Chapter 267
Sun Wukong hit him with a stick with the "Body Protection Curse", and Zheng Xuanxue also rushed towards him from below, releasing the "Arc Light" skill, the energy of the two skills collided together, resulting in an energy explosion and a loud noise .

With a "boom", Zheng Xuanxue was shaken into the air, and immediately rolled over after landing, but Zheng Xuanxue stuck the knife in her sleeve on the ground in time, forced herself to stop, and then took advantage of the situation to do somersaults, sat up on one knee, and then slowly pulled out the knife. With a knife in his sleeve, he stood up.

Sun Wukong was also forced back a few steps by the energy just now, the golden cudgel was inserted into the ground behind him, and then he stopped, and the two stared at each other, neither daring to be careless.

In a wave of damage just now, Zheng Xuanxue's HP damage was greater, so this round was a confrontation, and Sun Wukong won. In terms of pawn line, Sun Wukong also cleared more soldiers than Zheng Xuanxue, so now, the red side's minions are facing the blue side The defensive tower charged over.

Zheng Xuanxue was blown away and had retreated into the defense tower. As soon as the red soldiers entered the tower, Zheng Xuanxue unfurled her dual knives and rushed forward for a melee attack, instantly killing them all, and Monkey King didn't dare to stop them.

If outside, Sun Wukong is still sure to fight Zheng Xuanxue, but now, Zheng Xuanxue is in the defense tower, let alone him, with Zheng Xuanxue's strength and the advantage of the defense tower, even if the Four Heroes come, they will also dare not go up.

At this moment, Zi Lingyi had just finished clearing the blue field area and was about to go to the red field area, when another killing message came from the sky, which read: "The red side Sima Yi killed the blue side Wang Zhaojun!"

"Damn..." Zi Lingyi was completely speechless, cursed weakly, and then went straight to the middle lane, there was no other way, let's help clear the pawn line in the middle lane first, we can't patronize the jungler instead of defending the tower.

Just after Zi Lingyi cleared the middle lane, Zheng Xuanxue, who was on the road, sent a voice message to Zi Lingyi, the content was: "Xiao Yi, it's a bit difficult to go on the road, that Monkey King is stronger."

"Sun Wukong? How powerful is he?" Zi Lingyi asked curiously, and Zheng Xuanxue quickly replied, "It's about the same level as you and senior brother Xia Mo. Haojie."

"What! So powerful!" Zi Lingyi exclaimed, he couldn't believe it, but after he realized it, he shook his head and shouted to Zheng Xuanxue through the communication: "Xiaoxue, don't confront him head-on, just hide He's so insignificant in the defensive tower, how dare he rush in and face the toughest."

"Well, I see." Zheng Xuanxue replied.

Zi Lingyi sighed for a long time, a powerful master suddenly appeared on the other side, and on his side, there was a mage from the Dragon Tooth Gang who had been giving away heads. The original great advantage was completely ruined by this Dragon Tooth Gang hands of people.

After Zi Lingyi cleaned up the pawn line in the middle, he quickly rushed to the red field to fight in the field. The Red Crystal Demon had already been taken away by Zhebie on his side, so Zi Lingyi cleaned up the red pig and the red bird, and added On the pawn line in the middle lane, Zi Lingyi's level has reached level [-], bought the chasing blade, and obtained the effect of ice punishment.

Unexpectedly, at this time, another kill news came from the sky. Zi Lingyi knew who it was without even thinking about it. Sure enough, the news did not disappoint him. Zhaojun!"

"Damn! Longya Gang, you fight well."

"That's right, the blood feud between you and Zilinghua is your business, don't affect us!" Zhebie and Zhang Liao, who were on the bottom road, sent voice messages to scold one after another. They were also annoyed at the Longya Gang's behavior of constantly giving away heads. extreme.

However, the Dragon Tooth Gang ignored them and prepared to continue giving away their heads. Zi Lingyi was also drunk. After this round was over, Zi Lingyi must report him!This gifting of heads is too obvious, it must be reported!
On the road side, the battle between Zheng Xuanxue and Monkey King was basically at a stalemate. Zheng Xuanxue couldn't even get out of the defense tower, and Monkey King couldn't help it. However, in this situation, only Monkey King has the advantage.

Because of these minions, Sun Wukong will clean them up outside, and then the red minions will rush into the blue team's defense tower. Although the blue team's defense tower and Zheng Xuanxue will attack the red team's minions, the blue team's defense tower is still being attacked continuously. Slow down, the defense tower will be worn out sooner or later.

Zi Lingyi cleared the red wild area, cleared the pawn line in the middle lane, and went straight to the road. At the same time, facing the crystal bracelet, she said in Zheng Xuanxue's language: "Xiaoxue, I'm here to help on the road now, and I will meet you for a while That Monkey King, go to the middle lane and help guard the pawn line."

"Okay, I'll go right away, Xiao Yi, be more careful." Zheng Xuanxue reminded with concern.

"Well, I see." Zi Lingyi said, and then Zheng Xuanxue left the top road and followed the Lanye District to the middle road, while Zi Lingyi followed the river and went straight to the top road, ready to compete with Monkey King.

As for Sun Wukong, when he saw Zheng Xuanxue leaving from behind, he felt that something was wrong. Zheng Xuanxue still had almost [-]% of her HP, so there was no reason to retreat. She would retreat. It just means that someone is coming to the road!

Thinking of this, Monkey King looked to his left side. Among the reeds on the left side, Zi Lingyi jumped up and slashed across the sky with his sword. Monkey King had already deduced it, so he reacted quickly and straightened his waist Get out of the way, after Zi Lingyi landed, she turned around and slashed with her sword, Sun Wukong straightened up and blocked it with the golden cudgel.

Zi Lingyi gritted her teeth, pushed Sun Wukong away, and Sun Wukong was pushed back, took advantage of the momentum, kicked one foot, jumped backwards, opened the distance and landed, and immediately used the "fighting charge" skill, a forward Somersault rushed over, and then hit straight down with the golden cudgel.

Zi Lingyi drew the formation on the spot, and released the skill of "The Pen of God" to dodge. Monkey King slammed into the magic circle of "The Pen of God". The golden cudgel hit the ground and missed, and Monkey King straightened up Looking around, looking for Zi Lingyi's figure.

Zi Lingyi flashed to the back of Monkey King. Seeing no one on the left and right, Monkey King immediately turned around and slashed horizontally with a stick. With the "Body Protection Curse" skill, he charged and chased, and rushed out of the magic circle of "The Magical Brush".

After Zi Lingyi landed, she took a few steps back because of the impact force, and Monkey King hit him with a stick. The sword stabbed straight, and as soon as Sun Wukong put away the stick, Zi Lingyi hit him in the abdomen with a sword, and he also took two steps back while covering his abdomen.

Zi Lingyi looked at Sun Wukong in front of him, Sun Wukong slowly lowered his hands covering his abdomen, and then held sticks in both hands, making a fighting posture, Zi Lingyi just smiled excitedly, waved his sword, and also made a fighting posture, The strength of the two is comparable, and it seems that some are easy to fight.

 There are too many characters in the hero information. In Genesis, my computer still can’t load it. I can only change the URL. In a post on Baidu Tieba, the URL:

(End of this chapter)

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