The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 183 Pushing the tower with all strength

Chapter 183 Pushing the tower with all strength
Zi Lingyi and Xu Zijie both cleared the wild area, went back to the bottom lane to clear the minions, and quickly reached level 4. Zi Lingyi directly covered Xu Zijie, rushed to the defensive tower, released the "reloading turret" skill, The artillery bombarded the defense tower, and activated its built-in skill, Berserk, to increase the rate of fire. The defense tower was suddenly bombarded, and Wang Zhaojun was forced to back away from Xu Zijie's shooting range.

At this time in the middle lane, Xia Mo also noticed the down lane situation. After clearing the pawn line, he turned around and returned to the wild area. After leaving Liu Mengyang's sight range, he rushed down the lane and saw Xia Mo leave. In the middle of the road, Liu Mengyang picked up the red spirit crystal bracelet, and immediately reported: "Man Dashen is gone, I don't know whether to go up or down, be careful."

"Well, I got it. Everyone retreats. Try not to use the big move if you don't need it." Zi Lingyi also immediately told everyone to retreat immediately after receiving the order. When Xia Mo rushed to the next lane, Zi Lingyi He and Xu Zijie had already retreated to the defensive tower, while Liu Mengyang in the middle lane seized the opportunity to go up to clear the soldiers. When Xia Mo came back, the blue soldiers were pushing the tower.

Xia Mo was also helpless, so he could only stick to the middle lane and not leave his post without permission. At the same time, he told the others to be obscene. At worst, it would be another game, until the fifth game.

It's so easy to be wretched, Liu Mengyang can't defend in the middle lane, one skill and three skills combined attack, Xia Mo can't do anything against Liu Mengyang, but the top lane and bottom lane, how do you know Feng's crit output in the top lane, and Chen Xiaokang's second skill is dragged People, now they are not pulling Cheng Yaojin anymore, they are just staring at Luban No. [-], Luban No. [-] has already been dragged once, and the two of them output for a while, He Zhifeng can handle it with two skills.

There is no need to worry about going on the road. If they dare to come up, Chen Xiaokang will pull them. Zhong Kui’s pulling distance is farther than Sima Yi’s. This is why Zi Lingyi asked Chen Xiaokang to replace Zhong Kui. The purpose is to let Zhong Kui pull people and cooperate with Monkey King. The high crit damage can effectively contain the opponent, which is convenient for pushing towers.

There is no need to worry about going down the road. Xu Zijie used the "heavy fort" to set up a cannon and bombarded the defense tower outside the defense tower. Zi Lingyi stayed by the side. It was just a routine to protect Xu Zijie.

Now the red defense tower in the bottom lane is already full of blood, another wave of soldiers, Zi Lingyi and Xu Zijie, can definitely push down this defense tower, but Vidal, who has cleared Guangye, rushed to the bottom lane, ready to Together with Wang Zhaojun, they surrounded Zi Lingyi and Xu Zijie.

Seeing Vidal rushing up from the passage, Zi Lingyi pulled out the Phoenix Feather Sword and rushed over. Xu Zijie was still attacking the defense tower. The equipment is all output, and there is also a built-in skill berserk to increase the attack speed. Once Wang Zhaojun enters the shooting range, he will be violently bombarded. It is difficult to support it, and the risk rate is too high.

But Zi Lingyi rushed in front of Vidal and launched an attack. Vidal was taken aback. Before he had time to use his skills to fight Xu Zijie, Zi Lingyi rushed out of the shooting range of the "heavy fort" and directly opened fire with Vidal. Melee.

Zi Lingyi knows that Vidal's three skills can teleport behind the designated target within the range. This skill is too unfavorable for Xu Zijie, so Zi Lingyi must hold Vidal here and not let him into the range.

Zilingyi slashed obliquely with his sword, Vidal raised his long spear and shot at it, while Zilingyi retracted the Fengyu sword, turned around, and slashed with the sword again, Vidal jumped back and dodged, but Zilingyi took advantage of the situation with one foot With a kick, he rushed forward and stabbed straight with his sword, hitting Vidal hard on the chest, sparking a shard of the red spirit crystal, which made Vidal back for a while.

Vidal clutched his chest and backed away, Zi Lingyi rushed forward to continue attacking, Vidal gritted his teeth, held guns in both hands, and slashed horizontally with a spear, Zi Lingyi bent down, lowered his body to dodge, at the same time bent and turned around, and slashed across with his sword Chop, hit Vidal's abdomen, and then released a piece of red spirit crystal, hitting Vidal rolling and falling to the ground.

Vidal rolled and fell to the ground, but he sat up with one knee on the ground, and then slowly stood up with a spear in his hand. He gritted his teeth and prepared to deal with Zi Lingyi, so he released the "War of Vengeance" "God" skill, teleported behind Zi Lingyi.

But just hearing a "bang", Vidal's chest was another fragment of the red spirit crystal. What happened just now? Chopping, before Vidal had time to release the second-stage skill to pick Zi Lingyi away, Zi Lingyi hit him in the chest first.

Vidal held the spear tightly, and he was also annoyed, so he shot straight up from the bottom to the top. This second-stage skill can also be used when it is restricted, but Zi Lingyi penetrated with "Join the Wine" and directly reached Wei Behind Dahl, hit Vidal, causing damage, while dodging Vidal's attack.

Vidal was taken aback, his reaction was too fast!However, just as Vidal turned around, it was Zi Lingyi who slashed obliquely with his sword, hitting Vidal's chest, and then released a video of the Red Spirit Crystal. With a wave of the sword, he rushed forward and shouted: "Qinglian Sword Song!"

As soon as the words fell, Zi Lingyi turned into five white sword shadows, which were output to Vidal for a while, and after another burst of sword light and sword shadows, the five white sword shadows rushed behind Vidal and merged, turning back into Zi Lingyi, Zi Lingyi With his back to Vidal, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he inserted the Phoenix Feather Sword back into the spiritual umbrella - Feiyu.

Vidal raised his head, stared wide-eyed, and then fell powerlessly to the ground. The killing message came from the sky: "The blue team Li Bai killed the red team Vidal!"

"The blue team Sun Wukong kills the red team Luban No. [-]!"

"The red team Luban No. [-] kills the blue team Sun Wukong!"

What just happened on the road?Why did He Zhifeng's strength die together with Luban No. [-]?The reason is very simple, the pawn line is about to be cleared, and the health value of the defensive tower is running out. In order to make a quick decision, He Zhifeng, who has already lost blood, opened the "Battle Charge" and rushed in, a front flip, and a stick Going down, he hit Luban No. [-] fiercely, and took away Luban No. [-] with a stick, but the defensive tower also hit He Zhifeng.

Then, He Zhifeng opened the "body protection spell" to push the tower. Because He Zhifeng had residual blood, he was taken away by the defensive tower. Among them, Luban No. [-] hit He Zhifeng twice, so Luban No. [-] was counted as the one who killed the enemy. After Ling Yi learned of the situation, she also said that He Zhifeng did the right thing. The key to this game is to push down the defense towers on the upper and lower lanes. Don't worry about economy and development, just don't fall too far behind.

After the little soldiers arrived, the red defense tower in the bottom lane was also pushed down. Zi Lingyi and the others continued to attack, and the UC. Baiyun team also defended with all their strength. After a bloody battle between the two sides, the blue defense tower in the middle lane was pushed down. One, the red side's defensive tower on the road was pushed down, the second half-blood was gone, and the red side's defensive tower on the bottom road, two are gone. Now, in terms of pushing towers, VT. Dream team has the advantage, But in terms of development, the current number of kills is 5:6, and the UC. Baiyun team regained a kill number in the later stage.

(End of this chapter)

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