Chapter 233 Calm Analysis

With a wave of Lielal's hand, one of the crows that could only measure rushed towards them, and the crowd immediately began to eliminate these crows. Zi Lingyi drew a formation on the spot and released the skill of "Style of Magic". All the crows that rushed into the formation were all injured and slowed down. , Zi Lingyi seized the opportunity, slashed with a sword, and wiped out these crows.

Zheng Xuanxue released the two skills "Arc Light" and "Shunhua" while retreating. After pulling away from the distance, she followed up with the skill "Lingfei", killing a group of crows, and at the same time using the skill "Phantom" Use it, let the avatar also help output together.

Wang Xu used the two skills of "Smart Double Spears" and "Gorgeous Revolver" to continuously shift output, and the crow was killed very quickly. When they surrounded Wang Xu, Wang Xu smiled, and after straightening his cowboy hat, a Turn around, release the "Fever Barrage" skill, and shoot down all the crows approaching.

It's just a burst of spell output, using the two skills "Dongfeng Breaking Attack" and "Flying Soul", and the two skills "Vitality Bomb" and "Blue Earth Breaking" output together, the effect is very good, The crows were killed one after another.

And Ningyu, after he released the skill of "Soldier Demon Qi Blade", he directly output the skill, and there was a burst of slashing, crows hit him one by one, but he wiped them out, although the crows caused him damage, but Ningyu constantly created shields, and at the same time had a bloodthirsty effect, the crow's hit was not as fast as his return.

The powerful output of the five people successfully dispelled Liela's "Raven Crow" skill, and Lierla immediately let go of her hands, and then continued to charge and attack with both hands tightly holding the sickle, directly rushing towards Ningyu.

Ning Yu was startled, he didn't expect Liela to charge straight at him, and Lierla held up the sickle and slashed straight down, Ning Yu raised the long knife to block it, there was a loud bang, Ning Yu blocked it attack.

Zheng Xuanxue seized the opportunity, directly released the "Phantom Dance" skill, rushed forward at a high speed, and released the "Arc Light" skill at the back of Lie Laer, causing two critical strikes at once, and Lie Laer also gritted his teeth. Kicking Ningyu into the air, then turning around, hitting the ground with a knife, directly using the "Ghost God Flame" skill.

Zheng Xuanxue was taken aback, the distance was too short, and Lielal released her skills too fast, she couldn't dodge at all, but she had no choice but to dodge if she couldn't dodge, Zheng Xuanxue dodged to the left with all her strength, dodging most of the damage However, Zheng Xuanxue's right shoulder, right arm, and right waist were still attacked, and Zheng Xuanxue's blood volume dropped by one third.

"Xiaoxue!" Zi Lingyi yelled in concern, and immediately rushed forward, stabbing straight with his sword, and Lierla directly slashed with a sickle, forcibly split Zi Lingyi's Phoenix Feather Sword, but Zi Lingyi held it tightly. It was Feng Yujian, so Zi Lingyi was directly pulled away by the impact, but Zi Lingyi took advantage of the situation and jumped back to the ground, landing beside Zheng Xuanxue.

"Xiaoxue, how are you?" Zi Lingyi immediately got down on one knee and supported Zheng Xuanxue. Zheng Xuanxue stood up holding her right shoulder, frowning, and said weakly: "It's okay. It just feels a little hot , and it still hurts."

"You use the phantom dance and the blood pack to get some blood back, and we'll deal with him."

"En." After Zheng Xuanxue nodded, she began to back away. In this situation, Zheng Xuanxue really couldn't fight any longer. Let's recover her blood first, so Zheng Xuanxue started to replenish her blood with the blood pack.

Under normal circumstances, Zheng Xuanxue will directly output the enemy and use the bloodthirsty effect of the weapon to replenish the blood, but the enemy in front of him is too strong, and it is difficult to hit him. It is impossible to use him to continuously replenish the blood, so Zheng Xuanxue only Skills and blood packs can now be used.

Zi Lingyi rushed forward, slashing straight with his sword, Ning Yu slashed horizontally from behind, Lierla jumped to the left to dodge, both Zi Lingyi and Ning Yu were startled, they all stopped and took the sword in their hands. The weapon almost hit the opponent, but fortunately, in the case of team formation, it's okay to hit it.

Lierla raised the sickle high, and then slashed straight down with the sickle. It was the "Ghost God Flame" skill again. Zi Lingyi immediately pulled out the spiritual umbrella-Flying Feather, opened the umbrella, and stood in front to resist the flames. At the same time, she turned her head Shouted to Ning Yu: "Hold me!"

"Okay!" Ning Yu responded, then stabbed the knife into the ground, and then supported Zi Lingyi's back with both hands, Zi Lingyi roared "Ah", trying to resist Lielal's attack with all his strength.

Hu Liao and Wang Xu seized the opportunity to attack, but Lielal immediately gave up the attack, took a few steps back and dodged, then turned around and charged at Wang Xu, slashing straight down, Wang Xu dodged to the right, and then, Wang Xu Xu held a gun and continued to attack, but most of them were dodged or blocked by Lielal.

But at this moment, Zilingyi, Zilingyi was panting, holding the umbrella tightly with both hands, the umbrella surface was still emitting heat, and the surroundings were still burning with purple flames, Zilingyi was also a little weak, and suddenly she knelt on one knee. Kneeling on the ground, panting.

Ning Yu behind was still standing, clutching her abdomen, panting as if: "Hoo hoo. The purple bell flowers are blooming, are you alright?"

"It's okay, you go on, let me take it easy." Zi Lingyi panted.

"Okay, I'm going." After finishing speaking, Ning Yu drew out her long saber, took a fighting stance, and rushed up to do the attack output, while Zi Lingyi was on the ground with one knee, gasping for breath, while closing her eyes. His eyes were thinking, thinking about how to deal with this guy.

Zi Lingyi recalled how she dealt with strong enemies in the past. The first strong enemy was the blood spirit troll in the copy of Ice and Snow Canyon. After she had the equipment bonus, it was nothing to defeat him.

The second one is Xia Mo. Xia Mo's explosive strength has caused Zi Lingyi to be defeated repeatedly. At the same time, Xia Mo said to him: "Skills should be used according to the opponent's hero. In addition, you need to be calm and judge. analyze."

"Calm down, judge, analyze, the enemy's...hero." Saying this, Zi Lingyi slowly raised her head, opened her eyes, looked at Lierla, and began to calmly analyze the boss. No analysis, but now, Zi Lingyi can finally calm down and analyze this opponent carefully.

Lieral, has the reaction of the top masters of the Jianghu Heroes, and at the same time has strong strength and super high attack power, and his attack speed and movement speed have reached the peak. With his skills, he can In other words, this boss, if he can be compared to a hundred, probably won't be a problem. Therefore, the key to deal with this guy is not the number of people, but the strength.

His "Raven Crow" skill is a group attack skill, so he doesn't have to be afraid. As for the "Ghost and God Flame" skill, he should be able to dodge it in other ways, such as "Introducing Wine" or "Stroke of Magic", and also To grasp the CD well, the reason why I used the umbrella - Feiyu to block it before was purely because I was still waiting for the skill to cool down.

Spiritual Umbrella-Fei Yu is a very useful umbrella, but relatively, it will be very passive after using it. So, next, I should take risks and give up this umbrella. Don't use it. Besides, I'd better In close combat, the closer the better, such a big scythe will be useless if it is brought too close.

After the analysis, Zi Lingyi's physical strength has almost recovered, he stood up slowly, put away the spiritual umbrella - Feiyu and carried it behind his back, holding the Fengyu sword in one hand, standing on the spot, with white long hair And the blue energy streamer behind the clothes was floating gently, and Zi Lingyi walked over slowly, the sound of her footsteps was very crisp.

Suddenly, Zi Lingyi kicked one foot, charged directly and quickly, rushed to Lielal's side, and attacked him. At this moment, Zi Lingyi has completely analyzed it, so the next step is a battle!

(End of this chapter)

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