi asked back.

"Well, it's 8:17 p.m., what's wrong?" Zheng Xuanxue looked at the time displayed on the crystal bracelet and asked, Zi Lingyi smiled awkwardly, looked at Zheng Xuanxue and said, "Eh, we'll be playing the game this afternoon. It hasn't stopped until now, I'm hungry."

"If you say that, I'm a bit hungry." Zheng Xuanxue sat up, shrugged and said, Zi Lingyi also sat up: "Then why don't we go offline and go eat something together."

"Okay, anyway, there must be no food in the cafeteria right now, let's go out to eat together." Zheng Xuanxue suggested, Zi Lingyi nodded, and said, "Well, I'll wait for you downstairs in your dormitory."

"En." Zheng Xuanxue nodded, and then the two went offline together. Now the corpse puppet is still on the floating hearse, the floating hearse has already driven away, Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue are not in the fighting posture, and the two can finally go offline.

After going offline, Zi Lingyi immediately took off his gaming glasses, picked up his mobile phone, got up and went outside, and He Zhifeng and the others had already returned to the dormitory. Shouted: "Hey Xiaoyi! What are you doing?"

"Eat dinner." Zi Lingyi said bluntly, and then went out to the downstairs of the girls' dormitory. After a while, Zheng Xuanxue also came downstairs. After the two greeted each other, they walked slowly outside the school .

Baiyun University allows students to go out in the middle of the night, so Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue left the school smoothly. When they reached the street outside, Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue walked slowly while discussing what to have for dinner. Alright, let's go eat dumplings together, there is one not far from the school.

This is a noodle restaurant. Although it is near the school, the place is quite big, the decoration is not bad, and the cleaning work is also in place. Now that the meal has passed, there are many vacant seats. Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue found a place to sit down. , and then the two ordered a dumpling each.

Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue started chatting, and after a while, the dumplings were brought over. Zi Lingyi picked up the dumplings with chopsticks, blew on them, dipped in vinegar, and said, "Tell me, this time the corpse When will this catastrophe end?"

"I don't know about this, but I know two things." Zheng Xuanxue shrugged and said, then picked up a piece of dumpling and dipped it in vinegar and ate it. Zi Lingyi also ate the dumpling after hearing the words, chewed for a while, and said : "Those two points."

After Zheng Xuanxue swallowed the food, she began to explain: "First, in order to improve the player's playability, the official of Glory of Kings has never interfered with the large-scale activities of the players, even this time the corpse disaster, so we can In other words, unless the corpse puppets are all wiped out, no one knows when this disaster will end."

"Then what about the second one?" Zi Lingyi had an ominous premonition.

"Secondly, you should know it yourself. I can only tell you this way. Avoid the limelight recently. You have become a star." Zheng Xuanxue smiled helplessly. Zi Lingyi was speechless when she heard the words. I also thought about the second point: "Okay, I understand, I will go to the official website and forum."

"That's right, alas. This time you caused a disaster, and everyone in Suzaku Town will not let you go." Zheng Xuanxue shook her head and said.

The reason why both Zilingyi and Zheng Xuanxue said this is very simple. Every time, as long as there is a situational mission that changes the situation in the game, the game video of that situational mission will be posted on the official website. After Zheng Xuanxue completed the task of "Legend of Van Helsing", she unlocked the Guangming Church and church activities, and their customs clearance video was played on the official website.

This time, Zi Lingyi single-handed the task of "Ghost Doctor Bian Que", which led to a large number of corpse puppets, and bloodbathed the Dragon Tooth Gang and Suzaku Town. I will bring this matter to the official website and forums, and let the officials give an explanation.

Of course, the official will give an explanation. The explanation is to put Zi Lingyi's passing video on the official website. Players will see that Zi Lingyi caused all this. Will he let him go?So, this is the second point Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue said.

(End of this chapter)

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