The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 162 Against China Sunshine Team

Chapter 162 Against China Sunshine Team

The two sides rested for 10 minutes, and then started the second game. When it came to the world scene map, Zi Lingyi switched to Marco Polo, and Xu Zijie switched to Li Chunfeng. The opponent's lineup also changed. Yi, after the break, the two sides began to compete.

Blue Fang-VT. Dream Team: Ziling Blossoms Qiu Xiaoyi-Marco Polo (Archer), Luohua Zhiyufeng-Ma Chao (Warrior), Promise No. 3-Li Chunfeng (Mage/Warrior), Mengyang Fighting the World-Arthur ( Tank/Warrior), the invincible little Chen - Sima Yi (Mage).

Red Fang-China Sunshine Team: Extreme Tianya-Guo Ziyi (Assassin/Assist), Yanlong 0917-Daji (Mage), Reverse Time and Space-Houyi (Shooter), Agent T-8-Mozi (Tank/Mage), UZS08 - Han Xin (Assassin/Warrior).

The two sides entered the game map. The map is the outskirts of Fengyun Ancient City. This is a desert, and the surrounding area is very open. There are no buildings or plants, only the sun and wind and sand. Both sides are under the sand slope.

"This is Fengyun Ancient City?" Zi Lingyi looked around and asked excitedly.

"Well, the ancient city of Fengyun is a main city in the desert, and the main city is set up on the largest oasis in the desert." He Zhifeng waved his hand and Zi Lingyi nodded when he heard the words, saying: " Well, I know, I just never came."

Two minutes later, the energy barrier was lifted, and the two sides attacked. Unexpectedly, after turning over the sandy slope in front, the two sides met directly. The distance was only more than 2 meters, so the two sides directly fought a close-range bloody battle.

He Zhifeng slashed horizontally with a spear, and Mo Zi blocked it with a blade, then widened his eyes, and directly pushed He Zhifeng away, He Zhifeng was pushed back a few steps, and Mozi used the "Mechanical Heavy Cannon" skill to bombard He Zhifeng, He Zhifeng Surprised, he swooped to the left and got out of the way.

Daji released her idol charm, Chen Xiaokang was hit on one knee and fell into a dizzy state, Daji immediately stepped forward, released "Queen Worship" and was ready for seconds. Light Shield" resists the damage.

He Zhifeng rushed up to get close, and hit Mo Zi's chest with a slanted spear, sparking a red spirit crystal, which made Mo Zi retreat a certain distance. When He Zhifeng rushed forward and was about to continue attacking, Mo Zi used "peace" Walking" shifted, dodged to the right, then raised his hand, and when he released the attack, He Zhifeng immediately turned around, rolled forward on the ground, dodged Mozi's cannon, and rolled, and came to Mozi in front of.

Mozi was taken aback, and looked down at He Zhifeng. Unexpectedly, He Zhifeng immediately stepped on one foot, rushed up and released "Iron Rider Po" and stabbed straight, hit Mozi's abdomen, and then released a crystal fragment.

Mozi was beaten back again, He Zhifeng rushed up, and stabbed straight again, Mozi seized the opportunity, released the skill of "Conformity", and an energy barrier appeared around, He Zhifeng was startled, Zhan Jin's broken spear was thrown out of his hand, and was stuck in the In the energy barrier of "consistent with the rules".

Mo Zi was taken aback, he could dodge this way, and Zi Lingyi on the sandy slope in the distance, holding a sniper rifle, fired at Mo Zi in "Stand by the Rules", and immediately a burst of bullets came out, Mo Zi was speechless immediately, It was too late to untie it, so the news of the kill came from the sky: "First kill! The blue team Marco Polo killed the red team Mozi!"

On the other side, Liu Mengyang unfolded the "Shield of Holy Light" and moved forward. Chen Xiaokang and Xu Zijie released their skills to attack.

Guo Ziyi held a long sword in his hand to resist, and hit Liu Mengyang's chest with a sword, causing Liu Mengyang to take a few steps back. Zi Lingyi aimed at Guo Ziyi, charged the trigger and pulled the trigger. After releasing it, there was a "boom", and the stored energy was released. The bullet shot out and hit Guo Ziyi's chest directly, sparking a burst of sparks and crystal fragments. This is Marco Polo's scene skill, boiling sniper.

Guo Ziyi was an assassin, and after being hit by Zi Lingyi just now, her blood volume was greatly reduced. Liu Mengyang seized the opportunity and released the two skills of "Contract Shield" and "Whirling Strike", rushing forward to attack, although it was a tank, But it was enough to get rid of Guo Ziyi who was still in blood.

"Blue Fang Arthur kills Red Fang Guo Ziyi!"

"The red Fang Daji killed the blue Fang Li Chunfeng!"

"Sima Yi from the blue side killed Daji from the red side!"

"Second combo! The blue team Sima Yi kills the red team Han Xin!"

"Blue team Marco Polo kills red team Houyi!"

"The red square group is destroyed!"

What just happened?It turned out that after Zi Lingyi helped Liu Mengyang get rid of Guo Ziyi, he immediately turned to shooting. Daji got rid of Xu Zijie with a wave of skills, but then they were attacked by Zi Lingyi's powerful long-range sniper. The opponent's blood volume decreased. Unexpectedly, Chen Xiaokang went up with a "ghost reaching the sky", killed two of them in one move, and eliminated Daji and Han Xin. Afterwards, Zi Lingyi cooperated with Chen Xiaokang to eliminate Houyi.

"Victory!" Team VT.Dream won, directly defeating Team Huaxia Sunshine 2:0. The audience applauded and shouted. Zheng Xuanxue was also happy that Team VT.Dream could win.

Team VT. Dream was the second team to end the match. The first was Team UC. Baiyun. Xia Mo was too strong, especially in the second round. The audience was stunned when the dough was destroyed.

It's nothing, after the glory of the king enters the Miracle Light version, the real master, in the game, exists like a cheat, not to mention Xia Mo's 1V5, before in Zhaowang Valley, Zi Lingyi was not alone Killed more than 3000 members of the Dragon Tooth Gang, and finally killed more than 100 of them.

The two sides took off their gaming glasses, shook hands, and left the field one after another. Zi Lingyi and the others left the gymnasium and walked on the road to Qingshan University, happily discussing the game just now.

"Did you see the double kill I just did? Kill two with one move!" Chen Xiaokang clenched his fists excitedly.

"You were the one who disabled you first, right?" Xu Zijie said with his hands on his hips pouting, and Zi Lingyi who was beside him also nodded in agreement, and said, "Yeah, I have my part too."

Zi Lingyi and the others discussed as they walked, just after they walked out of the gate of Qingshan University, a man in a suit walked up to Zi Lingyi and the others, wearing glasses, he looked very kind.

"Everyone, hello, excuse me." The man said politely with a smile on his face, Zi Lingyi turned to look at him, and when he saw this man, he almost cried out in fright, and lost his voice: "Wang Guan. "

"What does the king care about?" He Zhifeng looked at Zi Lingyi suspiciously. Zi Lingyi was a little panicked. He tried to calm himself down as much as possible, and then said: "It's nothing. By the way, why are you here? Shouldn't you be here?" Is it at my uncle's?"

Zi Lingyi felt that talking too much would lead to loss, so she tried to change the subject as much as possible, and started chatting directly with the man in the suit. The man in the suit nodded and said, "It's the sir who asked me to come to you, please follow me."

After finishing speaking, the man in the suit walked to a black car on the side of the street and opened the door for Zi Lingyi.

(End of this chapter)

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