The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 242 Twilight's Terminator

Chapter 242 Twilight's Terminator

"Hoo hoo." Zi Lingyi breathed heavily. He put his powerless knee on the ground with his Feng Yu sword stuck in the ground, and put his hands on the handle to support himself. Clearly, everyone was scattered, and Xia Mo and Ye Xin's breathing was also a little short. The extreme speed battle just now was really exhausting.

And at this moment, Dracula, standing where he was, the scarlet blood sword had fallen to the ground, with blood on the corner of his mouth, gnashing his teeth, trying his best, raising his head and roaring, the voice was very loud, as if the entire City of Eternal Night Can hear: "Master Satan! Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Accompanied by the roar, Dracula finally turned into patches of red mist, which drifted away with the wind, and several red particles floated into the crystal bracelets of Zi Lingyi and others. This is the time when they killed Dracula. , rewards received.

"Ding! Congratulations for killing the BOSS, the body of the fallen angel - Lord Dracula, the reward experience is 1000000, and the gold coins are 500000." Zi Lingyi and others received the reward for killing Dracula.

"Ding! Congratulations to the purple bell flower blooming Qiu Xiaoyi, running around the world, Apocalypse Wushuang, incense like snow, falling flowers know rain maple, SR. Sunrise, guardian-Ningyu, Hu Li, kill the boss of the city of eternal night , the body of a fallen angel-Lord Dracula." The game issued a system announcement, and all the players were shocked. They were still making trouble outside the city of Eternal Night, and some of those who entered the castle had no news at all. Unexpectedly, Ziling Huakai and others were so fast that they pushed Dracula away directly.

In fact, many players have already entered the castle, but they are all trapped on the second and third floors. The fastest kill so far has only reached the fifth floor. The main reason is that there are too many vampires. They are very slow.

All the players who participated in the city of Eternal Night got a crystal treasure chest of each of the three colors. This is already a big surprise for all players, because many players, it is already good to have a silver treasure chest to open. , Many people have never even opened a golden treasure chest. Now, they have directly obtained a crystal treasure chest, one for each of the three colors, and they are already very satisfied.

And Zi Lingyi and others who killed Dracula also received generous rewards. Panting, Zi Lingyi put one knee on the ground, opened the crystal bracelet and looked at the rewards, and the contents of the rewards were soon presented in interface.

"Congratulations on your nickname, Terminator of Twilight."

"Congratulations on getting the red crystal treasure chest x5."

"Congratulations on getting the Blue Crystal Treasure Chest x5."

"Congratulations on getting the green crystal treasure chest x5."

"Congratulations on getting the Twilight Special Treasure Chest x1."

"Congratulations on getting the hero-Dracula complete token x1"

"Congratulations on getting the item - the bracelet of the City of Eternal Night."

"Congratulations on getting 1000000 gold coins and 10000 diamonds."

The rewards have already been earned, and Zi Lingyi saw it. She was surprised at first, and then smiled in surprise. The diamond reward alone is enough for Zi Lingyi to earn, and it also comes with 100 million gold coins. There are five treasure chests of each color, as well as a Twilight special treasure chest, as well as Dracula's complete token and the Evernight City Bracelet of unknown use. The rewards are too generous.

Zi Lingyi let out a long breath and wanted to stand up, but he found that his legs were very soft and weak, and it was difficult to stand up, but Zi Lingyi gritted his teeth and tried his best to stand up, covering his mouth. Holding his belly, he walked in front of the crowd.

"Hahaha, I got rich this time, I got rich!" Hu Li clenched his fists and shouted excitedly, while Ning Yu also heaved a sigh of relief, after looking at the time of the crystal bracelet, he said to everyone: "Okay everyone, It's getting late, I have something to do tomorrow, so I'll go offline first, bye."

After finishing speaking, Ning Yu went offline immediately. When everyone heard Ning Yu's words, they immediately opened the interface of the crystal bracelet, checked the time, and found that it was already 11:1 in the evening. Been playing for so long.

"I'll go, we haven't eaten dinner until now." Wang Xu said speechlessly.

"Come on, I'm going offline too, let's go have a good meal first, everyone, there will be a period later, thanks." After stretching, Hu Liao greeted everyone, and then went offline, Ye Xin also went offline, and soon, only Zi Lingyi, Zheng Xuanxue, Xia Mo, and He Zhifeng were left in the entire hall.

Zi Lingyi scratched her scalp, then looked at Zheng Xuanxue and the others, smiled and said, "Well, there must be no food in the school cafeteria now, how about we go out to eat? The fight was too intense just now, thinking about it now, I'm really hungry."

"Well, I am the same, haha." Zheng Xuanxue smiled and He Zhifeng nodded in agreement, but still asked a question: "Let me ask, it is already 11:12, and the school gate closes at [-]:[-]. No entry or exit, we went out and finished eating, how come back?"

"Then find a hotel outside the school. I don't want to go to bed hungry." Zi Lingyi waved his hand. Just as he waved his hand, Zi Lingyi almost didn't fall down. He had played extremely fast twice in a row After the battle, and without eating dinner, my physical strength has reached its limit.

Zheng Xuanxue saw that Zi Lingyi was a little weak, and immediately went to support Zi Lingyi, and asked with concern: "Xiao Yi, are you okay?"

"It's okay. I'm just a little weak. I can finally sleep well tonight." Zi Lingyi smiled weakly, and Zheng Xuanxue nodded, and said, "Well, let's go out for dinner first."

After finishing speaking, He Zhifeng went offline first, Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue also went offline immediately, Xia Mo stood in place, closed his eyes, and after a long sigh, he also went offline.
After Zi Lingyi and He Zhifeng went offline, Liu Mengyang and Xu Zijie immediately surrounded them and cheered. They had been in the game just now, and they had received rewards, as well as the system announcement that Zi Lingyi and the others typed out. Yat they succeeded.

Zi Lingyi is offline, but she still feels a little weak. Although the game is played through brain waves, some movements of the body in the game will still be fed back to the player's body. Therefore, Zi Lingyi is still very tired. But fortunately, the feedback in the game was not particularly great, so Zi Lingyi was able to walk on her own, it was just that her hands were weak and her breathing was a little short of breath.

Everyone went downstairs together, and Zi Lingyi was always at the back, holding onto the stairs. He Zhifeng knew about Zi Lingyi's situation, so he kept paying attention to him to make sure nothing would happen.

After Zheng Xuanxue also went downstairs, several people met, and they all left the school gate together, and Zheng Xuanxue knew very clearly that Zi Lingyi's physical strength could no longer keep up, so she directly supported Zi Lingyi, and they left the school gate together.

On the way, Liu Mengyang and Xu Zijie also looked at each other and smiled. They had already seen the relationship between Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue, and Zi Lingyi didn't mean to deny it. She is with Zheng Xuanxue and Zheng Xiaohua, and Zheng Xiaohua's identity in the game is still Xiangxiang Ruoxue who is regarded as a goddess by the players.

And Zi Lingyi also smiled weakly, straightened her waist as much as possible, the situation suddenly changed, Zheng Xuanxue held Zi Lingyi's arm, Zheng Xuanxue was startled, she thought Zi Lingyi was trying to be brave, and was very worried Zi Lingyi, but Zi Lingyi just smiled at her and said: "It's okay, I'm stronger than you imagined."

"En." Zheng Xuanxue also nodded and smiled. Although Zi Lingyi said so, Zheng Xuanxue was still a little worried, and tightly held Zi Lingyi's arm to ensure that Zi Lingyi would not suddenly fall or something. .

(End of this chapter)

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