The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 218 Fallen Angel Shield Viranos

Chapter 218 Fallen Angel Shield Viranos
Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue held hands and walked in the mist, but after walking for a long time, the groans of the fallen angels came from directly in front of them. Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue immediately entered the state, but they still did not let go of their hands.

"Ah!" Suddenly, the Fallen Angel Cultist roared and rushed in front of Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue. He raised his sickle high and slashed straight down. Zi Lingyi pulled out the Phoenix Feather Sword with his left hand, and blocked it with his sword. The knife from the fallen angel cultist, then resisted the fallen angel cultist, rushed forward and stabbed straight with the sword, and then slashed obliquely with the sword, and Zheng Xuanxue, not to be outdone, unfolded the knife in her sleeve, released the length to the maximum, and slashed horizontally, Zi Lingyi Another straight stab with the sword, the double firepower hit the fallen angel cultists one after another.

After Zi Lingyi brushed out "Xia Ke Xing", she rushed to the front, made a fighting posture and shouted: "Qinglian Sword Song!"

As soon as the words fell, Zi Lingyi turned into five white sword shadows, and slashed at the fallen angel disciples in front of her. Zheng Xuanxue also crossed her swords, squatted on the ground with one knee, then raised her head, and jumped up with one foot. He released the "Lingfei" skill in the air, turned around, and threw the two knives out, causing a burst of red phantom.

After the Fallen Angel Cultist suffered the damage of "Qinglian Sword Song", Zi Lingyi returned to the original place, and the Fallen Angel Cultist stared at the two men with ferocious faces, but when they looked over, two knives swooped in, The Angel Cultists were taken aback, they had no time to dodge, and were hit in the chest by the double knives. Then, the blood-tempered red lotus knives bounced back into Zheng Xuanxue's hands, and Zheng Xuanxue inserted the two knives back into the mechanism slot.

The fallen angels' eyes widened, and finally collapsed powerlessly, turning into black mist and ashes. After Zi Lingyi heaved a sigh of relief, he immediately turned to look at Zheng Xuanxue, only to see that Zheng Xuanxue's figure was becoming more and more blurred. Zi Lingyi was startled, and immediately Anxiously ran over, took Zheng Xuanxue's hand, and then said: "It's settled, let's speed up and get out of this area as soon as possible."

"En." Zheng Xuanxue nodded and smiled, and then, Zi Lingyi took Zheng Xuanxue's little hand and continued walking in the mist. Yi and Zheng Xuanxue solved it.

During the process, Zilingyi also received news from the team that Liu Mengyang was also killed, which made Zilingyi realize the seriousness of the problem. Liu Mengyang and Xu Zijie, although their strength can't be considered too strong, they can't be described as weak either. It can be said that they are mid-level players. Such two players were killed when they entered the foggy area, which shows how dangerous this place is.

After walking for a long time, Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue finally came to a small alley. This alley is a straight road, and finally there is no need to go around in circles, and the fog is getting thinner. Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue also quickened their pace, but , the two hadn't walked out of the alley when they heard a roar.



In addition to the roaring sound, there is also a roaring sound. This roaring sound is very loud and at the same time very crazy, like a wild beast. Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue know that this is definitely not the player's voice. The player cannot make a sound of this scale. Is the enemy of the city of eternal night.

Zheng Xuanxue immediately looked at Zi Lingyi, puzzled and said seriously: "That voice just now."

"Well, there must be something wrong, let's go over and have a look, be careful." After finishing speaking, Zi Lingyi took Zheng Xuanxue's hand, hurried over, walked out of the alley, and came to a large square, which was very spacious. Unexpectedly, as soon as he walked out, the surrounding fog disappeared.

Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue saw a black castle behind the square. This is the castle in the center of the City of Eternal Night. Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue rushed to it, but at the same time, Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue also discovered it. In , a huge beast is fighting a group of players.

This beast has two red horns on its head and red fluorescent eyes. It is very big. Its size alone is at least 10 meters long. It has a black armor with huge hammer shields on its arms, and a tail behind it. The tail is full of fangs and spikes, which looks very terrifying.

The attacking players around, Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue looked over and found that it was Ye Xin, Wang Xu, three old acquaintances, and two others, but Zi Lingyi didn't know each other, the two of them, one named Xing Yan- Lingguang, using Sun Wukong, seems to be Liebai Xingkong's person, and the other is called NR-Shining, using Hua Mulan, who seems to be an entertainment player.

As always, Zheng Xuanxue picked up the crystal bracelet, scanned the beast, and quickly got the attributes. Zi Lingyi leaned her head to look at it, and the contents of the beast's attributes were: "Shield of the Fallen Angel - Billa North, blood volume 8500000, defense value 200, attack power 1300, mana value 0, movement speed 20, attack speed +0%."

"Passive Skill - Curse of the Fallen Angel: Ignores the stun, silence, and burn effects, and the attack has a 25% bloodthirsty effect."

"Skill - Power of the Beast: Biranos swings his fists, rushes straight at the opponent, and unleashes a slam attack, causing physical damage to the enemy."

"Skill - Flame Forest: Biranos slammed his fists into the ground, releasing the power of flames. Straight spikes suddenly protruded from the ground, driving bursts of fire flames, causing physical damage to the enemy, with burn effects and knock-up effects .”

"Skill - Flame of the Fire Dragon: Beranos spits out flames and launches a direct attack on the enemy, causing physical damage."

Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue were speechless when they saw the attributes of Viranos. This boss has too much HP, and there are quite a lot of area skills. It can only be pushed by experts.

At this moment, Viranos rushed over and hit Wang Xu with both fists continuously. Wang Xu released the "Smart Double Spears" skill, constantly dodged left and right, and shot at the same time. Viranos' chest and abdomen shot out. There were sparks one after another. As for Wang Xu, Wang Xu dodged attacks one after another, as nimbly as lubricating oil on the soles of his feet, but Biranos couldn't hit him.

Suddenly, Ye Xin descended from the sky with the skill of "Tiantian First Class". After Ye Xin fell, he stabbed down with two knives, and the two knives pierced Vilanos' back fiercely. Vilanos screamed in pain immediately, and then The whole body shook vigorously, and the powerful vibration sent Ye Xin into the air, but Ye Xin did a backflip and landed safely. However, because of the impact, he took a few steps back and stabbed his knife into the ground before stopping.

Viranos immediately rushed towards Ye Xin who had just attacked him, waved his arm, and punched him horizontally. Ye Xin was startled, kicked his feet immediately, and did a backflip to open the distance, while dodging Biranos Si's arm.

Hu Liao rushed to the side and released the skill "Dongfeng Breakthrough". Three diamond-shaped energy crystals pierced Viranos' right leg. Viranos gritted his teeth, turned his head and stared at Hu Liao. The guy reacted too fast.

(End of this chapter)

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