The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 171 I want to report this Li Bai!

Chapter 171 I want to report this Li Bai!

After Zi Lingyi took out the Fiery Feather Gourd, he drank the wine in the gourd, released the skill of "Drinking Rivers and Lakes", then sprinkled the wine on the sword, put the Fiery Feather Gourd back, and prepared to release the "Cup Mo Stop" skill.

Mozi gritted his teeth, waved his blade, and roared angrily, "Go!"

As soon as the words fell, Mo Zi released the "Mechanical Heavy Cannon" to attack, and Zhuang Zhou also released the "Butterfly Transformation" attack. Zi Lingyi dodged with the "Miraculous Brush" on the spot, and then Zhuang Zhou and Mo Zi rushed over. Ling Yi turned around and threw out the wine on the sword. The wine turned into a hidden weapon needle, hitting Mo Zi and Zhuang Zhou who were rushing from the front and back. smash.

Mo Zi and Zhuang Zhou couldn't control that much anymore. Mo Zi released the "Aurora Blade" skill, exuding a shining blade, and stabbed straight at Zi Lingyi. Zi Lingyi kicked his right foot and jumped to the left Get out of the way, Zhuang Zhou immediately released the "Butterfly Shadow" skill, Zi Lingyi turned around and rushed towards Zhuang Zhou, slashing and slashing, splitting all the metamorphic butterflies accurately, and then rushed forward with a kick of one foot prick.

With a sound of "bang", Zi Lingyi hit Zhuang Zhou's whale with a sword, and a shard of red spirit crystal was stirred up, but the whale was a bit big, so it didn't retreat from being hit. Zi Lingyi then slashed diagonally with his sword again , and then opened a red spirit crystal fragment.

"Accept the move!" Mo Zi roared, and as soon as the words fell, he stabbed straight with the blade. Zi Lingyi kicked his left foot, jumped to the right and dodged, and then jumped back, retreating behind Mo Zi. Zi Lingyi was taken aback, but Zi Lingyi slashed straight with his sword and hit Mozi on the back, and then released a shard of red spirit crystal, then turned around and slashed horizontally with his sword, another shard of red spirit crystal hit Mozi. He lost his step and came directly in front of Zhuang Zhou.

Mo Zi gritted his teeth, just turned around, and saw Zi Lingyi made a fighting posture, then swung his sword and shouted: "Qinglian Sword Song!"

As soon as the words fell, Zi Lingyi turned into five white sword shadows, slashing at Zhuang Zhou and Mozi, and in an instant, there were white sword lights, and Zi Lingyi's "drinking rivers and lakes" had passed for 5 seconds , so the damage of "Qinglian Sword Song" is all critical strikes, plus the armor-piercing effect of "Cup Moting", the two tanks' meat outfits are completely useless.

After Zhao Yun came back to life, he rushed over quickly, and when he was about to come to help, he saw Zi Lingyi standing in front, and gusts of wind blew up Zi Lingyi's long white hair, blue ribbon, and the long robe behind him, The phoenix feather sword shone with reflection, and on the ground lay the corpses of Mozi and Zhuang Zhou.

"Li Bai on the red side kills Mozi on the blue side!"

"Second combo! Red Fang Li Bai kills blue Fang Zhuang Zhou!"

Zi Lingyi killed Mo Zi and Zhuang Zhou in one go. Zhao Yun was terrified when he saw it, and turned around and ran away. How could Zi Lingyi let him go and chased him directly, and even chased Lan Fang in one go At the resurrection point on the blue side, he slashed at Zhao Yun at the resurrection point on the blue side, and it was the armor-breaking effect of "Cup Don't Stop", and then a Qinglian sword song went up, and Zhao Yun also exploded.

"The red side Li Bai kills the blue side Zhao Yun!"

"Blue Fang Di Renjie kills Red Fang Arthur!"

"The red side Huang Zhong killed the blue side Wang Zhaojun!"

There was a sound of killing news in the sky. Just now, under the cover of Wang Zhaojun, Yang Lei successfully pushed Arthur away, but Wang Zhaojun was also killed by Huang Zhong's "heavy fort". Zi Lingyi didn't care too much. The news of this kill, because now, Zi Lingyi and the others have a huge advantage.

Yang Lei rushed into the range of the "heavy fort", kicked off with one foot, fired a cannon in the air, and fired energy cannons at Xu Zijie. After continuously dodging Xu Zijie's bombardment, Yang Lei released the "Dynasty Secret Order" skill to hit Xu Zijie. Xu Zijie became dizzy after being hit.

Yang Lei thought that the opportunity had come, but suddenly, Chen Xiaokang rushed over and unleashed the skill of "Super Ghost", a huge black flame blocked Yang Lei's path, forcing Yang Lei to retreat.

After Yang Lei retreated, Xu Zijie's stun effect ended, and there was another burst of shelling. Chen Xiaokang was also outputting spells non-stop. Yang Lei had no choice but to jump backwards, and then continued to flash left and right, exiting the attack range of the "heavy fort" , After exiting, Yang Lei clutched his abdomen tiredly and gasped for breath, but he still recovered, and two killing news came from the sky.

"The red square Li Bai kills the blue square Zhuang Zhou!"

"Second combo! Li Bai on the red side kills Mozi on the blue side!"

After Yang Lei heard the two news, he was shocked. He was almost stunned. How could it be possible? According to the calculation of time, Mozi and Zhuang Zhou were resurrected in less than ten seconds. In less than ten seconds, the two tank tanks died No, it's too soon!
Just now, Zi Lingyi unleashed the "Drinking Rivers and Lakes" skill and the "Cup Don't Stop" skill. If these two skills go down, there will be another "Qinglian Sword Song" attack, even a hero can't handle it, unless his blood volume It's so high that it may survive, but it must be residual blood.

Now Mozi and Zhuang Zhou are clenching their fists and gnashing their teeth angrily. They have produced so many meat clothes. When they reach Zilingyi, a "cup and stop" is gone. What are the official officials of the glory of the king doing? !How can such a BUG hero come out? With this hero, what's the use of tanks!I want to report!Report these two scene skills, report this Li Bai!This TM combat power is simply on the hook.

In fact, the hero Li Bai, not long after entering the Miracle Light version, was complained by many players, saying that he was too buggy. The effect is too great. With these two skills, a "Qinglian Sword Song" goes on, and even a hero with a meat shield can't hold it.

Although many players complained, the official directly dismissed their complaints. The reason is very simple. After entering the Miracle Light version, players can only rely on their own attacks to fight the knights. However, the opponent is no longer just escaping, they can now Block, you can dodge, plus the number of skill breaks, the average player can't get a knight at all.

Without the skill of "Xia Ke Xing", the skill of "Qinglian Sword Song" cannot be released. Without "Qinglian Sword Song", Li Bai's combat power has dropped by at least half. " and "Cup Mo Stop" are two scene skills, the purpose of which is to allow players who like to play Li Bai, even if they don't have the big move of "Qinglian Sword Song", they can still deal high damage.

If a master uses Li Bai, if it's a battle between masters, it's also difficult to get a knight. But if a master uses Li Bai to fight civilian players, then Li Bai can indeed kill all directions, just like Zi Lingyi's bloody battle last time Like Zhaowang Valley, these two scene skills are indispensable.

Yang Lei miscalculated, completely miscalculated, Xu Zijie has a "heavy fort" to open the range, other people protect him, he can't do anything to him, and it is difficult to deal with other people, and Zi Lingyi is directly facing his team The other people output a burst of output, killing one after another, and they all killed themselves to the resurrection point. Wait for the resurrection point, and now Wang Zhaojun just resurrected!

As soon as Wang Zhaojun was resurrected, his eyes widened, and then he backed away in horror, as if looking at a monster, looking at Zi Lingyi in front of him. Zi Lingyi had no expression on his face, holding a sword, and slowly walked towards Wang Zhaojun.

(End of this chapter)

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