Chapter 240 Soaring Speed ​​Together
Dracula's attack was extremely strong, Wang Xu also tried to dodge it with great difficulty, and Hu Liao also rushed to the side, and hit the "Vitality Bomb" move. Unexpectedly, Dracula turned around and slashed directly with his sword. Split the energy ball.

"It's not over yet!" As soon as the words fell, Hu waved his hand, released the "Flying Spirit" skill, and then hit the ground with his palm, and the ice cones on the ground rushed towards him, and the "Blue Earth Crack" skill was used again. Go on!
"Good guy, I'm coming too!" Wang Xu shouted excitedly, and then continued to jump back to distance himself. At the same time, he pulled out the sniper rifle and released the "boiling sniper" skill. A hot energy bullet went straight to Degu pull.

Dracula split the crystal of "Flying Soul" with one sword, but even after being hit by "Blue Crack" and "Boiling Snipe" in multiple directions, no matter how strong Dracula is, it is impossible to continuously split the crystal. Unleash four energy attacks.

Dracula was so beaten that he stumbled and bent over. He gritted his teeth, and immediately raised his head. The first thing he saw was Ning Yu rushing up. He sneered and released the "Blood Phantom" skill again, this time , directly behind Ning Yu.

When everyone saw that Dracula was gone, they knew that he had used teleportation skills again. Everyone looked around, and Ning Yu did the same. When Ning Yu found that there was no Dracula around, he had already realized that Dracula , behind him!
"Die!" Dracula slashed straight down, Ning Yu immediately turned around, raised the broken long knife to resist, with a sound of "ting", Ning Yu blocked the attack, but Dracula gritted his teeth, strengthened his strength, and forcibly Suppress Ningyu.

"Let's see how long you can last!" Dracula looked at Ning Yu proudly, and Ning Yu clenched his fists, his whole body glowed with purple light, and then with a "boom", Ning Yu burst into a burst of air, and unexpectedly forced Degu Pull to force back.

Dracula, who was forced to retreat, took a few steps back, looked at Ning Yu, and said in shock: "What is this!"

At this moment, Ning Yu's whole body is covered by a layer of armor, which is a demon armor. Ning Yu used the skill of "Indestructible Demon Body", and Ning Yu swung his knife and rushed towards him at a faster speed. "Indestructible Demon Body" used time in the scene Limited, the battle must be accelerated.

Zi Lingyi, Zheng Xuanxue, and He Zhifeng rushed forward together, and the four of them formed a siege net to besiege Dracula. Of course Dracula was not afraid, and faced the enemy on the spot, and soon fell into a fierce battle.

Ningyu charged and slashed with the "extreme blade storm", Dracula blocked Ningyu with a sword, but He Zhifeng stabbed straight behind him, Dracula turned around and kicked He Zhifeng's long spear away, and then stabbed In the past, after He Zhifeng dodged by leaning to the left, he immediately backed away and regrouped first.

Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue on the left and right held weapons at the same time and attacked Dracula. Dracula first slashed diagonally with his sword and attacked Zheng Xuanxue on his right. Zheng Xuanxue blocked it with two knives, but Dracula blocked it After touching Zheng Xuanxue, Zheng Xuanxue forcibly retreated.

With a sound of "bang", Zi Lingyi suddenly rushed forward with "Put the wine in", hit Dracula's side waist, and sparked a piece of red spirit crystal fragments, but Dracula didn't care, and turned to look at Zi Lingyi. Ling Yi sneered and said, "Oh, your attack is too weak!"

As soon as the words were finished, Dracula waved his hand, triggering a red airflow. Zi Lingyi was taken aback, and immediately raised the Phoenix Feather Sword to block it, but was still thrown up by the strong airflow.

Zi Lingyi retreated to the side of Xia Mo and Wang Xu who were doing damage in the distance, while Ning Yu and He Zhifeng continued to attack, Hu Liao also quickly joined the battle, and there was another fierce battle immediately, which could not be stopped at all.

And Dracula had just cut He Zhifeng with a sword, suddenly, he felt something wrong, there was a strong airflow rushing down from the sky, he looked up and found that it was Ye Xin who rushed down, with the skill of "Tiantian first-class".

Ye Xin let out a roar, and then stabbed straight down with two knives, Dracula raised his scarlet blood sword to resist, then Ye Xin was bounced off, fell to the side, and then released "Super Speed" to rush forward, the two knives slashed straight, Degu Pulling a sword horizontally, split Ye Xin's double knives, then raised his feet, and kicked straight. Ye Xin blocked with his two knives, but was still kicked away, and landed on Zi Lingyi's side.

Dracula was about to chase after him, but Hu Le immediately used the "Dongfeng Break Attack" move and stopped Dracula forcibly. "Magic Power" hit, everyone scattered to avoid, and then continued to charge, fighting fiercely with Dracula.

Ye Xin lowered his body, held knives in both hands, and when he was about to continue charging, Zi Lingyi immediately stretched out his hand, pressed Ye Xin's shoulder, and said hurriedly: "Brother Wushuang, you wait a moment!"

"What's wrong?" Ye Xin turned around and asked.

"Wait a minute, I have an idea now." Zi Lingyi said seriously, then turned to look at Xia Mo who was outputting, and said, "Senior brother Xia, do you have attack speed equipment?"

"Yes, what's the matter?" Xia Mo asked straightforwardly and concisely.

"Well, brother Wushuang is a game businessman, so there must be one too. Listen to me." Zi Lingyi began to explain his thoughts to Xia Mo and Ye Xin, while Wang Xu was beside him, and while shooting output, he quietly Lean over and listen.

After Xia Mo and Ye Xin listened to Zi Lingyi's tactics, Zi Lingyi looked at them and asked seriously, "That's the plan, do you think it's okay?"

"It should be fine." Xia Mo said coldly.

"You can give it a try." Ye Xin said the same tone, and Wang Xu who was listening on the side was speechless. Do these two people need to be so indifferent? Brother Wushuang, have you been led by Brother Man?
After the discussion, Zilingyi, Xia Mo, and Ye Xin immediately opened the interface of the crystal bracelet and began to adjust their outfits. Their outfits were the same as Zilingyi's previous fight against Lierla. Fast equipment, leaving a little attack equipment.

Zi Lingyi's tactical arrangement is to have a few people with super high speeds, to compete with Dracula and disrupt Dracula's position, so that others can output safely, but such a plan First of all, someone needs to be able to keep up with this attack speed. Zi Lingyi broke out when he beat Lierla before, so there is no problem. Xia Mo and Ye Xin are both one of the four masters in the world, and their strength is naturally beyond doubt. It shouldn't be a problem for the two of them to reach that speed.

After the costume was finished, Zi Lingyi pulled out the Phoenix Feather Sword, Ye Xin also held two sabers, Xia Mo carried Xiaoyaoqin behind his back and held the Qingguang Sword, the three of them stood aside, and Zi Lingyi who stood in the middle, Holding the sword in both hands, he slowly lowered his body, made a fighting posture, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and suddenly said excitedly: "Next, let's speed up together! Come on!"

As soon as the words fell, Zi Lingyi kicked one foot, took a leap, and rushed up first, Xia Mo and Ye Xin followed closely behind, and the three rushed towards Dracula at an extremely fast speed. The speed battle was about to start up.

(End of this chapter)

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