The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 232 This Boss Has Been Killed!

Chapter 232 This Boss Has Been Killed!
This BOSS is horribly perverted, but Zi Lingyi can't help it. After gritting her teeth, she still rushed forward to help with a sword. At this moment, Lierla was still dealing with Wang Xu. Wang Xu held two guns and shot backwards. Erla rushed up at high speed, turned around and slashed obliquely. Wang Xu bent down, turned around and backed away. After turning around, he kicked on one foot, jumped back, and shot in the air.

Lierla continued to use the sickle to resist, blocking Wang Xu's bullets. At this moment, Zi Lingyi also rushed up, stabbing straight with the sword from behind Lierla, and Lierla immediately noticed that Zi Lingyi , jumped up with a kick of both feet, unexpectedly jumped to the sky above Zi Lingyi, causing Zi Lingyi to fly into the air.

"What!" Zi Lingyi lost his voice in shock, and he rushed to the front side, which is the position with his back to Lierla. Zi Lingyi immediately turned around, but just as he turned around, he saw Lierla La held a sickle in both hands, and when he landed, the sickle hit the ground, and purple flames were stirred up on the ground, rushing straight to Zi Lingyi. This is Lielal's "ghost flame" skill!
"Cut." Zi Lingyi gave a disdainful cry, then turned around and backed away, pulled out the spiritual umbrella - the flying feather was on the opposite side, when the "Ghost God Flame" rushed over, there was only a "boom", Zi Lingyi blocked it He made an attack, but was blown away by the explosion and the strong energy, flew out of the aisle on the left, and fell into the hall.

"Brother Ziling!" Wang Xu turned his head and shouted, and after Lierla roared ferociously, he rushed straight up with a scythe in his hand, and slashed straight at him with the scythe. Wang Xu was taken aback and released the "Roaming Spear" Retreat, and then the "Gorgeous Revolver" shot back, Lierla dodged left and right, and at the same time resisted with a sickle.

Wang Xu also exited the long corridor on the left and came to the hall. Zi Lingyi also slowly got up, holding the Fengyu sword and the spiritual umbrella - Feiyu stood where he was, and Wang Xu also came to his side, holding the Gun, looking at Zi Lingyi, although the atmosphere was tense, he still smiled and said, "I said, what level do you think this guy is?"

"It's the same level as you guys." Zi Lingyi said without exaggeration.

"So powerful? Interesting." As he spoke, Wang Xu licked his lips, then gritted his teeth and smiled. Now Wang Xu is not only nervous, but also excited. The hall is already very wide and narrow, Wang Xu can play better.

Zi Lingyi didn't want to say anything, just shook her head, and then held a sword and an umbrella in both hands, rushed straight up, and began to fight with Lielal in close quarters. The two fought bloody output, but the progress was very slow, this guy was too It's amazing. Many attacks are either dodged by him or blocked by him. It's very difficult to hit him.

"Xiaoyi! Here we come!" Long said in the distance, Zheng Xuanxue rushed out from inside, followed by Hu Liao, Zheng Xuanxue shook her hands vigorously, popped out two blades, and then Zheng Xuanxue released "Phantom Dance" skills, rushed over at high speed, and rushed behind Lielal.

"Shuashuashua" This is the sound of Zheng Xuanxue releasing the "Arc Light" skill. Zheng Xuanxue's two knives quickly cut up, but Lielal actually bent down and dodged it. This surprised Zheng Xuanxue and exclaimed: "How is that possible!"

While bent over, Lierla kicked backwards straight up. Zheng Xuanxue was taken aback, but fortunately, she didn't react too slowly, and directly released the "Phantom" skill. Lierla's kick, directly The clone was kicked away, and Zheng Xuanxue escaped successfully.

However, after Zheng Xuanxue fell to the ground, Lierla also straightened up, turned around and slashed horizontally, Zheng Xuanxue also bent down and dodged, but immediately, Lierla rushed up and slashed directly with a sickle from bottom to top, Zheng Xuanxue was shocked , Immediately put the two knives on the opposite side to resist, with a sound of "ting", Zheng Xuanxue blocked the attack, but was still knocked into the air, a backflip, and then the two knives were stuck on the ground, and then forced to stop, but on the floor, still Two straight cracks were scratched by Zheng Xuanxue, which shows how powerful Lierla's blow was just now.

Hu Liao also rushed over, struck with a move of "East Wind Breaking Attack", and was slashed horizontally by Lielal with a scythe, cutting off all three diamond-shaped energy balls. Er's attributes are shared in the team channel. What the hell is this BOSS's attributes? Not only the basic attributes and skills are terrifyingly high, but even the combat ability is amazing.

"Ugh!" Lielal roared crazily, then turned around, faced Hu, raised the sickle high, and then hit the sickle down, hitting the ground fiercely, sparking a purple streak Lie Yan rushed straight over, and it was the "Ghost God Lie Yan" skill again.

"Blue Earth Crack!" Hu Li roared, and then he also hit the ground with his palm, triggering blue and white ice cones to rush towards him. This is the "Blue Earth Crack" skill. Two strands of skill energy rush straight from the ground, They collided with each other and started a violent friction.

"Good opportunity!" Wang Xu roared, and then released the "Smart Dual Spears" to shoot quickly, and the bullets hit Lierla's body. Lierla's blood volume was slightly worn out, but Lierla Lal immediately gave up the attack and turned around, holding a knife in both hands, and slashed horizontally. Wang Xu slid to the left and dodged sideways.

"Look at the sword!" Zi Lingyi also released "Jiangjiujin" and charged forward, stabbing straight with the sword, hitting Lielal's left shoulder, opening a hole in the red spirit crystal, Liella stared at his blood-red eyes, Turning around and slashing with the sickle, Zi Lingyi suddenly turned into a white sword shadow and disappeared. It was the third skill effect of "Introducing the Wine", and Zi Lingyi returned to the original place.

Zi Lingyi, who had returned to the original spot, held Feng Yujian tightly, feeling very nervous and struggling. At this moment, Zheng Xuanxue also stood up, made a fighting posture, and rushed forward to continue the attack. In the past, everyone continued to output.

Ningyu was far away, so he came a bit late, he also rushed up to attack with a long road in his hand, and Zi Lingyi also joined the battle immediately, but, under the intervention of five masters, Lielal was still able to fight , his blood volume wears out very slowly, and everyone can't believe how difficult this boss is.

Hu made a move of "Flying Soul", and was cut open by Lielal with a scythe. Then Lielal rushed up and stabbed straight with the sickle. Hu immediately released the "Time and Space Shuttle" skill and shifted to the left He dodged, but Lierla immediately punched him again. Hu was startled, and immediately crossed his hands in front of him to block. Although he blocked the attack, he was sent flying again.

Hu Liao was sent flying, but he made a backflip to adjust his posture, and after landing, he backed up and couldn't stop at all. The impact force was too great, and he didn't have any weapons to support himself, so Hu Liao directly hit the ground. On the wall, it stopped.

"Hoo hoo." Hu Li, clutching his chest, put one knee on the ground, gasping for breath, he slowly raised his head, looked at the fighting crowd and Lielal, and couldn't help cursing: "Damn, this Is the BOSS off? We have so many masters, how can we still fight like this?"

At this moment, Zi Lingyi slashed obliquely with his sword, Zheng Xuanxue stabbed straight, Lielal used his sickle to block horizontally, and then gave a strong shock, knocking them both into the air. He opened the distance, and stretched out his hand, dragging Zheng Xuanxue.

"Xiaoxue, how are you? Can you keep up physically?" Zi Lingyi asked worriedly, and Zheng Xuanxue looked at Zi Lingyi and shook her head: "Well, you can still keep up, but the key to the current problem is , this BOSS is really too difficult to deal with."

"Yeah, it took one hour of fighting to wear off one-fifth of his blood volume, and so far, except for one skill, the other two skills have not been used yet." Zi Lingyi looked at him intently. Looking at Lielal, he said nervously.

At this time, Lierla held a sickle in his right hand, and slowly stretched out his left hand in front of him, covering his crow mask. The crow mask suddenly emitted a burst of black energy, and the black energy gathered around Lierla, turning into a Seeing the crows one after another, everyone was shocked when they saw this situation. It was Lielal's "dark crow" skill.

(End of this chapter)

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