The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 184 Winning or losing an instant

Chapter 184
It's all come to this point, Zi Lingyi looked at the game time, the game has been played for 20 minutes, and both sides played too wretchedly, if this continues, they will be dragged to the final overtime sooner or later, there is no way, Zi Ling Yi opened the crystal bracelet and shouted to everyone: "Mengyang, you rush to the Juggernaut's side to wait now, everyone go to clear the enemy line, after clearing the army line, Mengyang will open up, everyone, gather together!" Huo Tui dominates!"

"What if it gets robbed?" Xu Zijie asked.

"That's right, there are five people on the other side." Chen Xiaokang also asked in agreement.

"So, this is a gamble, but you have to gamble. You can't wait for the time. Take your place, hurry up!" Zi Lingyi roared loudly, then turned off the interface, turned around and pulled out the Phoenix Feather Sword, and rushed over. Xu Zijie followed closely behind.

Everyone in the VT. Dream team started to clear the line of soldiers. Just after clearing, Liu Mengyang opened the "Vortex Gate" skill. A huge magic circle appeared in front of the Shadow Lord. Everyone accepted the call and came to the magic circle. In the middle, and then, five people set up their positions and rushed forward.

Zi Lingyi took the lead in attacking, rushed forward and slashed across with his sword, hitting the Shadow Lord. The Shadow Lord was threatened and launched an attack. He slapped down with both palms, sending everyone flying.

Zi Lingyi was thrown into the air, but he stabbed straight into the air with his sword and hit the Shadow Lord's arm, then grabbed his shoulders with both hands, kicked his feet, stepped on the Shadow Lord, jumped back, landed on one knee, raised Holding Feng Yujian, He Zhifeng, who was a little behind, also rushed over, and hit with the "Dou Zhan Charge" stick, dealing critical damage.

Xu Zijie pulled him as close as possible, dropped two "warning mines" and then opened the "heavy fort" to attack the Juggernaut, mainly because he was afraid that someone would steal it, and Zi Lingyi never released the "Qinglian Sword Song" to hit the Juggernaut , is also afraid of the head, He Zhifeng is the same, he didn't open the skill.

If someone really comes to steal it, then a set of Monkey King's skills plus Li Bai's "Qinglian Sword Song" to meet the enemy, combined with the long-distance bombardment of the hero Huang Zhong, should not be a problem. "Pull people.

The five of them didn't fight for long, Juggernaut didn't have much blood, and the UC. Baiyun team also arrived. The people who came were Lu Ban No. [-] and Cheng Yaojin, and Xia Mo came from the other side. Three people surrounded the five people. Without any hesitation, Ling Yi released "Jiang Jiu Jin" to charge forward, directly rushed towards Lu Ban No. [-] and Cheng Yaojin and shouted: "Qinglian Sword Song!"

As soon as the words were finished, Zi Lingyi turned into five white sword shadows, and fired at Lu Ban No. [-] and Cheng Yaojin, while He Zhifeng also rushed up with "fighting and charging", and with a stick down, Xia Mo leaned to the left, Then kicked on one foot, leaped to the left to get out of the way, turned around a few times in the air, and released the "crazy song" skill at the same time.

Two streams of energy flow hit He Zhifeng, He Zhifeng rushed forward, slashed horizontally with a stick, forcibly split the two streams of energy stream, and at the same time released the skill of "Body Protection Spell". When hitting with a stick, Xia Mo played the movement with both hands, released the "Li Ge" skill, and knocked He Zhifeng away.

He Zhifeng was blown away, but he took advantage of the opportunity to do a backflip and landed safely, and Zi Lingyi also firmly restrained Lu Ban No. [-] and Cheng Yaojin, and they were unable to steal the master. In the end, the shadow master was bombarded and killed by Xu Zijie .

"Blue Fang Huang Zhong kills the Shadow Master!"

"The dominant vanguard joins the battlefield!"

Zilingyi and the others pushed the master away, and they chose to retreat immediately. Liu Mengyang used skill [-] and skill [-] to stop the UC. Baiyun team, and the five of them immediately ran along the wild area. their way.

Afterwards, the five people replenished their blood respectively. Zi Lingyi, Xu Zijie, and He Zhifeng all produced a blood-sucking outfit, and they directly went to the jungle and cleared the line to replenish the blood. "Sea" skills, Liu Mengyang and Chen Xiaokang returned to the main city together, and then, five of them, formed a group in the middle.

The UC. Baiyun team, which was clearing the line, saw five members of the VT. Dream team, and directly pushed down the first defensive tower in the middle lane, and attacked the second tower. They were taken aback.

Xia Mo was the one who stood guard in the middle lane, because Xia Mo was guarding the middle lane alone, which greatly slowed down Zi Lingyi's progress and failed to push down the second defensive tower. Chen Xiaokang and Xu Zijie were also drunk, and one of them dragged him with a hook. , one bombarded him, but Xia Mo just leaned left and right and jumped left and right, so he couldn't hit him at all.

After a while, five members of the UC. Baiyun team arrived, and the five members opened a group in the middle. Suddenly, there was a burst of swords and swords, and sparks continued. Xu Zijie fired from behind, and Luban No. [-] was also attacking.

Suddenly, Vidal activated the "God of Vengeance" skill and came behind Xu Zijie. Just as he raised his spear, he saw He Zhifeng hit him horizontally with a stick. Vidal was shocked and blocked it immediately.

Zi Lingyi was fighting mobs in the wild area on one side. After killing the mobs and spawning "Xia Ke Xing", he directly drove "Jiangjiujin" to charge in, and then "Qinglian Sword Song" to hit it. Unexpectedly, Cheng Yaojin's reaction Soon, the double axes blocked it directly.

Zi Lingyi's wave of attacks had no effect. Instead, he recruited Wang Zhaojun's "Winter is Coming" big move, and Xia Mo's "Crazy Song" attack. Clutching his stomach, gritting his teeth, and holding the Fengyu Sword tightly, he turned and went down the road.

Xia Mo released "Magic Sound Piercing Ears" and rushed forward, then drew out the Qingguang Sword, slashed, and then used the fake skill "Wuying" to cut directly in front of Xu Zijie, restraining Chen Xiaokang at the same time , causing him to hit the wrong direction with his ultimate move, Cheng Yaojin also rushed in to take the damage, and in an instant, the damage exploded.

"Gao Jianli from the red side killed Zhong Kui from the blue side!"

"Second combo! Red Fang Gao Jianli kills Blue Fang Huang Zhong!"

"The blue team Sun Wukong kills the red team Luban No. [-]!"

"The red formula bites gold and kills the blue Fang Daqiao!"

In this wave of team battles, the UC. Hundred Yuan team won a complete victory, one for three, but Xia Mo couldn't get excited, he felt something was wrong, Zi Lingyi just now, even if "Qinglian Sword Song" didn't play As a result, he shouldn't be retreating. He's already half HP in a wild fight. Why retreat?

So, Xia Mo took a few steps back, opened the small map, looked at it, and was shocked. He found that there was only one defensive tower left on the top road, pushed by the vanguard of the blue team, and there were no defense towers on the bottom road. Yes, the Shadow Lord has already entered the city, and is currently fighting with the soldiers in the city.

This is Zi Lingyi's plan. First, forcefully push down several defensive towers in the upper and lower lanes, and then use the strong line of Dominant Vanguard to let them push by themselves. The enemy is firmly attracted to the middle lane. If successful, the upper and lower lanes will enter the city, or Zi Lingyi and the others will enter the city all at once in the middle, but if they fail, they will be wiped out by the regiment, or the soldiers will not be able to push at all. Lose.

Xia Mo gritted his teeth, turned around immediately, and looked at Vidal. He and Vidal immediately returned to the city, leaving Wang Zhaojun and Cheng Yaojin to face the enemy. They must return to the city now. If they don't return to the city, Crystal will be pushed by the vanguard. up.

After a while, Xia Mo and Vidal returned to the city, and went out directly from the spring. Xia Mo first dealt with the dominant vanguard coming from the bottom road, and Vidal dealt with the dominant vanguard who was pushing the tower on the top road.

Just when Vidal breathed a sigh of relief, Xia Mo still felt something was wrong, because he still didn't see Zi Lingyi, but suddenly, a white figure rushed towards the gate of the city on the next road, and Xia Mo immediately noticed it. Zi Lingyi, she really came!

Xia Mo turned his head to look at the blood volume of the crystal. He still had a trace of blood left. At this time, any hero rushing into the crystal can break the crystal. Xia Mo also understood the situation, turned his head to look at Zi Lingyi, and found that Zi Lingyi's blood volume is less than half blood, about 30%, while Xia Mo's current blood volume is 70% left.

Xia Mo played the movement with both hands, Zi Lingyi gritted his teeth and forcibly resisted the damage, Xia Mo also gritted his teeth and continued to play, one after another energy darts hit Zi Lingyi, Zi Lingyi continued to dodge left and right, but there was still A few attacks hit Zi Lingyi's body, and Zi Lingyi's blood volume dropped again.

After closing the distance, he released the charge of "Jiangjiujin" and rushed into the attack range of the crystal. Xia Mo was taken aback and turned to look at Zi Lingyi. Vidal was also shocked and rushed over. , wanted to subconsciously stop Zi Lingyi.

The crystal released an energy ball and hit Zi Lingyi, and Zi Lingyi stretched out his left hand into a palm, stretching forward, his whole body was illuminated by the red square of the red square crystal, he soared into the air, and slashed horizontally with his right hand, He slashed towards the red square crystal, but the energy ball shot by the red square crystal was already very close to Zi Lingyi.

The audience held their breath and looked at this moment with concentrated eyes. Zheng Xuanxue also covered her mouth and was extremely nervous. The victory or defeat is at this moment. Will the red square crystal kill Zi Lingyi first, or Zi Lingyi will solve it first Drop the red square crystal, the answer to all this is in the next second.

(End of this chapter)

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