The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 159 The city campus e-sports league starts!

Chapter 159 The city campus e-sports league starts!
"What's going on here? Why is there an extra main city?"

"I received the mission, five-star, my God, what's going on?"

"I received it too. It seems that everyone has received it. Did someone download the scene dungeon again?"

In an instant, the official website and forum of Glory of Kings exploded again. This time the official website responded within 10 minutes. They said that the copies of vampire missions made by players in the game have exceeded 3 million, reaching the end of the mission. In the final link, therefore, there will be many trigger point tasks, and the dungeon that Zi Lingyi and the others downloaded is the trigger point task, which triggers the national task of the Eternal Night City dungeon.

The official website put the mission video on the homepage. After watching it, all the players realized that it was the purple bell flower that caused the trouble again. But this time, all the players thanked him, because many players even had scenario dungeons, even two stars or more. I have never done any of the missions before. This time, the five-star national mission was directly exploded, and the level is still situational, so the reward must be extremely high.

Zi Lingyi and the others also learned the news, and they are now looking at the official website through the crystal bracelet. All three of them are participants in the Haitian City Campus E-sports League, so the start of this mission has been postponed to November 11th, which is after the competition ends.

In order to avoid players expressing dissatisfaction, the official also added content. The content is that during these times, players can take the opportunity to upgrade their weapons, collect skins and inscriptions, and find good teammates to team up with, because this is a national task, and it is too difficult. Big, almost a vampire in the main city.

The players didn't make a fuss when they saw this explanation, but Zi Lingyi turned off the interface, looked at the crowd, shrugged, and smiled helplessly: "Well, it seems that I made another fuss event."

"Well, but this time, it's a good thing." Zheng Xuanxue smiled slightly, and Tiewu Zhanfei also closed the interface, stepped forward and said seriously: "Okay, the task is over, I should withdraw, I have to go back to the helm now, arrange manpower, and attack the City of Eternal Night in half a month.

"Well, I also have to contact the contact person. As long as I kill that Dracula, the reward will definitely explode, and it will be distributed at that time." Hu Liao rubbed his hands excitedly, and Zi Lingyi stood aside with his hands on his hips, Speechless, he smiled and said, "I said, it wasn't necessarily killed by you, why are you so excited so early?"

"Ah, never mind, today is almost the end, I'm going offline first, bye." Hu waved his hand, then opened the interface, and started to exit the game. Tiewu-Zhanfei immediately went down the mountain and rode back to the city of miracles , only Zi Lingyi, Zheng Xuanxue, and Xia Mo were left on the mountain.

Xia Mo turned to look at Zheng Xuanxue, his tone was lukewarm, but his eyes were serious and he said: "Junior Sister, it's getting late, I should go offline too, you should rest earlier."

"Yes, I see." Zheng Xuanxue nodded and said, then Xia Mo opened the bracelet interface, exited the game and went offline.

After Xia Mo went offline, only Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue were left on the cliff. At this time, the breeze blew and the moonlight was bright. Zheng Xuanxue's hero had already changed back to Luna when she went up the mountain. Blowing gently, Zi Lingyi's white hair was also blown to the front.

"Mmm, that..." Zi Lingyi didn't know what to say, Zheng Xuanxue raised her head and looked at Zi Lingyi, and Zi Lingyi scratched her face, and said with an embarrassed smile: "That... I should go offline too, good night."

"Well, good night." Zheng Xuanxue also smiled, and afterward, Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue also went offline.

Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue also went offline, and the days after that were normal. In Glory of the King, the major armies, legions, and individual players were discussing one after another, raising weapon skins one after another, and preparing to attack the City of Eternal Night. .

A week later, at 2 p.m., Qingshan University, Haitian City.
Zi Lingyi, He Zhifeng and others walked into Qingshan University slowly, looking around, the surrounding greenery is very good, and the students are also in high spirits, they all raised their hands high, calling for their favorite team.

"Come on, Qingshan team, Qingshan team will win!"

"Qin Sheng! Qin Sheng!"

Many students from Qingshan University were calling for their school's team, but Zi Lingyi actually heard someone calling Xia Mo, and he shook his head with a smile. Sure enough, when Xia Mo participated in the competition, the popularity of Baiyun University suddenly increased. Bring it up.

Zi Lingyi and the others walked to the gymnasium of Qingshan University. Many school teams had already arrived. Zi Lingyi and the others also found the UC. Baiyun team, but Zheng Xuanxue and Xia Mo hadn't arrived yet.

The reason why so many teams from schools compete in Qingshan University is very simple, because the champion team of the last Glory of Kings competition is the team from Qingshan University, and the competition will be held in the school where the champion team is located.

Zi Lingyi and others arrived at the registration office, ranked their team, and then got a schedule. Zi Lingyi and others went to the bench beside him. He Zhifeng took the schedule, Xu Zijie and Liu Mengyang sat together Go over to watch, while Zi Lingyi and Chen Xiaokang stand behind and watch.

There are a total of 8 schools participating in the competition, with a total of 16 participating teams. The schedule is that opponents will be randomly selected. There will be one competition today and two competitions every day. The day after tomorrow will be the final and one competition.

"The process of the game is quite fast." He Zhifeng looked at the game process and said, while Zi Lingyi stood behind and folded his arms and said: "The official website gives enough time, it will end tomorrow, and it will be delayed until 11 month." (PS: Zi Lingyi refers to the opening time of the City of Eternal Night mission)
"What are you looking at?" Suddenly, a sweet voice came, and Zi Lingyi, He Zhifeng and the others turned their heads to look, and were startled. It was Zheng Xuanxue, standing aside with her hands behind her.

"I'm going, it's scary!"

"Goddess Ruoxue! When did you come?" Liu Mengyang and Xu Zijie exclaimed, while Zheng Xuanxue scratched her hair and said with a smile, "You just came here, who is your opponent in the first match?"

"Here, let me take a look." Saying that, He Zhifeng picked up the schedule and looked at his opponent. The opponent was Huayang University's team called Huaxia Sunshine. Listening to the name, he felt that they were very patriotic.

After a while, the match was about to start, and all the teams entered the stadium of Qingshan University one after another. The auditorium of the stadium was already full of people, and Zheng Xuanxue entered the match venue with Zi Lingyi and the others.

Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue looked around and found that Xia Mo had already arrived, and was with the UC. Baiyun team. Before they found her, Zheng Xuanxue waved to Zi Lingyi and the others, and said softly: "I'll go back first Come on, you guys come on."

"Well, you too." Zi Lingyi smiled and said.

"Goddess Ruoxue, come on." Liu Mengyang also clenched his fists in support, and after speaking, Zheng Xuanxue returned to her team.

And this competition, there is still a sponsor behind it, it is Zi Lingyi's uncle, Chen Hua of the Chen Group, after he learned that Zi Lingyi's team has advanced to the city-level competition, he immediately sponsored the Qingshan University competition, Fully equipped, live broadcast is also in place.

The hostess stood on the commentary stand, holding a microphone, and shouted emotionally to the players and audience in the audience: "Next, the 13th Baiyun City King of Glory project, the campus e-sports league, officially begins!"

(End of this chapter)

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