The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 185 Winning the City Campus E-sports League!

Chapter 185 Winning the City Campus E-sports League!

Zi Lingyi's sword slowly approached the crystal, and the audience all looked at them intently. At this moment, time seemed to be slowed down. It was obviously a second, but it passed very long. For Zi Lingyi In terms of time, it is even longer, because this second determines everything.

There was a "bang", it was the sound of Feng Yujian colliding with an object, and Zi Lingyi hit it!But Zi Lingyi stared at him with wide eyes. What he hit was not the crystal, but the red soldier. The red soldier was born!

There was another "boom", the energy ball of the red square crystal hit Zi Lingyi, and Zi Lingyi was beaten back, but he was equipped with the famous sword - Si Ming, so he didn't kill Zi Lingyi just now, but at this moment , Xia Mo arrived, and released the "Crazy Song" skill from behind, hitting Zi Lingyi's back, Zi Lingyi's eyes widened, his blood volume was emptied, and he fell to the ground.

Many of the audience watched this moment in shock, and the UC. Baiyun team also breathed a sigh of relief, almost, really almost, Crystal was pushed by Zi Lingyi, but Xia Mo's expression was very strange.

Is it over? No!not yet!
"Why... I killed him, but the kill message still didn't pop up?" Xia Mo questioned inwardly, and at this moment, Zi Lingyi's body on the ground suddenly emitted a flash of light, and Zi Lingyi actually stood on one foot. With a kick, he made a low-altitude front flip and landed safely, then jumped up with one foot, and stabbed straight with his sword in the air.

Zi Lingyi was resurrected!

What a joke!
Zi Lingyi hit the red square crystal with a sword. With a bang, the crystal exploded into pieces, and then released a burst of red light. Xia Mo and Vidal next to him blocked the light in front of them with their arms, and then, With a "boom", the crystal exploded completely and scattered all around.

"Victory!" The victory interface popped up on Zi Lingyi's side, and the audience was shocked. They were really shocked, Zi Lingyi pushed it down!He really pushed down the red crystal, four games, and finally, the score ended 2:1, the blue team won, and the VT. Dream team won!
"I'll go! How can the purple bell flowers be resurrected? What's going on!"

"You're stupid, haven't you seen his outfit, it's Resurrection Armor!"

"That's right, I was too nervous just now, I forgot about Resurrection A."

The sage's shelter, this is a piece of equipment that Ziling escaped, it can increase physical defense and magic defense by 140 points, the added attribute is not high, but he has one of the most powerful passive skills, resurrection!It can revive the hero in 3 seconds after the hero's death, and restore a small amount of HP. This piece of equipment allowed Zi Lingyi to resurrect from the dead in the game.

Zi Lingyi bought this equipment halfway, just before the start of the team, and the fight was too intense during the start of the team, the opponent had no time to look at Zi Lingyi's outfits, not even Xia Mo, this is Zi Ling Yi's pre-designed double insurance, the famous sword - Siming and the sage's protection are used together to ensure success.

The members of the VT. Dream Team took off their game glasses in excitement. Liu Mengyang stood up straight away, clasped his hands, raised his head excitedly and shouted: "Win! Win! We won! We won full!" God!"

"We won!" Xu Zijie immediately stood up and cheered. Zi Lingyi, who was sitting on the seat, took off his glasses, closed his eyes, leaned on the seat slowly, and let out a long breath. .

After the game, I'm really, really tired.
At this moment Xia Mo, he also took off his glasses, closed his eyes and leaned on the seat like Zi Lingyi, he also felt very tired, lost. In the end, he still lost, to a player who had just played Glory of Kings for more than a month He's a bit of a novice, but Xia Mo doesn't think he's wronged because of Zi Lingyi, he's a real genius.

About 2 minutes later, the two teams walked out of the competition room and came to the competition stage. The commentator also walked in front of the VT. In the competitive league, the overall champion of the Glory of Kings project is VT.Dream Team!"

"VT. Dream! VT. Dream!"

"Purple bells are blooming!"

The audience in the audience were shouting the name of VT. Dream Team, and Zi Lingyi's game ID. After Zi Lingyi took the trophy, he raised it high, and let out a long roar of excitement, indicating that he was excited Mood.

On the other side, at the headquarters of the Chen Group in Haitian City, Chen Hua was sitting in the office, watching the live broadcast of the match, seeing that Zi Lingyi had won, he also smiled in relief, then turned to look at his assistant , said: "Xiao Yi won, you should prepare for the team now."

"Yes, Chairman." The assistant nodded, then turned and left to prepare for the VT, dream professional team.

Zi Lingyi on the awarding platform, just as he stepped off the stage, Xia Mo came up and came to Zi Lingyi's side, Zi Lingyi turned to look at Xia Mo, smiled and said: "I'm sorry, brother, Losing to you so many times, at least let me win once, haha."

"I will come to compete with you again." Xia Mo said calmly.

"Well, this time, I'll wait for you instead." Zi Lingyi nodded and said, Xia Mo turned around and left with the team. Looking at Xia Mo's back, Zi Lingyi shrugged and sighed. After taking a breath, he knew that the contest between himself and Xia Mo was not over yet.
Zi Lingyi and the others left the venue directly after the awards were presented, and just as they walked to the alley of Qingshan University, Zheng Xuanxue walked over from the side, came behind Zi Lingyi, stepped forward and shouted: "Little Yi! "

"Xiaoxue?" Zi Lingyi recognized Zheng Xuanxue's voice, and the others also recognized it. Turning around, it was indeed Zheng Xuanxue. Zheng Xuanxue smiled and walked up slowly. Under such circumstances, Liu Mengyang's reaction Being the fastest, he immediately snatched the trophy from Zi Lingyi's hand. Zi Lingyi was taken aback, and turned to look at Liu Mengyang and the others.

Holding the trophy, Liu Mengyang waved his hands with a playful smile and said, "Hey, what, we're going back first, you come back slowly, bye!"

After finishing speaking, Liu Mengyang and Xu Zijie took He Zhifeng and Chen Xiaokang back first, leaving Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue behind. Zi Lingyi turned to look at them, and stretched out her hand to shout something, but when it reached her mouth, Zi Lingyi not only didn't know what to shout, but also hesitated to shout. Finally, Zi Lingyi put down her hand, turned to look at Zheng Xuanxue, smiled and walked up.

Zi Lingyi walked up to Zheng Xuanxue, scratched her scalp, and said with a smile: "That. Thank you for supporting me, I won."

"Well, I know, you don't need to thank me, everything is your own efforts." Zheng Xuanxue nodded with a smile, and Zi Lingyi slowly put down her hand and opened her mouth. Zheng Xuanxue looked at him suspiciously. Zi Lingyi always felt that Zi Lingyi wanted to say something, but she just couldn't say it.

"What's wrong?" Zheng Xuanxue asked suspiciously.

"It's nothing, but I'm still very grateful to you, and I want to treat you to a meal." Zi Lingyi explained in a panic, Zheng Xuanxue was also a little surprised, and at the same time blushed a little, eating.
(End of this chapter)

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