Chapter 173 Believe in yourself

After the game, the two sides left the competition room and came to the commentary stage to shake hands. When Yang Lei walked up to Zi Lingyi, he shook hands with Zi Lingyi. Looking at Zi Lingyi's face, he recognized that it was the Li Bai then said: "You are very good at fighting, but why have I never heard of you?"

"Are you that Di Renjie just now?" Zi Lingyi asked back, but he didn't recognize him all at once.

"Yes." Yang Lei nodded.

"Ah, haha, actually, I haven't played this game for a long time, maybe a little over a month." Zi Lingyi smiled awkwardly, and Yang Lei couldn't believe his ears when he heard that, he was shocked Lost his voice: "One month! How is it possible!"

"Uh, I really only played for about a month." Zi Lingyi shrugged, and Yang Lei patted his chest, calmed down and said: "Well, you don't need to lie, people like you Hehe, I am waiting for you in the professional circle."

After finishing speaking, Yang Lei smiled. Then, Team RL. Qingshan turned and left. Zi Lingyi looked at Yang Lei's back. He is a professional player in the professional circle!No wonder he is so powerful, and, judging by his strength, even in the professional circle, he should be ranked high.

After leaving the field, Zi Lingyi and the others went back to school to rest. Tomorrow is the final, and they had to conserve their strength. When they left the field, Zi Lingyi and the others already knew that another match, UC. Baiyun The team won, that is to say, in the finals, they will compete with UC. Baiyun team again.

At night, Zi Lingyi had just taken a shower and walked into the dormitory, but at this moment, the mobile phone on Zi Lingyi's desk rang, Zi Lingyi stepped forward to pick it up, and saw that it was Zheng Xuanxue calling, so she went After answering the phone, he said, "Hey, Xiaoxue, what's the matter?"

"That, Xiao Yi, I'm sorry, can you help me?" Zheng Xuanxue said in embarrassment, and Zi Lingyi was very puzzled when she heard this, so she asked, "Why are you sorry? You want me to help you?" What are you busy with?"

Half an hour later, Haitian City Nanyang International Airport
Zi Lingyi carried the luggage one by one, walked to the cargo cabin of the airport, put the things in, then clapped her hands, turned to look at Chen Yunbai, and spoke English: "Well, the things are ready. Welcome to China again "(Translation: Well, everything is packed, you are welcome to come to China to play again.)
"Thank you." Chen Yunbai smiled. (translation: thank you)
Afterwards, Chen Yunbai turned her head, looked at Zheng Xuanxue, walked over, gave Zheng Xuanxue a hug, Zheng Xuanxue also hugged her, patted her on the back, and said in Korean: "When you return to Korea, remember to send me a message. "

"Well, I hope you can get it done quickly." Chen Yunbai smiled and said in Korean, Zheng Xuanxue seemed to understand something, her face turned red, but she still pretended not to understand and said in Korean: "It's done." what"

"He!" As she said, Chen Yunbai glanced at Zi Lingyi, Zheng Xuanxue saw her eyes, and immediately patted Chen Yunbai's shoulder, Chen Yunbai also waved her hand, saying: "Okay, Xuanxue, goodbye. "

"Well, bye." Zheng Xuanxue also waved, and then, Chen Yunbai carried another suitcase and boarded the plane. Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue also left the airport, took a taxi, and rushed back to school.

The taxi didn't take Zilingyi and Zheng Xuanxue to the school gate, but to the neighborhood not far away. It was night and the neighborhood was very quiet, and Zilingyi and Zheng Xuanxue were walking on the road in the neighborhood.

"Well, I'm sorry to trouble you twice in a row, I'll treat you to dinner next time." Zheng Xuanxue turned to look at Zi Lingyi and said, while Zi Lingyi shrugged with a smile, and said meaninglessly: "It's okay, although there is a lot of luggage , but it’s not too heavy, by the way, Xiaoxue, I have something to ask you.”

"What's the matter, you said."

"Tomorrow's match, do you think I can win?" Zi Lingyi looked into Zheng Xuanxue's eyes and asked, Zheng Xuanxue asked in surprise, "Why did you suddenly ask this?"

"Because of tomorrow's match, I have a reason to win." Zi Lingyi said seriously.

"The reason why you must win? Why?" Zheng Xuanxue asked suspiciously. Zi Lingyi hesitated for a while, feeling that Zheng Xuanxue was not an outsider, so she said, "Because my uncle wants to build a professional team. My cousin used to Even a professional player, he told me about the excitement and enthusiasm, and I want to experience it too.”

"Professional team! Your uncle's!" Zheng Xuanxue lost her voice in disbelief.

"Well, he sent me an invitation, but I was afraid that I was not strong enough, so my uncle set a goal for me, which is Senior Brother Xia Mo." Zi Lingyi waved her hand, and Zheng Xuanxue suddenly I understand, but I am still a little shocked: "..., if you want to experience professional competition, you can directly agree to your uncle, why do you ask him to set a goal for you, and this goal is still a senior brother?"

"Because I don't have the confidence. Although senior brother Xia Mo is very strong, if I really can win." Zi Lingyi couldn't continue speaking at this point, mainly because Xia Mo's strength is too strong. , anyone would think he was whimsical.

But Zheng Xuanxue heard it, and didn't think so, but walked up to Zi Lingyi with a smile on her face, and held Zi Lingyi's hand, Zi Lingyi was startled, but immediately, Zheng Xuanxue smiled, softly Said: "You can succeed, believe in yourself."

"Xiao Xue. Thank you." Having said this, Zi Lingyi mustered up his confidence. He asked Zheng Xuanxue purely to know what Zheng Xuanxue thought. Now that he knew, Zi Lingyi would have the courage to fight Xia Mo tomorrow. , I will definitely win!
On the second day, Aoyama University
Zilingyi and the others walked slowly in the campus of Qingshan University. Today, the mood of the students of Qingshan University was much lower. Some people even looked at Zilingyi and the others coldly. Oh, the final was actually a contest between two teams from the same school. In other words, no matter who wins, the final champion will belong to Baiyun University.

Zi Lingyi and others stepped onto the field, and Xia Mo and others also arrived. The two teams looked at each other and shook hands in friendship before the match. When it was time for Zi Lingyi and Xia Mo, Zi Lingyi held Xia Mo's hand, With a smile on the corner of his mouth, he said optimistically, "This time, I will definitely win."

"I'll wait." Xia Mo said calmly, without any emotion.

After the two sides shook hands, the commentator began to introduce the two teams, but because they were both school teams, there was nothing to introduce. Basically, they were introducing Xia Mo, and Zi Lingyi is also very popular in the game recently, so the commentator The staff can talk about Zi Lingyi's experience in the game.

The two teams entered the competition room, put on the game glasses, and started the competition. In the auditorium, Zheng Xuanxue sat on it, calling Zi Lingyi's name, and calling VT. Team Dream, come on, now she can't care about any school. Team, now she just wants to cheer for the team and people she likes.

(End of this chapter)

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