The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 160 Against China Sunshine Team

Chapter 160 Against China Sunshine Team

Everyone was in high spirits, and the audience shouted with all their might. Zi Lingyi and the others immediately entered the competition room, sat down, put on the game glasses, connected to the competition channel, officially entered the competition room, and then began to load the competition data. , to begin hero adjustments.

Blue Fang-VT. Dream Team: Ziling Blossoms Qiu Xiaoyi-Fan Haixin (Assassin/Shooter), Luohua Zhiyufeng-Ma Chao (Warrior), Promise No. 3-Huang Zhong (Shooter), Mengyang Fighting the World-Arthur (Tank/Warrior), Invincible Little Chen - Sima Yi (Mage).

Red Fang-China Sunshine Team: Extreme Tianya-Guo Ziyi (Assassin/Assist), Yanlong 0917-Daji (Mage), Reverse Time and Space-Marco Polo (Shooter), T-8 Agent-Sun Ce (Tank/Warrior), UZS08-Han Xin (Assassin/Warrior).

Zi Lingyi did not use Li Bai in this round, but used Fan Helsing, mainly because Fan Helsing's strategic significance is high, and he can switch between assassin mode and shooter mode at will, which can effectively disrupt the enemy's rhythm.

The two sides started the game on the first map, which was still Kings Canyon. As soon as the game started, everyone began to move in standard positions. Chen Xiaokang went to the middle road, Xu Zijie and Liu Mengyang went to the bottom road, He Zhifeng went to the top road, and Zi Lingyi, He actually went to the jungle area, but he didn't play the jungle area. He actually went from the upper jungle area to the opponent's lower jungle area. He was going to fight against the red.

On the road, there was only Marco Polo alone. He was more confident that he would be on the lane alone, and Mozi, who was supposed to help him, went to the bottom road to help Guo Ziyi. The value is lost very quickly.

At this moment, Zi Lingyi was hiding in the grass not far away, secretly watching Marco Polo's jungle situation. When the blood volume of the Red Crystal Demon dropped to almost the same level, Zi Lingyi smiled at the corner of his mouth, swung his sword, and charged Get out of the grass and go straight to Marco Polo.

Marco Polo, who was holding red, heard the movement, turned his head to look, and was startled, and Zi Lingyi released the "Eternal Sword" skill to charge, and rushed in front of Marco Polo, stabbing straight with the sword, directly repelling Marco Polo At the side, Zi Lingyi held the sword in both hands, turned around and slashed at the red crystal demon with a sword, directly hitting the red crystal demon's chest, causing a burst of red crystals to shatter, the red crystal demon was killed, and Zi Lingyi gained a bonus Effect.

"No, it's all turning red!" Marco Polo exclaimed, and Zi Lingyi turned to look at Marco Polo, holding the silver and iron holy sword tightly, raised it, pointed at Marco Polo and shouted: "Sorry, actually, I think I've been fighting with you for a long time!"

"What?!" Marco Polo said speechlessly, and Zi Lingyi swung his sword and rushed forward, and directly slashed with his sword. Marco Polo dodged to the left, but Zi Lingyi took advantage of the opportunity to slash to the right and hit the target. From Marco Polo's waist, a shard of red spirit crystal was stirred up.

Marco Polo was beaten and turned around. After he adjusted his posture, he immediately gritted his teeth, raised his guns, and shot back. Zi Lingyi dodged left and right. In a rage, Marco Polo released the "Gorgeous Revolver" skill , a burst of shooting retreated, and the attack power increased greatly.

Zi Lingyi kicked her left foot, leaped to the right and dodged it, and then released the "Sword of Eternity" to charge again, stabbing straight with the sword, hitting Marco Polo's chest, and then released a fragment of the Red Spirit Crystal.

"Ah!" Marco Polo screamed. He had already lost his health when he fought against the Red Crystal Demon before, and now he was hit by Zi Lingyi one after another, and his blood was already left. He originally wanted to call for support, but Zi Lingyi turned around, jumped up with one foot, and slashed diagonally with his sword in the air. Marco Polo raised his two spears and blocked it with difficulty.

"Ah, ah!" Marco Polo gritted his teeth, trying to push Zi Lingyi back, but Marco Polo was inferior to Zi Lingyi in terms of strength and weight of the weapon, and Zi Lingyi smiled at the corner of his mouth, and raised the Eternal Sword, Marco Polo just opened his two guns, but when he realized that it was Zi Lingyi who retracted it by himself, he was shocked.

After Zi Lingyi took back the Eternal Sword, she stabbed straight with the sword and hit Marco Polo's chest straight, causing Marco Polo to take a few steps back. Marco Polo stopped with all his strength, then pointed at the crystal bracelet and shouted with all his strength: "I can't hold on here anymore, be careful Van Helsing!"

As soon as Marco Polo finished speaking, Zi Lingyi rushed up, and slashed straight up with a sword from the bottom up, cutting from the abdomen to Marco Polo's chest, knocking Marco Polo into the air, and Marco Polo's eyes widened. The red spirit crystal shattered, and Zi Lingyi's level was also raised to level 2. A kill message appeared in the sky: "First kill! The blue team Fan Haixin killed the red team Marco Polo!"

After Zi Lingyi killed Marco Polo, he was about to leave the opponent's red zone. As he walked, he opened the small map and looked, and found that Chen Xiaokang and Daji had actually engaged in a melee battle. attack each other.

Marco Polo was still waiting for his resurrection, and Zi Lingyi couldn't help thinking of a sinister plan. He smiled sinisterly, and through the crystal bracelet, he said to everyone: "Everyone gather in the middle, hurry up."

"Do you have any plans?" He Zhifeng who was on the road asked just after clearing out the soldiers.

"Of course, hurry up." Zi Lingyi said excitedly, then put down the crystal bracelet, held the silver iron holy sword, and went straight to the middle road, rushed to the back of the middle road, and saw Chen Xiaokang who was fighting Daji.

Chen Xiaokang is confronting Daji, and the blood volume of both sides has dropped by half. It can be said that the outcome is uncertain. Zi Lingyi made a fighting posture and rushed straight at Daji from the back. Daji's crystal bracelet issued an alarm, which shows that There were other enemies around, Daji was startled, and immediately looked around, there were no enemies around, then, there was only one possibility, behind her!

"Ah!" Daji exclaimed, and immediately turned around, only to see Zi Lingyi unleashing the "Sword of Eternity" and rushing forward, stabbing straight with the sword, hitting Daji's chest, Daji retreated after being beaten, Chen Xiaokang reacted quickly, Thinking that the opportunity came, he immediately released the "Ghost King's Flame" to rush up and hit Daji, and Zi Lingyi also used the "Holy Sword Breaking the Sky" to attack Daji.

Zilingyi slashed up with a sword from bottom to top, and the skill effect directly knocked Daji into the air, then Zilingyi kicked her feet, released the second-stage skill to jump up, and then slashed down with the sword from top to bottom, and then sent Daji fell to the ground, and then Chen Xiaokang used the "seeking power and usurping the throne" skill to pull Daji down in front of him, and hit him with a palm of ghost fire, hitting the abdomen of the blow, killing Daji.

"Sima Yi from the blue side killed Daji from the red side!"

After Chen Xiaokang killed Daji, other people from the upper and lower roads arrived, and Zi Lingyi also stood in front of the formation, with a smile on his lips, pointing at the red defense tower not far away with the silver iron holy sword, and shouted: "Hurry up!" Yes, forcefully push in the middle!"

With that said, Zi Lingyi and the others immediately rushed to the defense tower in the middle under the cover of the soldiers, and the five of them attacked the tower for a while, and the soldiers were also outputting. This is already the second wave of soldiers, and there are more , there were five of them, plus Zi Lingyi and the others pushed hard, and the first defensive tower in the middle of the red square was directly pushed down.

 There are too many characters in the hero information. In Genesis, my computer still can’t load it. I can only change the URL. In a post on Baidu Tieba, the URL:

(End of this chapter)

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