Chapter 217
"Zijie is dead!" Zi Lingyi exclaimed, he was very shocked, Xu Zijie was killed so quickly, this shows that there are enemies in this area, but now, it is so smoky that it is impossible to see the surroundings clearly. Zi Lingyi was completely passive.

Zi Lingyi gritted his teeth, and he thought of a way, that is to shout, although everyone separated, but after all, it was because of the smoke, so the distance should not be very far, if you shout, everyone should be able to hear, but if If you shout, it is likely to reveal your position.

After hesitating for a while, Zi Lingyi decided to call out. It will be a matter of time before the location is revealed, and he must join his teammates as soon as possible. Therefore, Zi Lingyi raised his head and shouted loudly: "Xiaoxue! Brother He! Brother Xia, are you there?" !"

"Xiao Yi! I'm here!" It was Zheng Xuanxue's voice.

"Xiaoyi! It's me, I'm He Zhifeng!" He Zhifeng's voice came soon, but suddenly, He Zhifeng's voice came again, but it sounded like he had encountered an enemy: "Ah! What is it! what!"

"Brother He! What's wrong with you! Brother He!" Zi Lingyi took a few steps forward and shouted a few times, but only the sound of He Zhifeng's weapons colliding and He Zhifeng's fighting sound could be heard. Slowly, this kind of The voice is also getting smaller and smaller, which shows that He Zhifeng hits farther and farther.

"Damn it, what is the enemy?" Zi Lingyi closed her eyes tightly and clenched her fists. At this moment, Zheng Xuanxue looked around and shouted nervously and anxiously: "Xiao Yi, where are you?"

"Xiaoxue! I use my skills to emit light, look carefully!" Zi Lingyi shouted in response.

"Well, good." Zheng Xuanxue also responded. After hearing Zheng Xuanxue's response, Zi Lingyi held the Phoenix Feather Sword, turned around again, and released the skill of "The Magical Brush". Feng Qiuhuang's "Miraculous Brush" has cool special effects, At the same time, with a more dazzling flash, Zi Lingyi drew the formation on the spot, and a round white magic circle appeared on the ground, emitting a dazzling white light.

Zheng Xuanxue turned around, observed carefully, and finally found a faint white light on her left side, although it was very faint, but there was a gray mist around, so she could still see it through careful observation.

Seeing the light of Zi Lingyi's skills, Zheng Xuanxue immediately ran towards that side, and soon found Zi Lingyi standing in the magic circle of "The Magic Brush". When Zi Lingyi saw Zheng Xuanxue, she immediately put away her sword excitedly and ran over .

"Xiao Yi!" Zheng Xuanxue ran over and hugged Zi Lingyi tightly. Zi Lingyi did the same, hugging Zheng Xuanxue tightly. After the two embraced for a while, Zi Lingyi let go of Zheng Xuanxue and looked at Zheng Xuanxue. eyes, and asked with concern: "Xiaoxue, are you okay, what happened just now? Why did you disappear as you were walking?"

"I don't know too well. You walked in the front, but slowly, your figure became more and more blurred. I quickened my pace and tried to catch up, but I couldn't find you, and the other people behind me disappeared." Zheng Xuanxue explained.

After a while, a clear and crisp sound came over. It seemed to be something, the sound of rubbing against the ground. Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue heard the sound, and immediately entered a fighting stance. , the two turned around, looked in the direction of the voice, made a fighting posture, and looked forward with concentrated eyes.

"Who!" Zi Lingyi shouted, what if it was a player or one of his own people, but unfortunately, no, suddenly, a man wearing a black cloak, with black feathered wings on his back, holding a huge sickle in his hand, head A man full of skeletons rushed over and slashed across with a sickle.

It was the fallen angel cultist in the previous copy of "Eternal Movement"!

With a loud sound of "ping", a knife from the fallen angel cultist slashed on Zheng Xuanxue's blood-tempered red lotus knife. Zheng Xuanxue blocked it with her right arm. The believers resisted, and the fallen angel believers were pushed back. Zheng Xuanxue stepped forward and stabbed the fallen angel believers in the chest.

"Ah!" The fallen angel suddenly raised his head with a ferocious face, ignoring Zheng Xuanxue's knife, and directly raised the sickle with both hands, ready to strike straight with the sickle, Zheng Xuanxue immediately pulled out the knife in his sleeve, and dodged to the right.

When Zi Lingyi held the Phoenix Feather Sword and seized the opportunity to attack, suddenly, a weak moan sounded from behind him. Zi Lingyi was taken aback, and immediately turned around. As soon as he turned around, there was a skull lying on top of him. in front of.

"Ah!" It was another fallen angel believer. This believer slashed straight with a sickle. Zi Lingyi gritted his teeth, held a phoenix feather sword, and stabbed with the sword, hitting the fallen angel believer's abdomen. Then he raised his foot and kicked Kick straight and kick the Fallen Angel Cultists into the air.

Zheng Xuanxue also found out about Zi Lingyi's situation, but she had no time to help him, and Zi Lingyi didn't seem to need help in this situation, he could handle it by himself, so Zheng Xuanxue did her best to deal with this fallen angel believer.

Zheng Xuanxue released the "Phantom Dance" skill, combined with the surrounding smoke, the fallen angels couldn't see Zheng Xuanxue clearly at all, but Zheng Xuanxue seized the opportunity and walked behind the fallen angels, immediately, there was a burst of skill output, all of them were critical strikes, The fallen angel believer was beaten all of a sudden and disappeared into smoke.

On Zi Lingyi's side, Zi Lingyi stabbed straight with his sword and hit the fallen angel believer. The fallen angel believer ignored the attack and directly slashed horizontally with a sickle. Zi Lingyi straightened his waist and dodged it. The sword, turned around, slashed obliquely with the sword, and then stabbed straight with the sword, and then drew the "magic brush" magic circle on the spot. By doing this, on the one hand, it was to contain the fallen angel believers, and on the other hand, it was to tell Zheng Xuanxue that she was here. I just fought with the fallen angel believers, and the distance was a little farther.

Zheng Xuanxue saw Zilingyi's Qinglian sword formation, and immediately rushed over, and Zilingyi also swiped out of the knight line, and directly went up with a "Qinglian sword song", turning into five white sword shadows, facing the fallen angel disciples After a burst of slashing, white sword lights hit the fallen angel believers, and when the five white sword shadows returned to their positions and turned back to Zi Lingyi, Zi Lingyi swung the sword, and the fallen angel believers turned into black mist, blowing away with the wind. drift.

Zheng Xuanxue ran over immediately, and upon hearing Zheng Xuanxue's voice, Zi Lingyi immediately turned around and walked forward, but Zheng Xuanxue spoke first, and hurriedly asked, "Xiao Yi, how are you?"

"I'm fine, the enemy has been dealt with, how about you?" Zi Lingyi asked.

"Same, what should we do next?" Zheng Xuanxue put away her double knives and looked around, and Zi Lingyi also put away her Fengyu sword, and said seriously: "There must be enemies around here, we can't be careless, so take Come down, we can't get separated."

After finishing speaking, Zi Lingyi smiled, stepped forward, and took Zheng Xuanxue's little hand. Zheng Xuanxue was a little surprised, but she didn't resist. It's just that she didn't expect Zi Lingyi to hold her hand all the time in reality. Same.

"This way we won't get separated, let's go." Zi Lingyi said with a smile, and then took Zheng Xuanxue's little hand, chose a random direction, and walked slowly inside.

(End of this chapter)

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