The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 241 The Most Powerful Offensive

Chapter 241 The Most Powerful Offensive

Zi Lingyi, Xia Mo, and Ye Xin charged forward at an extremely fast speed. Zi Lingyi rushed to the front and launched the first attack. Rush to the right of Dracula.

"Huh?" Dracula felt something was wrong, and after Zi Lingyi rushed over, he turned around and slashed diagonally with his sword. Dracula raised his scarlet blood sword to block it, but Zi Lingyi quickly put away the Phoenix Feather Sword, and then Lowering her body and stabbing straight with her sword, Dracula immediately dodged to the left. Zi Lingyi took advantage of the situation and chased to the right, hitting Dracula's waist with a sword.

Dracula was hit, he was taken aback, why did Li Bai's speed suddenly change so fast, he didn't have time to dodge at all, and this was not over yet, Zi Lingyi put away the Phoenix Feather Sword, and slashed straight with the sword again, Dracula He jumped backwards, then turned around and kicked in a roundabout way, kicking away Zi Lingyi's Phoenix Feather Sword.

Zi Lingyi took a few steps back, and Ye Xin had already rushed over, unleashing the "Tiantian First Class" skill, charging down from top to bottom, stabbing straight with two knives, Dracula was startled, and immediately continued Jumping, avoiding Ye Xin's blow.

Xia Mo released the "Magic Sound Piercing Ears" skill, and then rushed to Dracula with the Qingguang Sword in his hand, slashing quickly at close range. Dracula struggled to resist, and Xia Mo's speed was too fast.

Ye Xin released the "Super Speed" skill, and Zi Lingyi released the "Injecting Wine" skill. The two rushed forward with their skills, and the three of them rushed in front of Dracula together, and directly fought a coordinated extreme speed battle. It's almost invisible.

"Very good, that's it, keep going! Don't stop!" Zi Lingyi roared excitedly. As soon as the words fell, he just slashed horizontally with his sword, and then stabbed straight with his sword. Ye Xin held two knives and turned around. , the two knives crossed diagonally, and then stabbed straight with the right hand.

Dracula is very powerful, but in the face of three guys with a fast attack speed, he was completely helpless. However, because Zi Lingyi and the others pursued too much attack speed, their attack power was greatly increased. The damage has dropped, this damage is really too low for Dracula.

In this high-speed state, even top experts like Zi Lingyi, Xia Mo, and Ye Xin cannot last for too long. With their current attack power, when their physical strength is exhausted, Dracula will probably be killed. One-fifth of the blood has been ground, which is more than enough.

However, Zi Lingyi and the others were not the only ones attacking Dracula this time.
With a bang, Wang Xu held a sniper rifle in the distance and released the skill "Boiling Sniper". Pull to keep firing.

Hu Liao also used various long-distance magic skills to attack Dracula from a distance, keeping the distance as much as possible, and Zheng Xuanxue also seized the opportunity to launch attacks with the "Lingfei" skill, and Ningyu also used "Whirling Blade" skill to attack.

Dracula really wanted to bypass Zi Lingyi and the others and deal with other people. Their output was too painful to fight, but they couldn't do it at all. Now Zi Lingyi and the others not only have a higher attack speed than themselves, but also have a faster movement speed. On the same level as myself, plus they also have breakthrough skills, Dracula is powerless at all.

In this way, Zilingyi and the others grinded with Dracula for several hours, during which Dracula bypassed Zilingyi and the others, but they were quickly resolved by Zilingyi and the others, and Dracula could do nothing , the blood volume value is constantly declining.

Gritting his teeth, Dracula slashed with his sword with all his strength, forcing the three of Zi Lingyi back, then immediately seized the gap, used the "Blood Phantom" skill, and teleported to behind Ning Yu.

"Brother Ning Yu, be careful!" Zi Lingyi looked around and found that Dracula was right behind Ning Yu, and immediately shouted.

"Die!" Dracula raised the scarlet blood sword high, and slashed straight down with the sword. Ning Yu turned around and directly rushed forward with a knife, blocking Dracula's attack. Dracula was startled , and Ningyu immediately launched a strong counterattack, releasing the "Extreme Blade Storm" skill, and Dracula, who was forcibly hitting, took two steps back.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh'!" Hu Lie was also full of anger. He directly used the "time and space travel" skill to charge up, and then went to Dracula's right side, and directly hit the "Dongfeng Breaker" at close range. Caught Dracula's side waist, three diamond-shaped crystals, all hit!

"Bastard!" After Dracula yelled and cursed, he slashed horizontally with his sword. Ningyu and Hu Liao immediately stepped back and dodged, and just as Dracula was about to continue attacking, He Zhifeng hit him with the skill "Heavenly Soldiers God General" and forcibly knocked him out of the way. Dracula backed away for a while.

Dracula continued to retreat, and after pulling away from everyone, Dracula immediately inserted the scarlet blood sword on the ground, stretched his hands in front, gathered white energy balls, and many energy balls appeared around him, which was the "Infinite Crescent Moon" "Skill.

"Die!" Dracula said this sentence again, and then, with a wave of his hands, energy crescents popped out of the energy ball, and they rushed straight at the crowd. Zheng Xuanxue and others were dodging one after another, while Zi Lingyi , Xia Mo, and Ye Xin quickened their pace, and rushed forward to meet the attack while dodging.

Xia Mo was expressionless, without saying a word, he stretched out his left hand one after another, took out the Xiaoyaoqin, and played it with one hand, releasing the skill of "Crazy Song". After firing several energy crescents, he forcibly opened a path.

"Drink!" Zi Lingyi roared angrily, and used "Join the wine" to rush forward quickly. After rushing in front of Dracula, she stabbed straight with her sword, piercing the energy ball in Dracula's hands, and hit the target. A shard of red spirit crystal was stirred up from Dracula's chest, forcibly interrupting the release of Dracula's "Infinite Crescent Moon" skill.

"What the hell!" Dracula bent back after being beaten, Xia Mo immediately rushed up, holding Xiaoyaoqin and Qingguang Sword, released the "Wuying" skill, directly hit the two weapons, and released the "Tianhai" skill After it was over, a burst of pseudo-skills followed, and Dracula was beaten back and forth.

Xia Mo raised the Qingguang sword, and when he was about to strike again, Dracula stabbed straight with the sword. Xia Mo was startled, and immediately released the "Li Song" skill, sending Dracula flying, and Dracula was blown away. , opened the distance, he immediately seized the opportunity, released the "Blood Demon Power" skill, and a blood-red energy shock wave rushed towards Xia Mo.

Ye Xin immediately rushed to the front with two knives in his hand, and slashed straight up with one sword, releasing the skill "Kong Ming Slash". It was cut in two.

"What!" Dracula exclaimed, and Zi Lingyi released "Jiangjiujin" to rush forward, rushed behind Dracula, directly slashed with his sword, and hit, causing Dracula to lose his step. When Dracula turned around, Zi Lingyi slashed obliquely with his sword again, then turned around and slashed straight with his sword, and then stabbed straight with his sword, hitting the unsuspecting Dracula one after another, knocking Dracula to the ground. Pulling back straight away, Zi Lingyi instantly brushed out the "Xia Ke Xing" passive.

"Everyone, let's launch the final offensive! Qinglian Sword Song!" Zi Lingyi roared in a fighting posture. As soon as the words fell, he turned into five white sword shadows and rushed towards Dracula. Dracula's current The blood volume, after four hours of fierce fighting, has only [-] points left.

"No problem, look at me!" Hu Liao immediately responded and shouted, then stretched out his hands, gathered energy balls, it was the skill "Vitality Bomb", and Wang Xu in the distance was also on the ground with one knee, holding a sniper rifle, pressing Holding the trigger and accumulating power is the "Boiling Sniper" skill.

Ye Xin rushed up, kicked on one foot, jumped high, and then rushed down with two knives in his hands. This is the skill of "Tiantian First Class", and Xia Mo also accelerated his pace and released "Magic Sound Piercing Ears" Skill.

Zheng Xuanxue used the "Phantom Dance" skill to rush up, and then released the "Arc Light" skill behind Dracula, Ningyu exploded the magic armor, and after using the "Indestructible Demon Body", rushed up and used the "Extreme Blade" "Storm" skill, and He Zhifeng also made a fighting posture, turned around, jumped up directly, and released the "Heavenly Soldiers God General" skill to fight over.

Everyone on the scene launched the most powerful offensive, and everyone used the most damaging skills to directly attack Dracula. Dracula soon suffered energy attacks and physical attacks from all directions. In an instant, the entire There was a dazzling energy explosion in the main hall, the surrounding glass was shattered, and the energy explosion formed a huge smoke, covering the entire main hall
(End of this chapter)

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