Chapter 163
After Zi Lingyi got into the car, she opened the car window, and said hello to He Zhifeng and the others, telling them to go back first, the man in the suit drove the car and left Qingshan University. What's the situation?
At this moment, Zi Lingyi, sitting in the back seat, crossed his arms, looked at the man in the suit on the driver's seat, shook his head, and said with a long breath, "Hu Wang Butler? Shouldn't you be with Uncle Chen?" ? Why are you looking for me?"

"It was the chairman who asked me to find you." Steward Wang drove the driveway.

"Uncle Chen? He's looking for me?"

"Well, I'll take you to find him now." After finishing speaking, Steward Wang continued to drive, Zi Lingyi also leaned on the back seat, put his hands on the back of his head, slowly closed his eyes, and began to think, Think about why Uncle Chen is looking for him suddenly.

15 minutes later, Yole Undersea Restaurant
Chen Hua was sitting at the dining table, and there was no customer around, only two waiters standing at the bar. Outside the glass were blue sea water and swimming fish, which was very beautiful, and Chen Hua was holding a glass of red wine , swaying in front of his sight.

When Chen Hua put down the red wine, Zi Lingyi walked in from the door, he looked around, and when Zi Lingyi saw Chen Hua, he walked over, bowed with a smile, and said, "Uncle Chen."

"Well, Xiao Yi, long time no see, you look thinner than last time, sit down." Chen Hua waved his hand to the seat in front of him, the waiter came over quickly, helped Zi Lingyi pull out the chair, Zi Lingyi is not unaccustomed to it, because he was also raised by others when he was a child.

Zi Lingyi sat in front of Chen Hua, straightforwardly, and asked cheerfully: "Uncle Chen, what's the matter with you looking for me this time?"

"Well, there is indeed something."

"What is it?" Zi Lingyi looked at Chen Hua intently and asked, and Chen Hua took a sip of the red wine first, then put down the red wine glass, and said, "Since I authorized you the VT name, I went to learn more about the glory of the king. This game, discovering his version of Miracle Light, has an average online user of 2 million and registered users of 3 million, and this number is still soaring.”

"Well, I didn't expect this game to be so influential." Zi Lingyi nodded.

"Yes, you should also know that back then, my VT series team was the champion of all shooting game projects, but with the decline of those games, the team was forced to disband. Now, seeing the charm of the game Glory of Kings, I I also want to step into the e-sports circle again." Chen Hua said seriously.

"Uncle Chen means that you want to build a professional team in the Glory of Kings e-sports circle." Zi Lingyi said in disbelief, and Chen Hua nodded when he heard that, and folded his arms in a serious way: "Yes , this game is currently too popular in the world, if it can make a name for itself in it, then the company's income will still be considerable."

"Then Uncle Chen, you are amazing. In the e-sports circle, no one can compare with you." Zi Lingyi gave a thumbs up. What he said was the truth. The VT team back then was an invincible team. As long as they participated in the competition, Not to mention champions, their series of teams, if they are lucky, they will win the championship, second and third places, even if they are unlucky, they will be at least a champion.

"Cough cough." Chen Hua coughed twice, cleared his throat, then looked at Zi Lingyi, and said intently: "Xiao Yi, I asked you to come this time to ask you, if I let you play professional , are you coming?"

"What! Let me be a professional?" Zi Lingyi lost his voice in surprise. He never expected that Uncle Chen would invite him. Chen Hua looked at Zi Lingyi, folded his arms, and said with a smile: "I already understand After that, your game ID is Zilinghuakaiqiu Xiaoyi, and you have played several high-difficulty dungeons in a row. In addition, last time, when you resisted in the outskirts of the game, you killed more than 100 opponents with one as a thousand. "

"Uncle Chen, you know too much detail." Zi Lingyi sighed and said speechlessly, while Chen Hua put his hands on the table, looked at Zi Lingyi seriously, and said, "Xiao Yi, just answer me, yes I have no idea of ​​playing professionally, or rather, do you want to play?"

"." Zi Lingyi lowered his head, closed his eyes and became silent. He was mainly thinking and hesitating whether he wanted to play professionally or not, and whether he had the strength to play professionally.

Chen Hua's son, Chen Mengtian, is an agent of the Tang family, but before he became an agent, he was the champion of a professional team. Zi Lingyi heard him talk about the excitement and excitement when he stood in the professional arena and competed with the masters. Blood is irreplaceable.

Thinking of this, Zi Lingyi slowly opened his eyes, looked at Chen Hua, and decided: "Uncle Chen, Brother Mengtian, was also a professional player before. I want to experience the excitement and passion he mentioned. Experience, but my it really okay?"

"Isn't there someone named Xia Mo in your school?" Chen Hua said.

"What?" Zi Lingyi didn't react immediately.

"Didn't he also participate in your match? It's very simple. I will also watch the match between you and their team. If you can make him play with all his strength, and even beat their team, then it proves that , You have the strength to enter the professional circle." Chen Hua smiled and said, Zi Lingyi was very shocked when he heard the words, but after calming down, he also smiled and said: "Uncle Chen, you already know him?"

"Well, as I said, I have already learned about it. He is one of the four heroes of the Jianghu, the four most powerful people in China's Glory of Kings, and he is one of them." Chen Hua waved his hands.

"Well, Uncle Chen, I have fought against him twice before, but... I lost both times, but this third time, I will definitely try my best to win." Zi Lingyi clenched his fists, A path full of fighting spirit.

"Well, very good. At your age, it's a good thing to be a little bloody. Is there anything you want to eat? This restaurant is opened by me. Order casually." As Chen Hua picked up the menu, Zi Lingyi heard the words, and suddenly I am speechless, this underwater restaurant is opened by Uncle Chen.
But that's right, who is Uncle Chen? Chen Hua, the chairman of the Chen Group, is one of the most financially powerful consortiums in China. How could he go to someone else's restaurant when he asked someone to meet him?

Zi Lingyi didn't order food, and after chatting with Chen Hua for a few words, she left the underwater restaurant, and steward Wang drove Zi Lingyi back.

In the car, Zi Lingyi sat on the back seat with her arms crossed, her eyes closed and she was thinking, Xia Mo, this opponent is really too strong, but I want to enter the gaming circle, I want to be Uncle Chen For the professional players under the banner, the first step is to defeat this opponent.

(End of this chapter)

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