The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 172 Defeating Team RL. Qingshan

Chapter 172 Defeating Team RL. Qingshan
At this moment, Zi Lingyi stabbed straight at Zhao Yun with a sword, Zhao Yun blocked it with the corner gun, then gritted his teeth, and pushed Zi Lingyi away, Zi Lingyi took a step back when he was pushed, but then he kicked back with one foot. He jumped forward, turned around in the air, and slashed across with a sword, which was blocked by Zhao Yun again.

Wang Zhaojun's body fell on the ground, he had already been killed, and Yang Lei had no choice but to turn around and run back to the resurrection point, otherwise, if one was resurrected and Zi Lingyi killed the other, this round should not be fought, and he would definitely lose.

Zilingyi released "Jiangjiujin" to penetrate, hit Zhao Yun, and dealt damage. Just as he turned around and slashed with his sword, Zhao Yun released "Sky Dragon" to move backwards. Zilingyi immediately smiled, and once again Released "Jiangjiujin" to charge forward, stabbing straight up with a sword, hitting Zhao Yun's chest, and sparking a shard of red spirit crystal.

Zhao Yun clutched his chest and took a few steps back, Zi Lingyi took the wine from the Lie Yu gourd and drank it, used the skill "Drinking Rivers and Lakes", then rushed forward to get close, slashed, and after brushing out "Xia Ke Xing", everyone Roared: "Qinglian Sword Song!"

At this moment Yang Lei, he ran over in a hurry. After reaching the resurrection point, he immediately set up the energy cannon and aimed at Zi Lingyi. At this moment, Zi Lingyi turned sideways to face him, Zhao Yun's body fell to the ground, and the sky followed. Then came the kill news: "The red side Li Bai killed the blue side Zhao Yun!"

"Eh, this guy." Yang Lei clenched his hands tightly. He felt an unprecedented pressure. This pressure was like a meeting of heroes and a professional competition. Nervousness, labor, and excitement were mixed together. There was something indescribable. feelings.

EA. Tiewu team is a strong team in the professional circle. It has won three runner-ups, two third places and one championship, but they have two rival teams, that is, SR. Luo team and Fengyun team. The strength of the team is also extremely strong, especially the SR. Luo team, which has the four masters of the rivers and lakes, Wang Xu, the gun king.

As the shooter of the EA. Tiewu team, Yang Lei naturally fought against Wang Xu, but in the end, Yang Lei was beaten helplessly, and he didn't even get a single kill count. At that time, Yang Lei felt an unprecedented tension And fear, but now, this kind of aura actually appeared on Zi Lingyi's body again.

"Who is this guy?" Yang Lei asked with doubts and nervousness in his heart. He had never heard of such a master. He seemed to have jumped out of a crack in a rock, and he didn't even know where he came from. However, Yang Lei knew that Zi Lingyi was just a novice who had been playing Glory of Kings for a little over a month.

Zhuang Zhou and Mo Zi also came back to life, and the three of them flanked each other. When they were about to attack, suddenly, He Zhifeng rushed over on horseback and stopped in front of Zhuang Zhou and Mo Zi. , holding a spear, leaning against Zi Lingyi and said: "We're going to deal with them, hurry up! Get rid of that Di Renjie!"

"No problem!" Zi Lingyi shouted excitedly. As soon as the words fell, Zi Lingyi swung his sword, kicked one foot, and charged straight at Yang Lei. Yang Lei also roared angrily, raised his energy cannon, Zi Lingyi bombarded.

This time, Zilingyi didn't even use the spiritual umbrella - Feiyu. He wanted to challenge himself. Yang Lei continued to fire, and Zilingyi continued to dodge left and right. "Drag forward, rushed to Yang Lei, and slashed diagonally with his sword.

Yang Lei was taken aback, but reacted quickly, and immediately raised the energy cannon to block it, and Zi Lingyi once again released the skill "Introducing the Wine", but Yang Lei released the skill "Escape" to retreat, causing Zi Lingyi to not penetrate. But it still hit Yang Lei's chest, releasing a shard of the Red Spirit Crystal.

At this moment, Zhuang Zhou and Mozi were fighting fiercely with He Zhifeng. Zhuang Zhou released the skill of "Butterfly Transformation", He Zhifeng dodged sideways, then turned around and released the skill of "Heavenly Soldiers God General", directly attacking the one who was about to release the skill Mozi, Mozi was taken aback, and forced to stop his skills, but he still couldn't dodge in time, and was blown away by the energy explosion of "Heavenly Soldiers God General", and fell far away.

Zhuang Zhou was taken aback. Before he could react, He Zhifeng stepped forward and unleashed the "Iron Cavalry Break" to stab Zhuang Zhou straight. It's just that Li Bai is ruthless, and this Ma Chao is also a master.

At this time, Xu Zijie and others have also arrived, and the two sides actually started a bloody battle at the resurrection point of the red side. However, the VT. Going to wait for the resurrection, and VT. Dream Team also hanged Chen Xiaokang.

At this moment, Yang Lei was completely desperate. He lost this round. He originally wanted to meet Xia Mo, the qin sage in front of him, but he didn't expect that before he met Xia Mo, he was handed over by a school team he had never heard of in the semi-finals. Called back.

Zi Lingyi stabbed straight with his sword and hit Yang Lei's abdomen. Yang Lei stepped back while clutching his abdomen, and continued to fire. After getting the damage bonus, and then rushing forward to melee, although Yang Lei is very powerful, it is difficult for Zi Lingyi to be a knight, but Yang Lei is a shooter after all, and his blood is thin, so he can't stop Zi Lingyi's offensive at all. The value keeps dropping.

Yang Lei's blood volume is only one-tenth left, and Zi Lingyi's blood volume is actually full!Yang Lei never hit Zi Lingyi once. Not only did Zi Lingyi move fast, but he could also dodge attacks with "Jiangjiujin" and "Miraculous Pen". Yang Lei couldn't hit him at all.

In the end, Zi Lingyi charged with the sword, and released the skill "Introduce the Wine" twice in a row. The first time the distance was shortened, and the second time it directly penetrated Yang Lei, causing damage. Yang Lei's eyes widened immediately, and the red spirit on his body The crystal shattered, and Yang Lei fell powerlessly to the ground, and the news of the kill came from the sky.

"Red Fang Li Bai kills Blue Fang Di Renjie!"

"The blue team is destroyed!"

RL. The Qingshan team was directly wiped out by the group. Afterwards, Zilingyi and the others actually guarded the red team's resurrection point. They fought one after the resurrection. As for Zi Lingyi, she used the two skills "Drinking Rivers and Lakes" and "Cup Don't Stop" to kill all parties, killing the other party completely.

At the end of the competition, Zi Lingyi swung his sword and charged straight at Wang Zhaojun, holding the sword and roaring: "This is the end! Qinglian Sword Song!"

As soon as the words fell, Zi Lingyi turned into five white sword shadows, and slashed at Wang Zhaojun. After a burst of sword lights and sword shadows, Wang Zhaojun fell to the ground, and the killing news came from the sky: "The red square Li Bai killed the blue square Wang Zhaojun!" !"

"Victory!" Zilingyi's victory message popped up. In this round, VT. Dream Team won by a big score of 25:6, and this game's score was 2:1. VT. Dream Team won in the semifinals. Win and advance to the finals!

(End of this chapter)

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