The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 296 The Holy Sword of Hope in the National 5-Star Scenario Dungeon

Chapter 296 The Holy Sword of Hope in the National Five-Star Scenario Dungeon

fought for half an hour
Zi Lingyi soared into the air and descended in a spiral, and then slashed straight with his sword. King Chen Xuan raised his arms to resist. A few more pieces came off.

From a distance, Wang Xu released the "Boiling Sniper" skill and hit Chen Xuanwang's chest, and Ye Xin kicked on one foot, jumped high, and flew into the air with the "Flying Sword Flow" skill, blowing the blood away. The magic sword was thrown out, hit Chen Xuanwang's abdomen, and then bounced back.

"Ugh! Ugh!"


Amid King Chen Xuan's constant screams, Zi Lingyi stabbed straight with his sword again, hitting King Chen Xuan's abdomen, and then released a piece of red spirit crystal, which even sparked a burst of sparks. Without finishing, Zi Lingyi turned around, slashed horizontally with his sword, and hit!Then he raised the Phoenix Feather Sword high, slashed straight with the sword, and hit!

Zi Lingyi drank the wine from the gourd, and then sprinkled the wine on the sword and threw it. The hidden needle made from the wine hit King Chen Xuan. It was the skills of "drinking rivers and lakes" and "no stopping when drinking", and Zi Lingyi got Damage bonus, and King Chen Xuan's defense value broke again.

Zi Lingyi stabbed straight with his sword, brushed out the "Xiaker Xing" passive, then rushed forward, shouting: "Qinglian Sword Song!"

As soon as the voice fell, Zi Lingyi turned into five white sword shadows, slashing at King Chen Xuan, and the others also launched a final offensive. Wang Xu's skill CD has been buffered, and he once again released the "boiling sniper attack" " skill, and Ye Xin also descended from the sky, releasing the skill of "two days first class".

Zheng Xuanxue stepped aside and released the "Lingfei" skill, while Zhang Zhexun released the "Monkey King's Power" skill, raised the enlarged golden cudgel high, and hit it straight down, with a "boom" The loud noise hit King Chen Xuan.

After a burst of energy explosion and gunpowder smoke, Zi Lingyi did a backflip and retreated to the back side, and everyone also slowly walked over, looking into the smoke, in the smoke, King Chen Xuan bent over, panting Standing there, raised his head, and wanted to continue fighting, but, he...had no strength at all.

"Ah." Along with a weak moan, King Chen Xuan finally fell to the ground, turning into ashes and dissipating. On the ground, a golden key and a blue gemstone were left behind.

"Ding players Ziling flowers blooming Qiu Xiaoyi, incense like snow, SR Rising Sun, Thunder and Shadow, Apocalypse - no double-click to kill ★★★★ Scenario dungeon - legendary boss in the underground, big rice dumpling - King Chen Xuan, won the first prize kill!"

As a result, there was a lot of discussion on the World Channel, but Zi Lingyi and the others didn't care about it. What they cared about was a key left by King Chen Xuan and a piece of blue gemstone, and Zi Lingyi who was walking in the front , going to pick it up and see what it is.

But suddenly, at the moment when Zi Lingyi bent down to pick it up, a black figure descended from the sky on the upper right of Zi Lingyi, swinging a rope. The man held a dagger and stabbed straight at him.

"Be careful!" Zheng Xuanxue exclaimed worriedly.

"Brother Ziling!" Wang Xu was also taken aback, and immediately pulled out the Aurora revolver.

Zi Lingyi straightened up immediately, holding the Phoenix Feather Sword in his hand, and blocked the knife from this man, but the man was still swinging the rope, he threw the knife away, stretched out his hand and grabbed the thing below, this man got the golden light Shiny key.

Zi Lingyi was ready to pursue immediately, but he swung the rope too high, and swung directly from the left to the right, and came to the gap above the right, holding the key, turned to look at Zi Lingyi and the others at the altar below.

When Zi Lingyi and the others were surprised who he was, this person fiddled with the key in his hand, smiled and said: "Haha, thank you for taking care of this big trouble for me."

"You are Wu Zixu, right!" Zi Lingyi reacted the fastest, because he came from the same way as Wu Zixu, so he quickly realized that he was Wu Zixu, and the others also reacted quickly.

Otherwise, Wu Zixu nodded and said: "Well, you are really powerful. This big zongzi is very powerful. It is too troublesome to deal with him. Just when I was hesitating what to do, I didn't expect, You actually came and helped me a lot.”

"What do you want?" Zi Lingyi asked.

"I don't want to do anything. I accept this key. In return, I will give this to you!" After finishing speaking, Wu Zixu took out a black gemstone from his waist and threw it directly into the center of the altar. , the black gem turned into a black particle, which floated into the crystal bracelets of Zi Lingyi and others.

"Goodbye!" Wu Zixu waved his hand, then turned and left. Zi Lingyi looked at the entrance where Wu Zixu left, and smiled helplessly. He was on the left side of the road where Zi Lingyi and the others came.

Before, when Zi Lingyi and Wang Xu came, there were three forks in the road. The front was a gap, and the left and right sides seemed to be gaps. Wu Zixu swung from the right. It turned out that he was always in the gap on the right. Watch the battle!
"Congratulations on passing the ★★★★ scenario dungeon, the legend of the underground, please come to the task bar to receive your reward." Everyone's crystal bracelets received voice messages, and they completed the task.

And Zi Lingyi did not forget one thing because of completing the task, that is, King Chen Xuan dropped two things just now, one is the golden key and the other is the sapphire, just now Wu Zixu only took the golden key, and the sapphire is still there side.

So, Zi Lingyi walked over and bent down to pick up the sapphire. Unexpectedly, just as Zi Lingyi picked it up, the sapphire turned into a soaring light, passed through the entire ancient tomb, and reached the sky outside the ancient tomb.

Zi Lingyi and the others were frightened, what was the situation, and at this moment, everyone's bracelet interface popped up automatically, Zi Lingyi and the others looked at the screen in the bracelet interface, which was the current situation outside.

In the current Miracle Continent, in the snowy sky, blue light is being discussed everywhere, and thunder is resounding everywhere. The online players in the whole continent are shocked. What's going on?Why did the sky suddenly become like this, and the whole continent became like this, it's so scary.

"I'm in the City of Miracles now. What's going on in the sky? There's blue light and thunder everywhere."

"It's scary, is it the end of the world?"

"The Yanyang Mountain is full of blue light, and there is thunder, what's going on!"

The world channels were maxed out, and finally, after the blue light emitted a dazzling glare, it dissipated completely, and the thunder stopped. At the same time, everyone's crystal bracelets received a new mission.

"Everyone ★★★★★ Scenario quest is open, the holy sword of hope, the mission goal, climb to the top of the Yanyang Mountain, and get the target weapon, the holy sword." Everyone's crystal bracelets have received such a mission.

Zi Lingyi and the others were also taken aback. The sapphire just now was actually the trigger item for the all-people scenario mission. Zilingyi triggered a five-star scenario mission for all the people. What a joke, this time the all-people mission came so fast!
(End of this chapter)

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