Chapter 266
In the evening, Zheng Xuanxue cooked a dinner for Zi Lingyi, and then the two stayed together for a while, then left the caravan and returned to school. After returning to the dormitory, Zi Lingyi went to the bathroom to take a shower, and then went to the bathroom. After visiting the official website forum and paying attention to the latest situation, I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

In the past two days, Zi Lingyi's ranking has reached diamond, Zheng Xuanxue used her incense Ruoxue, continued to rank with Zi Lingyi, and was directly promoted to diamond I, and soon became the strongest king up.

Day three.
In the competition hall of the City of Miracles, Zi Lingyi walked in slowly, and soon saw Zheng Xuanxue waiting there, and Zheng Xuanxue smiled at him, saying: "You are here."

"Well, let's go, we will be promoted to the king in one round." Zi Lingyi also smiled and said, and then the two entered the competition channel and started to match the rankings.

The two formed a team to match, and they were quickly matched. Entering the preparation hall, except for Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue, the other three people did not know each other, and they were all matched randomly. Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue didn't care, and started Adjust outfits and heroes.

And when these three people saw Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue, their eyes lit up and they were very excited. One of the shooter players hurriedly said: "Wow, the purple bell flowers are blooming, and the incense is like snow. The two of them together Next rank!"

"Yes, yes, this game is a sure win." Another tank player also quickly echoed, and Zi Lingyi scratched her cheek, smiled politely and said: "Uh, everyone, let's work together, I will win this round." If you win, you will become king."

"No problem, God of Purple Bell Blossom."

"Yeah, I'll do a good job in the next lane." The two players said excitedly, but the other mage player was silent. Zi Lingyi felt that the atmosphere was not right, so he looked at him, suddenly surprised I found out that his game name is prefixed with Longya, and he is a member of the Longya Gang.

Zi Lingyi was a little nervous, and actually matched with someone from the Dragon Tooth Gang. Will this guy let go? This is the last round of being promoted to the king, so don't make mistakes at this time.

When the people on the other side saw Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue, they were also in despair. The stories that Zi Lingyi beat more than 3000 members of the Longya Gang by himself, and was on par with Xia Mo in campus competitions have already spread. No, they don't have any hope of winning at all.

However, at this time, a Monkey King, holding a golden cudgel, slowly walked over, turned to look at the rest of the team, and said, "Don't be downcast, who told you that we lost."

"Are you sure you can win Zilinghuakai and Xiangxiang Ruoxue?" A player asked suspiciously, while the Monkey King waved his hand and smiled and said, "No, but at least we still have a chance of winning. Come on everyone, play hard!" hit."

"Go, go, go."

"No problem." A group of players replied. From the tone of voice, they could tell that they were perfunctory, and the Monkey King player was also helpless, but there was nothing he could do. This was a reasonable thing.

The two sides began to load data, Zi Lingyi and the others were the blue side, the heroes were Li Bai, Jing Ke, Zhang Liao, Zhebie, Wang Zhaojun, and the red side's lineup was Sun Wukong, Li Er, Mozi, Sima Yi, Gai Nie.

The two sides entered the city, the passage in front was a barrier, and there were still 15 seconds to officially start the battle. Zi Lingyi looked around, and there was heavy snow all around, which was very white. Now Zi Lingyi took a long breath and could reveal A puff of heat.

After 15 seconds, the barrier was lifted and the battle officially started. Zi Lingyi went to the wild and went straight to the blue field area. Zheng Xuanxue went to the top lane, Zhang Liao and Zhebie went to the bottom lane, and Wang Zhaojun went to the middle lane, standard positions.

The opponent changed their positions, Mo Zi and Li Er went to the bottom lane, Monkey King went to the top lane, Gai Nie went to the jungle, Sima Yi went to the middle lane, and Sun Wukong, who went straight to the top lane, probably would encounter Zheng Xuanxue soon.

After a while, the wild monsters in the blue field area respawned. Zi Lingyi held the sword and slashed at the blue crystal demon, stirring up pieces of red spirit crystals. After clearing half of it, a killing voice came from the sky: "First kill! The red side Sima Yi killed the blue side Wang Zhaojun!"

"Damn it, you're from the Dragon Tooth Gang!" Zi Lingyi couldn't help cursing, this guy wasn't letting water at all, he just gave away the head directly, and fortunately there was no team injury in the competitive mode, otherwise Zi Lingyi Definitely rush up to him.

Although Zi Lingyi scolded, he had already expected this incident, so he was not too shocked, but just very angry. Zheng Xuanxue was also helpless, but it didn't affect her form. She spread out two knives in her sleeves and rushed up Against minions.

In front of him, Sun Wukong was holding a golden cudgel, and rushed over quickly. Zheng Xuanxue had just dealt with a small soldier, and when she turned her head to look over, she saw that Monkey King leaped forward, raised the golden cudgel high, and smashed it down. , is the "Fighting Charge" skill.

Zheng Xuanxue reacted quickly and dodged to the left, but it was not over yet, Sun Wukong just killed a blue soldier with a stick, then held the stick in both hands, and struck to the right, Zheng Xuanxue blocked it with the blood-tempered red lotus knife in his right hand.

Sun Wukong immediately raised his left hand and punched him with his left hand. Zheng Xuanxue was startled, and immediately slashed at Sun Wukong.

Zheng Xuanxue straightened her waist and dodged it. After she straightened her waist, Sun Wukong stabbed straight with a stick. Zheng Xuanxue dodged to the right. A straight stab.

Sun Wukong smiled at the corner of his mouth, and immediately put a stick on the ground, blocking Zheng Xuanxue's knife, then grabbed the golden cudgel with both hands, supported himself, and then kicked up with both feet, Zheng Xuanxue was surprised, this Monkey King moved so fast!
Zheng Xuanxue immediately staggered to resist with two knives. With a "bang", Zheng Xuanxue was kicked flying, fell to the ground and rolled and bounced. After bouncing and landing, Zheng Xuanxue vacated a spiral, and then landed smoothly. She bit her lip nervously, this guy Very powerful, must be handled with care.

Sun Wukong didn't say much, just smiled, and then rushed forward, waving the golden cudgel, turned around and struck horizontally with the stick, Zheng Xuanxue immediately took a step back to dodge, Sun Wukong missed the blow, and went straight forward Somersault rushed over, holding sticks in both hands, the golden cudgel hits straight down, and it is the skill of "fighting and charging".

Zheng Xuanxue leaped to the right and dodged it. After landing, she squatted on the ground with one knee, and saw a ray of light bursting out from Monkey King's whole body, speeding up the charge. It was the skill of "Body Protection".

"Drink!" Sun Wukong yelled, another front somersault, and the golden cudgel struck down. Zheng Xuanxue kicked one foot, jumped forward, released the "arc light" skill, and couldn't dodge it anymore. Just head to head!

 There are too many characters in the hero information. In Genesis, my computer still can’t load it. I can only change the URL. In a post on Baidu Tieba, the URL:

(End of this chapter)

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