Chapter 197 Infiltration Plan

20 minutes later, outside Longli Village, the temporary stronghold of the Dragon Tooth Gang, head north towards the dense forest
There were five people in total. They lowered their bodies and walked slowly inside. Using the trees here as cover, they began to slowly move towards the inside, trying not to be discovered by the members of the Dragon Tooth Gang. They were Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue. , Ye Xin, Yang Lei, Longya-Bazhe.

20 minute ago.
Zi Lingyi pointed to the dense forest area and said to everyone: "This is a dense forest, and the Dragon Tooth Gang will definitely send troops to garrison it, but the area is too big and the forest is very dense, so it is not impossible to get in. We have to The first step is to infiltrate the village."

"What about the second step?" Ye Xin crossed his arms and asked.

"The second step is to infiltrate into the village, find Longya-Master, and kill him. After killing him, we will be completely exposed. They will definitely surround us and strangle us. We will support us with all our strength. At that time, you There is a chance outside, the cavalry breaks through quickly and enters the village, when the time comes, they must be in chaos!"

"At that time, we will be able to defeat them in one fell swoop!" Hou Zhanfei clenched his fist and shouted, very excited, while Longya-Bazhe, who was standing beside him, raised his head to look at Zi Lingyi, and asked with some concerns: "But the problem is , how do we infiltrate it?"

"The fewer people, the better. Me, Brother Ye, Brother Yang, plus you, we are four enough." Zi Lingyi pointed to a few people, but Zheng Xuanxue stepped forward and said: "I also go."

"Xiaoxue." Hearing Zheng Xuanxue's voice, Zi Lingyi felt that she knew that Zheng Xuanxue would definitely step forward to say it, but felt that she didn't know and was a little confused.
5 minutes later, on the side of the cliff.
Zi Lingyi sat on the cliff, Zheng Xuanxue sat beside them, and the two looked at Suzaku Town in the distance. Then, Zi Lingyi turned to Zheng Xuanxue, and said earnestly: "Xiaoxue, this mission is very dangerous, are you sure you want to Come together?"

"Well, if you go there, I'll go there, and don't forget, after all, this is just a game." Zheng Xuanxue said with a slight smile, and Zi Lingyi also showed a smile when she heard this, and nodded.

That's right, after all, it's just a game, why do you care so much about it?
Afterwards, several people also came to this dense forest, and each of them hid behind the big tree. Except for Longya-Bazhe, the other four were their original heroes and skins, and Longya-Bazhe used Yes, it's Arthur.

Not far away, there were three people training, two of them were relatively close, on the left side, and the other on the right side, Zi Lingyi leaned tightly against the tree, not daring to make a sound, so she opened the interface of the crystal bracelet and put Turn the brightness and size to the lowest, and then send a text message to everyone, the content is: "According to the plan, Brother Tyrant and I are responsible for the two on the left, and the three of you are responsible for the one on the right."

"no problem."


"it is good."

The four of them each sent a reply message. Afterwards, Tiewu-Bazhe stood next to Zi Lingyi. The hero he used was changed. It was Arthur, and his outfit was all meat, leaving only a boot of speed.

Zi Lingyi chuckled, took a sip of the wine from the Fiery Feather Gourd, released the "Drinking Rivers and Lakes" skill, and then quickly attacked Tie Wu-Ba Zhe, Tie Wu-Ba Zhe did not form a team with Zi Ling Yi and the others, they also It's not from a gang, so Zilingyi can attack Tiewu-Bazhe, and why Zilingyi attacks Tiewu-Bazhe has only one purpose, to use Tiewu-Bazhe to fight knights.

Zi Lingyi swiped out of the chivalrous line in an instant, and then Zi Lingyi quickly released "Pour the wine in" to rush over. At the same time, he sprinkled the wine in the gourd on the sword and threw it out. The thrown wine hit the two dragon teeth in the distance Gang members, two members of the Dragon Tooth Gang were taken aback, they were suddenly attacked.

"What's the situation! Who attacked?"

"There are people around here!"

The two members of the Dragon Tooth Gang suddenly panicked. Looking around, they found that Zi Lingyi was rushing towards him. At this moment, Zi Lingyi's "Drinking Rivers and Lakes" ended in 5 seconds. Zi Lingyi swung his sword again and shouted: "Qing Lotus Sword Song!"

As soon as the words fell, Zi Lingyi turned into five white sword shadows, slashing and slashing at the two members of the Dragon Tooth Gang, and the red spirit crystals on the two members of the Dragon Tooth Gang shattered. When the white sword shadow returned to its position and transformed back into Zi Lingyi, the two members of the Dragon Tooth Gang stared wide-eyed, raised their heads, and finally collapsed powerlessly.

"You killed the player Longya - Burning Flame, reward experience 20, gold coins 10."

"You killed the player Longya-Machine Gun, reward experience 20, gold coins 10."

Zi Lingyi instantly killed the two of them, and another member of the Dragon Tooth Gang who was not far away also spotted Zi Lingyi. Just when he opened his mouth and wanted to call someone, Yang Lei rolled out from behind the tree and landed on one knee. He raised the cannon and released the "Dynasty Secret Order" skill, and hit the members of the Dragon Tooth Gang with one shot, causing the members of the Dragon Tooth Gang to fall into a stunned state.

Zheng Xuanxue and Ye Xin seized the opportunity to rush over. Zheng Xuanxue used "Phantom Dance" to quickly come behind the members of the Dragon Tooth Gang, and then attacked with the skill "Shunhua", and Ye Xin also released the skill "Super Speed" to rush forward, and then drew his sword Slashing straight, the two of them output a burst of output, and quickly eliminated this person.

Zi Lingyi and the others eliminated the three fixed guards in this area, and there was no one around. Zi Lingyi also put away the Phoenix Feather Sword, turned to the others and said, "Hurry up and drag their corpses aside, move quickly!" !"

After finishing speaking, Zi Lingyi pulled the arms of the two corpses with both hands, and dragged the two corpses behind a big tree not far away. This place is relatively hidden, and unless you search carefully, you can't usually see it.

However, not far away, there were footsteps members again. There were not many members, probably only two or three people. Zi Lingyi and the others rushed over immediately and hid behind the huge boulder in the distance. Then, Zi Lingyi lowered his body and stretched out. Looking outside, very cautiously, I saw two members of the Dragon Tooth Gang walking over. They were on patrol.

The two patrolling members of the Dragon Tooth Gang were a little surprised to see that the guards had disappeared. The one on the left immediately looked to the one on the right and said, "Hey, it's strange, where are they, why are they missing?"

"Could it be offline?" The two were puzzled for a while, and Tie Wumen had secretly used the gang battle card against the Dragon Tooth Gang, so after those guys were killed, they couldn't be resurrected in the world scene, and they couldn't have a voice conversation , so these patrols did not find the guards, which is normal.

"Do it!" Zi Lingyi said softly without hesitation, and then, once again used Tiewu-Bazhe to brush the knight line, and then, Zi Lingyi, Zheng Xuanxue, Ye Xin, and Yang Lei killed them out, and Yang Lei directly It was a "Dynasty Secret Order" skill that restricted one of them.

The other was taken aback, and Zi Lingyi rushed up to release the skill "Qinglian Sword Song" on him. Ye Xin also leaped high in the sky and released the skill "Tiantian First Class" on him. This person was defeated by two powerful A small hero besieged and was instantly killed.

The other person was stunned by Yang Lei's "Dynasty Secret Order". Zheng Xuanxue rushed to his back and dealt a burst of crit damage to his back. Yang Lei also seized the opportunity to deal long-distance damage to his front and killed him instantly. Him, resolve the fight.

Another two members of the Dragon Tooth Gang who were patrolling were dealt with. Zi Lingyi and the others dragged their bodies aside as usual. Then, several people picked up their weapons and carefully left this area of ​​the dense forest, heading for the next area, infiltrating towards Longli Village.

(End of this chapter)

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