Chapter 297 The Imminent Plan

For the arrival of the new national mission, Zi Lingyi and others were as shocked as many entertainment players. All the players went to the official website and forums to discuss and ask what was going on. After watching the video of the dungeon, all the players were also speechless. The purple bell flower bloomed, and the purple bell flower bloomed again. This guy seems to have never stopped since he became famous.

However, the players are still very grateful for the trouble caused by the purple bell flower blooming this time, because it is another five-star national mission that everyone can participate in, and the rewards must be very generous. You know, entertaining players can unlock silver The treasure chest is already pretty good, as long as you participate, it must be a crystal treasure chest, and there may be more than one, so why doesn't this make all the players excited.

However, the official also stated that this copy of the five-star scenario for all people - the holy sword of hope, will be opened on January 1 next year, mainly because the Heroes of the Jianghu is coming, and the official does not want this copy to affect the performance of the contestants.

After the players watched it, they all expressed their anticipation in the forum. After closing the forum, some players immediately rushed to the hearse station to buy tickets, and immediately went to Yanyang Mountain, ready to climb to the top of the mountain to do tasks.

Zi Lingyi and the others also went to the official website to check the news. After the official announcement, Zi Lingyi took the rewards she had just won in the dungeon, and received three green crystal treasure boxes in one go, and at the same time got two Wu Zixu special treasure chests. treasure chest.

After everyone turned off the interface, a light channel appeared under the altar, which led directly to the outside of the tomb. After everyone saw it, they walked over and left the ancient tomb without saying anything.

After walking out of the light passage, unexpectedly, everyone came directly to a small alley in the main city of Hope City, which was the small alley where Zi Lingyi and the others were looking for clues before. There were still no people around, but now, it is already At night, the alley is very dark.

Everyone came out of the alley and came to the street. Now the street is brightly lit and looks very lively. Wang Xu looked at the time and saw that it was already 6:[-], so he said to everyone: "I'm going to go offline for dinner first. , The heroes of the rivers and lakes will meet."

"Well, meet the heroes of the Jianghu." Zi Lingyi smiled and said, and then Wang Xu went offline. Ye Xin didn't say anything, after disbanding the team, he went offline directly. Zi Lingyi also understood, so he didn't complain. He, after greeting Zhang Zhexun, Zhang Zhexun also went offline.

Now only Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue are left
"Xiao Yi." Zheng Xuanxue stepped forward and wanted to say something, but before she could speak, Zi Lingyi stepped forward and said with a smile: "Let's go offline first, let's chat while eating." .”

"En." Zheng Xuanxue nodded, and then, the two also opened the bracelet interface and exited the game.

After quitting the game, Zheng Xuanxue went to the kitchen to make dinner. It was already 6:[-], a bit late, but Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue were not hungry, so they were not in a hurry. Zi Lingyi also walked over immediately to help, Help Zheng Xuanxue.

Zheng Xuanxue cooks all Chinese food, and Zi Lingyi helps to bring over the dishes one by one. After everything is done, Zi Lingyi serves the rice, and after serving Zheng Xuanxue a bowl, the two sit on the dining chair and start eating Dinner looks more cozy.

After Zheng Xuanxue took a bite of the dish, she looked at Zi Lingyi and said with a serious and focused voice: "Xiao Yi, you said that the plan should be launched before the Heroes of the Jianghu meeting, but I think it's better to wait until after the Heroes of the Jianghu meeting, it may affect you play."

"Indeed, it would be bad if the equipment was leaked, but if I don't mess with the Dragon Tooth Gang, will the Dragon Tooth Gang not mess with me?" Zi Lingyi asked, and Zheng Xuanxue didn't know How should I describe it.

That's right, if Zi Lingyi didn't mess with the Longya Gang, wouldn't the Longya Gang be going to mess with Zilingyi?Zheng Xuanxue also really doesn't understand, Longya - Juggernaut, the leader of one of the dignified five major gangs, has such a small temperament, isn't it just robbing him of the wild boss once?As for this?
In fact, the anger and resentment that Longya-Master had towards Zi Lingyi was not only related to the wild boss, but also the event of the extermination of Yanyang Mountain and the incident of Suzaku Town Corpse Puppet. Ling Yi hated it to the bone and became a sworn enemy.

Zi Lingyi picked up the water, took a sip, and then said: "If this plan is successful, the morale of the Dragon Tooth Gang will be greatly reduced, and it will be in chaos. Take the opportunity to retreat in the chaos and slip into Fengyun Ancient City, and before the match, there will be one less opponent."

"Well, okay, when will we do it?" Zheng Xuanxue hesitated for a while, and then agreed to Zi Lingyi's plan, mainly because what Zi Lingyi said was correct, if she went to the Jianghu Heroes Meeting like this, and met the Longya Gang What about a double blow with the Terminator Legion?We can only act first.

"Uh..." Zi Lingyi crossed her arms, raised her head and thought about the time, and said while thinking, "Uh, the hands-on time should be at night, and it's not easy to be found at night. There are classes on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, but not on Thursday." If it’s on Friday, then Wednesday or Friday night.”

"Well, Friday. I have an exam on Friday. I will be online at night after the exam." Zheng Xuanxue suggested, and Zi Lingyi waved her hand to agree. Zheng Xuanxue wants to take the exam, and she wants to review before the exam.

After chatting, the two began to eat dinner. After dinner, Zheng Xuanxue and Zi Lingyi washed the dishes together, then put on their coats, left home, took a taxi outside the community and rushed back to school. On Monday, there is still class to attend.

After returning to school, downstairs in the girls' dormitory, the two said good night to each other, and then went back to the dormitory. After Zheng Xuanxue returned to the dormitory, she chatted with her roommate. It was nothing. She picked up the toiletries and prepared to go to the bathroom to take a shower. .

And Zi Lingyi
After Zi Lingyi returned to the dormitory, after saying "I'm back", she walked to the bed, boarded the upper bunk, and went to get the toiletries to take a bath, but He Zhifeng and the others were all staring at Zi Lingyi. , didn't intend to move away at all, after Zi Lingyi got down from the upper bunk, looked at the crowd, asked suspiciously and nervously: "Uh, what do you want to do?"

"Tell me, what's going on?" He Zhifeng asked standing aside with his hands on his hips, and Zi Lingyi reacted quickly, and quickly realized what He Zhifeng was referring to, so he said, "Oh, you said the task of the whole people What happened? It was caused by a dungeon with a friend, accident, accident."

"Accidents? You don't have many accidents in the game?" Xu Zijie, who was sitting by the bed, asked incredulously, and Zi Lingyi was already a little impatient, bent over, lowered his head, and said weakly: "What do you think?" Why tell me quickly, I'm going to take a shower."

"It's gone." He Zhifeng shrugged and said that he really didn't have anything to say, he just wanted to see Zi Lingyi's reaction to this incident, but unexpectedly, Liu Mengyang suddenly interjected: "I have!"

He Zhifeng and Xu Zijie turned their heads, Zi Lingyi raised his head, everyone's eyes were on Liu Mengyang again, and Liu Mengyang looked at Zi Lingyi, and said earnestly, "Didn't you and Goddess Ruoxue go to Yanyang Mountain? The top of the mountain? And you seem to have a time travel card, remember to form a team and bring us with you when the mission starts."

Everyone is speechless. Although the space-time shuttle card can travel through time and space, the only places on the map that have been visited are shuttles. , it will not be teleported to the past, Liu Mengyang didn't know about this situation, and he was also drunk.
 The illness is almost cured, but there are still some colds and coughs, and there is still a night to wait.

(End of this chapter)

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