The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 237 Lord of the Fallen Angel Dracula

Chapter 237 Lord of the Fallen Angel Dracula

"I can't find it, Xiaoxue, did you find anything there?" Zi Lingyi who found nothing turned to look at Zheng Xuanxue and asked, Zheng Xuanxue closed the book, looked at Zi Lingyi and shook her head, saying no, Zi Lingyi also closed it Eyes, let out a long breath: "Phew, let's look in other rooms."

After finishing speaking, Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue left this room together and went to other rooms. There were two other rooms, one was also a bedroom and the other was a warehouse. Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue searched all over these two rooms , still no password found.

Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue had no choice but to leave the long corridor on the left and return to the hall. After returning to the hall, Zi Lingyi walked to the password slot of Shimen, put his hands on his hips, and looked at the password slot with concentrated eyes, bit by bit. He thought about it and said: "It's strange, the six-digit password, you can see a lot of numbers in the two dormitories just now, which one is the password?

Suddenly, I heard a loud "boom" behind me. It was so loud that Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue were startled. They immediately turned around and saw that it was the entrance of the stairs next to the cage elevator. A vampire flew directly to the door. He came out and fell hard on the ground beside him, motionless, he had already been killed.

"I'm going, it's scary, what's going on?" Zi Lingyi lost her voice in shock, then immediately raised her head and looked towards the stairs, where she saw a white figure slowly walking up bit by bit, Holding a sword and a qin in his hand, there are two people behind him.

"Little Man?"

"Senior brother!" Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue exclaimed, and Xia Mo was the one who just sent the vampire flying, and Ye Xin and He Zhifeng followed behind Xia Mo, and the three of them also reached the tenth floor.

"Xiao Yi!" Seeing Zi Lingyi, He Zhifeng immediately waved and greeted Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue, and Xia Mo immediately asked Zheng Xuanxue, "Junior Sister, Are you OK?"

"I'm fine, Senior Brother, Brother Wushuang, Brother He." Zheng Xuanxue smiled, and shook her hands at the three of them, while Ye Xin crossed his arms, looked at Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue, and asked calmly: " What's going on now?"

"No, see for yourself." Zi Lingyi pointed behind her with her thumb, then turned around, everyone looked at Shimen, and Zilingyi also began to explain: "Behind this Shimen, it is very likely that Degu Pulled, but to open the stone gate, you need to enter a password, and now we are looking for the password, but there is no progress at all."

"Password? You said this?" He Zhifeng said. After speaking, he took out a bracelet with a blue gem on it. When Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue saw the bracelet, they were very puzzled.

"Is this the password?" Zilingyi pointed to the bracelet and asked, but He Zhifeng smiled and handed the bracelet to Zilingyi. After Zilingyi took the bracelet, he looked carefully and found that the inside of the bracelet was inlaid The three numbers are 593 respectively.

"Really!" Zi Lingyi said in shock, Zheng Xuanxue was also a little curious: "Let me see."

"No." After speaking, Zi Lingyi was handed the bracelet to Zheng Xuanxue. After seeing it, Zheng Xuanxue also put down the bracelet, turned to look at Zi Lingyi, and said seriously: "The password is in Brother He's bracelet?"

After Zheng Xuanxue thought for a while, she turned to look at He Zhifeng, waved the bracelet in her hand, and asked, "Brother He, where did you get this bracelet?"

"The ones we killed all the way up from the third floor were basically fighting vampires. This is an accessory that exploded when I hit a vampire." He Zhifeng explained, and Zi Lingyi thought about it bit by bit after hearing the words: " This is a set of passwords you got from below. Then, another set of passwords, will it also be below?"

"There is a group on their side, and there should be a group on our side. What did we blow up?" Zheng Xuanxue also said while thinking about it. When it came to this, Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue looked at each other, and said in unison: "The Raven Mask!"

"Let's go, hurry up and find that profiteer!" Zi Lingyi waved her hands and said hastily.

"Yo, Brother Wushuang, Brother Man, you're here too, where did you come from?" Not far away, in the aisle on the right, Wang Xu came out and said hello, Hu Lie and Ning Yu also came out, When Zi Lingyi and the others saw Hu, they immediately stepped forward.

Zi Lingyi walked quickly in front of Hu Lie, Hu Lie felt something was wrong for a while, so she asked nervously, "What do you want?"

"Where's the mask? Here." Zi Lingyi stretched out her hand.

"What mask?"

"As for the crow mask that exploded earlier, there is likely to be a password inside." Zi Lingyi explained, and after listening to Hu, he nodded and said, "Oh, I understand, just wait, I'll take it out now."

As he said that, Hu Li reached into the treasure bag, took out the crow mask from inside, looked carefully at the crow mask, and found that there was a password on the inside, and exclaimed: "There is really a password, take a look."

Zi Lingyi took the mask, looked at the inside of the mask, and found that the password was really engraved on the inside, the number was 187, counting the 593 in the bracelet just now, Zi Lingyi and the others gathered enough 6 numbers to open the stone gate .

So, everyone walked to Shimen, and Zi Lingyi walked to the password slot and started to rotate the password. The password he entered first was 187593. If it didn’t work, he could change it back and forth. However, this group succeeded immediately, the password was correct, and Shimen sent bang.

Accompanied by vibrations and noises, the left and right sides of the huge stone gate began to separate, stirring up a lot of dust, and Zi Lingyi walked back slowly, walked to the front, looked at the front with concentrated eyes, and was being slowly Widen the door gap.

At the moment when the gap in the door was widened, suddenly, a thunder came. Behind the stone gate, there was a throne. Other than that, there was only the main hall left. , is interlaced with electric light.

There was no one on the throne, but Zi Lingyi and the others did not relax their vigilance. Eight people walked in slowly. The moment they stepped into the main hall, suddenly, there was another thunder and lightning, and there were many blood bats around. He flew over, gathered on the throne, and formed an energy body. After a burst of red light, the energy turned into a solid body. A man wearing a black and red robe, with a blue complexion and long white hair, was sitting on the throne, with his waist There is also a sword in the room.

Zi Lingyi and others all know that this should be Dracula, the final boss of the Miracle Continent vampire series, Zi Lingyi picked up the crystal bracelet, scanned Dracula, and soon got Dracula's Attributes, the content is: "The body of the fallen angel - Lord Dracula, blood volume 3000000, defense value 800, attack power 1800, mana value 10000, movement speed 170, attack speed +80%."

"Passive Skill - Curse of the Fallen Angel: Ignores the stun, silence, and burn effects, and the attack has a 45% bloodthirsty effect."

"Passive skill 2 - Sanctuary of the Fallen Angel: The mana effect of the hero skill is completely ineffective on oneself."

"Passive Skill 3 - Punishment of the Fallen Angel: Dracula's weapon attacks all have the ability to cut off the attacks of the ability body."

"Passive skill 4 - Bloodline of the Moonlight: When Dracula's blood volume is lower than 30%, the attack power increases by 200 points, the bloodthirsty effect increases by 25%, and it is completely immune to the effects of controlling skills."

"Skill - Infinite Crescent: Dracula gathers energy around him, and then shoots the energy crescent knife around, causing spell damage to enemies."

"Skill - Scarlet Phantom: Dracula teleports towards the designated target, comes behind him, and strengthens the power of the next normal attack, with a 25% bloodthirsty effect and a 3-second deceleration effect."

"Skill - Blood Demon Power: Dracula shoots an energy shock wave in the designated direction, causing spell damage and continuous limitation effect on the enemy."

Zi Lingyi shared the attributes into the crystal bracelets of everyone around him. When everyone saw Dracula's attributes, they were shocked. This boss is so strong, so powerful that it is frightening. Even if you have faced Lierla Zi Lingyi and the others never felt this pressure.

(End of this chapter)

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