Chapter 238 The Powerful Dracula
"Hehe. No human has ever arrived here alive. You are the first batch." Dracula bared his fangs and sneered ferociously. Said: "You laugh uglier than crying!"

"Since you are here, as a reward for you, I will get to know you with my own hands." Dracula completely ignored Zi Lingyi's words, stood up slowly, and pulled out the blood-red long sword at his waist. The sword, and then with a wave of the sword, there was another thunder, which resounded through the entire Eternal Night Castle.

At the moment of thunder, the braziers and torches on the ceiling and walls of the main hall were all burning brightly, and Dracula walked up slowly holding the scarlet blood sword, Zi Lingyi and others They also took out their weapons and made fighting postures to face Dracula.

"You...become the sacrifices of our Caesars!" Dracula roared with a ferocious face. Just as the words fell, Dracula swung his sword and rushed straight up with one foot. The speed was extremely fast, and the purple in front Ling Yi gritted her teeth, holding the Phoenix Feather Sword in her hand, and rushed forward, stabbing straight with the sword.

Dracula dodged to the left, kicked his left foot, jumped to the right, and then charged forward, passed Zi Lingyi, and directly attacked other people. Zi Lingyi was taken aback, and immediately turned around and reminded: "careful!"

Dracula raised the scarlet blood sword and slashed straight down, attacking He Zhifeng. He Zhifeng raised his spear with both hands to block it. Suddenly, there was a loud sound of weapons colliding. He Zhifeng gritted his teeth and clenched his hands tightly. Lance, tried his best to push Dracula back, but he couldn't do it at all. It's not bad to be able to maintain the status quo without being suppressed by Dracula.

Zheng Xuanxue shook her hands vigorously, and popped out two knives in her sleeves. Then, Zheng Xuanxue rushed forward, released the "Shunhua" skill, and stabbed straight with both knives. Zheng Xuanxue was hit by the impact and turned around a few times, almost not falling.

He Zhifeng took the opportunity and immediately raised his spear and stabbed straight. Dracula turned around, turned to the right to avoid it, and then kicked straight up, kicking He Zhifeng's spear away. He Zhifeng was shocked. With a straight stab of the sword, He Zhifeng had no choice but to fly to the left, dodging Dracula's blow.

Not far away, Xia Mo played the movement, shot out a series of energy darts, and then hit it with the skill "Crazy Song". Dracula turned around and stared at Xia Mo, and immediately held the scarlet blood sword and slashed forward , unexpectedly accurately split all Xia Mo's attacks.

Xia Mo was startled, and Dracula rushed up, raised the scarlet blood sword, and slashed obliquely with the sword. Xia Mo kicked on one foot, jumped back and dodged, pulled out the Qingguang sword in the air, and rushed up to stab , Dracula dodges to the left with a dodge.

In the distance, Wang Xu continued to fire, shooting at Dracula. The red spirit crystal on Dracula's body began to fall off, but it was very limited. Although Wang Xu's expression was fine, he was very nervous inside. Not a solution.

Under the cover of Wang Xu's firepower, Xia Mo rushed forward with Xiaoyaoqin and Qingguang Sword in his hands, slashing across with his sword, Dracula also slashed straight at him, the two weapons collided, and there was another loud noise, which was not over yet. , Xia Mo held Qingguang Sword in his right hand, and raised Xiaoyaoqin in his left hand, ready to hit directly.

"Hmph." Dracula sneered, and directly formed a palm with his left hand. He slapped it, driving a black and red blood shadow, and forcibly knocked Xia Mo's Xiaoyaoqin flying. Xia Mo was shocked. After hitting the Xiaoyaoqin, he withdrew his left hand, and then, with a palm of his left hand, he hit Xia Mo directly this time.

"Cut." Xia Mo gave a disdainful cry, then kicked his left foot, leaned to the right and jumped back, dodging Dracula's palm and sword. After Xia Mo jumped back to the ground, he immediately leaped to the left, Go get the Xiaoyaoqin first.

Dracula was about to pursue, but Wang Xu in the distance had already set up a sniper rifle, and said with a smile at the corner of his mouth, "Hey, look here!"

Dracula heard the sound and looked over. Just now, Wang Xu used the "Boiling Sniper" skill, and a scorching bullet hit directly at Dracula's forehead, sparking a shard of red spirit crystal. Dracula took two steps back while clutching his forehead, but he seemed to be fine. He swung his sword and rushed towards Wang Xu.

Suddenly, Dracula stopped and looked up at the sky. He felt movement in the sky. In the sky, a black and purple figure descended from the sky with two knives in his hands. It was Ye Xin. He used the "Tiantian First Class" skill.

"Drink!" Accompanied by Ye Xin's roar, he used the "Tiantian First Class" skill to charge straight down. Dracula held the scarlet blood sword and slashed upwards, unexpectedly hitting Ye Xin's double knives, forcibly He sent Ye Xin flying sideways.

Ye Xin gritted his teeth, adjusted his posture with all his strength, and after stabilizing his body, he did a backflip and landed safely. Then he leaped forward, rushed up and released the "Super Speed" skill, and then slashed straight with his right hand.

"Ting! Chi Chi Chi" was the sound of weapons colliding first, although it was the sound of sparks rubbing between weapons, Zi Lingyi released "Jiang Jiu Jin" and jumped behind Dracula, stabbing straight with a sword, Dracula Noticing Zi Lingyi, he immediately pushed Ye Xin away with force, then turned around and slashed straight with his sword.

"What!" Zi Lingyi was taken aback. He didn't expect Dracula's reaction and speed to be so fast. Dracula's sword was much longer than Zi Lingyi's. With that speed, Zi Lingyi was too late, so he Released the skill of "putting wine in" again, and dodged to the right, dodging Dracula's sword.

After Ye Xin stopped, he rushed forward and slashed straight. After Dracula turned to the right, he jumped back and dodged. Zi Lingyi and Ye Xin held weapons at the same time and rushed over. Xia Mo also took back Xiaoyao Qin, holding Xiaoyaoqin and Qingguang Sword, rushed forward together.

The three of them rushed in front of Dracula, raised their weapons at the same time and slashed at them. When they came, they held the handle with their right hand and supported the blade with their left hand. They raised the scarlet blood sword and resisted the attacks of the three. The three held their weapons tightly , staring straight at Dracula, trying to push Dracula back with all his strength, but found that it was impossible to do so. Instead, they, being pushed by Dracula, were slowly retreating.

"Ah, ah." Zi Lingyi tried his best, but there was nothing he could do. Wang Xu kept firing in the distance, but Dracula didn't move at all. Wang Xu had no choice but to release the "Gorgeous Revolver" skill, But it still didn't work.

Zheng Xuanxue in the distance ran over, jumped on one foot, jumped in the sky, and then swooped towards Dracula's back, stabbing straight, Dracula turned his head, looked sideways at Zheng Xuanxue, then sneered, and kicked his feet hard , unexpectedly jumped up high, the weapons of Zi Lingyi and the three of them were all smashed in front of them due to excessive force, and the three of them lost their steps and took two steps forward.

After Zheng Xuanxue fell to the ground, she slashed on the ground with a knife and missed nothing. After Dracula landed, Ning Yu raised her long knife and slashed straight at it. Yu was forced back by his strong force.

"Look at me!" He Zhifeng rushed up with a long gun in his hand, turned around, jumped up, and released the skill of "Heavenly Soldiers God General", one after another energy explosion went straight to Dracula, and Dracula stood where he was, sneered, and sneered. Gao raised the scarlet blood sword, slashed straight into the energy explosion, and forcibly cut the energy in half. The energy exploded to separate the left and right sides, and exploded on the walls on both sides of the throne.

"It's all right!" He Zhifeng was shocked from ear to ear.

Dracula stood in front of the throne, smiling from beginning to end, seemingly very relaxed, and Dracula stuck the scarlet blood sword on the ground, then bent his hands and stretched out, in which gathered a white Energy balls, many white energy balls also appeared around Dracula.

Afterwards, Dracula raised his head, looked at Zilingyi and the others with a ferocious face, waved his hands apart, and in the energy ball, energy scimitars suddenly split out one after another, and rushed straight at Zilingyi and the others. Zi Lingyi and the others were taken aback, it was Dracula's "Infinite Crescent Moon" skill!
(End of this chapter)

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