Chapter 198 Revising the Plan
After about half an hour, the end of the dense forest area.
There are still five guards left here, Zi Lingyi did not hesitate to brush out the "Xia Ke Xing" passive, used "Drinking Rivers and Lakes" and then used "Jiang Jiu Jin" to rush up, and then used "Cup Mo Stop" to break through the armor, directly It was just a move of "Qinglian Sword Song" to hit him.

Ye Xin also used "Tiantian First Class" to descend from the sky to deal damage to the enemy. Yang Lei also rushed forward, releasing the skills of "Six Orders to Chase" and "Escape". The five guards on the opposite side were instantly maxed out for seven seconds nothing.

Five more people were dealt with. After Zilingyi and the others dragged the corpses to a hidden place, they looked at the path behind the dense forest. This path leads directly to Longli Village. In a few hours, they fought their way through the dense forest area alive, very stealthily, and did not disturb the guards and patrols in other areas.

After entering Longli Village, it was full of people from the Longya Gang. Zilingyi and others hid in a private house. There were people from the Longya Gang in this private house. , They were all taken aback, but before they could shout, they were instantly killed by Zi Lingyi and the others.

This private house is divided into upstairs and downstairs. A person upstairs heard the movement and was about to come down. Who would have known that a group of strangers were standing below. Yang Lei pointed at him and released the "Dynasty" "Secret order" skill, hit him, and hit him dizzy for a while, Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue also rushed up, dealt him damage, and dealt with him.

Zi Lingyi was more cautious, and dealt with the six members of the Dragon Tooth Gang in this private house, and searched another side. After confirming that no one was there, everyone closed the windows and curtains, dragged their bodies into a room, and then After locking the door, everyone gathered in the living room on the second floor.

In the living room on the second floor, Zi Lingyi carefully opened a gap in the curtains, and Zheng Xuanxue also moved her head closer. The two of them observed the situation outside through the gap, and saw the houses outside, the roads, and the village. The squares and alleys were full of people from the Longya Gang, and there were so many people coming and going, there couldn't be more.

"Damn it, it's scary." Longya-Bazhe exclaimed, he was frightened by this battle, and Yang Lei closed the curtains, turned to look at Zilingyi, and asked, "Brother Ziling, what should I do next?" How to do?"

"There are too many people, and the alley has been sealed off. We can't sneak in and kill Longya-Master. We have to modify our tactics." Zi Lingyi also closed the curtains, turned to look at Yang Lei and said.

Zheng Xuanxue was standing next to Zi Lingyi, turned her head to look at Zi Lingyi, and asked intently: "How to change it?"

As he spoke, Zi Lingyi slowly stretched his hand behind his back, and pulled out the Phoenix Feather Sword from the spiritual umbrella-Flying Feather behind him, then pulled out a gap again, looked outside, and said: "Change It's very simple, skip the plan of assassinating Longya-Joiner, go straight to it, and make some noise!"

After everyone heard it, they were also a little shocked, but even after they realized it, their purpose this time was to create a commotion, so that the members of the Dragon Tooth Gang at the front line could return to defense, and the members of the Dragon Tooth Gang in the village could focus on himself, so the movement had to be loud, and it had to be loud.

After getting ready, Zi Lingyi pulled aside the curtains, opened the window, stepped on the window with her left foot, kicked off with one foot, and jumped out from the second floor. Zheng Xuanxue also jumped out right after her.

Yang Lei and Ye Xin also followed without hesitation. Tiewu-Bazhe was slower, because he wanted to send information to Hou Zhanfei, indicating that they were going to attack, and asked Hou Zhanfei and the others to lead the army to attack later.

Five people jumped out of the house. The members of the Dragon Tooth Gang outside were all doing their own thing. Most of them didn't see Zi Lingyi and the others, but there were also some who were scared when they saw Zi Lingyi and the others jump out. one jump.

"I'll go! Look over there!"

"Who are they! Why are they here?"

Some members of the Longya Gang pointed at Zi Lingyi and the others, and the members of the Longya Gang who were sitting under the house raised their heads after hearing the movement, and saw that a group of people jumped down from above, which frightened them up!

"What's the situation!" One of the people exclaimed in shock, and after Zilingyi landed, he slashed horizontally with his sword, hitting Xiahou Dun, and knocking him flying instantly. Zheng Xuanxue also unfolded two blood-tempered red lotus knives, equipped with two Knife, kicked with one foot, jumped to the wall, and then kicked again, rushed to the back of a person. Before the opponent could react, Zheng Xuanxue sent out a burst of critical strikes.

"Someone! Come on!"

"Who is the other party? Why did he suddenly appear in the village!"

"It's Purple Bell Blossom and Goddess Ruoxue! Wait! The other two."

"Look at the fart, get on!"

All the members of the Dragon Tooth Gang were discussing, but then a group of people flocked to Zi Lingyi and the others. Zi Lingyi held a weapon and made a fighting posture, staring at the front with concentrated eyes and said: "Everyone, don't be too scattered, just In this range, start killing!"

"No problem, let's do it!" Ye Xin said calmly, then pulled out two long knives without hesitation, and then rushed to the right. The one on the right was a Monkey King, and the Monkey King raised it high. The golden cudgel rushed forward with a somersault, releasing the "Fighting Charge" skill.

And Ye Xin used the "Super Speed" skill and charged behind Monkey King. Monkey King was taken aback. He hit the ground with a stick and missed it. But just as he turned around, Ye Xin turned around and slashed with two swords, hitting Monkey King's chest. , aroused two red spirit crystal shards and knocked him to the ground.

Just as Ye Xin turned back, he used the "Kong Ming Slash" skill. The few people in front of him retreated and resisted for a while. After a burst of screams and sparks, Ye Xin went straight to work without hesitation.

Not to be outdone, Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue rushed forward to attack. Zi Lingyi released Cup Mo Ting and attacked the surroundings. Many people's armor values ​​were completely destroyed. Zheng Xuanxue released "Phantom Dance" again and came to a On the side, facing the backs of several people, released the "Arc Light" skill, which instantly dealt continuous critical strike damage.

Zi Lingyi slashed obliquely with his sword and hit a Zhao Yun's chest, then turned around and slashed horizontally with his sword, then stabbed straight with his sword, and then slashed straight with his sword, making a chivalrous move in minutes. Then, Zi Lingyi drank the fierce feather gourd After using the skill "Drinking Rivers and Lakes", the wine in the middle rushed towards the direction with the largest crowd and shouted, "Qinglian Sword Song!"

As soon as the words fell, Zi Lingyi turned into five white sword shadows, and slashed at the crowd, killing a few people who had been hit by the "Cup Don't Stop" skill in seconds, and the others were either half-blooded, or already With residual blood, Zheng Xuanxue seized the opportunity to rush up to harvest it with the "Shun Hua" skill and "Arc Light" skill, and brushed out the passive every minute, using the skills non-stop, which was very enjoyable.

(End of this chapter)

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