The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 303 Infiltrating into the Dragon Element Helm

Chapter 303 Infiltrating into the Dragon Element Helm

Zi Lingyi looked around and found a tailor's shop nearby, so she released the "Dark Claw Iron Chain" skill, grabbed the eaves and pulled herself up. After landing on the roof, she squatted on one knee and raised her head Looking at the second floor of the tall building.

There is only one patrolling guard in the outer area of ​​the second floor. If he is fast enough, he should be able to kill him quietly. Thinking of this, Zi Lingyi smiled at the corner of his mouth, waved his hand, and once again used the "Dark Claw Iron Chain" skill to catch him. I lived on the stone wall of the three-story building, and then let myself swing over it.

At this moment, the guard patrolling the outer area on the second floor sensed the movement on his left side. He turned his head and looked, his eyes widened in shock. He saw a black figure flying towards him with iron chains swinging.

"Damn it! Enemy" before the guard shouted, Zi Lingyi, who swung over, kicked up hard with his knees, hit the guard's chest, and forced him to fly. After Zi Lingyi landed, he immediately Withdraw the iron claws, release the skill of "Tomb Raider and Touch Gold", charge up quickly, spread out the claws to make continuous attacks, a burst of rapid output, and instantly kill the guards.

The guard leaning against the wall had already turned into a corpse. Zi Lingyi dragged him by the collar to the corner of the balcony in the outer area on the second floor, then walked into the corridor, and looked around. There was no one in the aisle. , it is best to make a quick decision.

Zi Lingyi walked quickly in the corridor. When he reached the corner, he leaned against the wall, and then stuck his head out. There was an entrance, and there were two guards standing in front of the entrance. Seeing this, Zi Lingyi immediately I couldn't help thinking that there was the Crystal Heart inside.

Then, Zi Lingyi clenched his fists and spread his claws again. Zi Lingyi rushed out from the corridor beside him, released the skill of "Grave Raider and Touching Gold" and leaped over. The two guards heard Zi Lingyi's swift footsteps, They all looked over immediately.


"How could there be anyone here!" The two guards were startled when they saw Zi Lingyi, and the one standing on the left side of the entrance, before he had time to respond, Zi Lingyi rushed forward, quickly outputting his claws, The red spirit crystal on the guard's body shattered.

"Drink!" Zi Lingyi roared. After the effect of the skill ended, she turned around and slashed horizontally with her claws, and then slashed diagonally with her claws to kill the guard. After the guard fell to the ground, the guard on the right looked at him in fear. Zi Lingyi gritted her teeth, gripped the spear tightly, and shouted: "I'll fight you!"

As soon as the words fell, the guard rushed forward and stabbed straight. Zi Lingyi stood there with a blank expression on his face, and directly slashed with his left claw, splitting the guard's long spear, and then stabbed straight with his right hand, hitting the guard's chest .

"Ah!" The guard screamed and was repelled. Zi Lingyi immediately stepped forward, quickly output, and played the fake skill version of the "Tomb Raider Touching Gold" skill. The effect was very good, and the guard was eliminated in one go.

The corpses of the two guards fell on the ground. Zi Lingyi didn't want to deal with the corpses anymore, because when he turned around, he saw a machine altar in the room. In the center of the altar, there was a piece of green, shining crystal floating.

This is the Crystal Heart!
Zi Lingyi guessed right, this is indeed the Crystal Heart, he smiled excitedly, and immediately walked forward, standing in front of the Crystal Heart, the Crystal Heart was right in front of him, but Zi Lingyi didn't make a move take.

The reason why Zi Lingyi hesitated is very simple. Once the Crystal Heart is taken away, an alarm will be triggered, which cannot be regarded as an alarm. It can only be said that the members of the Dragon Tooth Gang within the range of the Longyuan sub-helm, and the Dragon Tooth Gang The senior administrators, their crystal bracelets, will receive emergency voice notifications, saying that the Crystal Heart of the Longyuan sub-rudder has been taken away. In that case, Zi Lingyi is equivalent to being exposed.

However, when Zi Lingyi came here, he was already mentally prepared. He opened the bracelet interface and checked the time. Another 30 minutes had passed, so he had to hurry up.

As a result, Zi Lingyi was cruel, stretched out her hand, and grabbed the Crystal Heart. The altar under the Crystal Heart also lost its luster. After holding the Crystal Heart, Zi Lingyi put it into the hundred Treasure bag, then turned around and charged quickly, returning the same way, ready to run back to the previous balcony.

The moment Zi Lingyi took the Crystal Heart, all the online players of the Dragon Tooth Gang at the helm of Long Yuan, as well as the senior administrators of the Dragon Tooth Gang, all received a language notification from the crystal bracelet, which read: "Ding, The gang you belong to, the gang stronghold - the Crystal Heart of the Longyuan sub-helm has been taken away by the player, Zilinghuaqiu Xiaoyi."

As soon as this news came out, the top leaders of the Longya Gang were shocked.

"Damn it! What's going on, why does the purple bell flower take away the crystal heart of Long Yuan's helm!"

"What kind of plane is the NPC at the helm of Long Yuan? Why did they let purple bell flowers bloom into the city!"

"Hurry up, tell the brothers to go online, let the people at the helm of Longyuan go up quickly, and get the Crystal Heart back! Don't let the purple bell flowers bloom out of the city!"

For a moment, the senior members of the Longya gang were chattering and flustered, and Longya-Zhuzhu was also online at the moment. After receiving such news, he immediately opened the gang channel and shouted into it: "What's going on! What is going on with the idiots of Yuan Fen Duo! Why did they let the purple bell flowers bloom into the city!"

But at this moment, the people at the helm of Long Yuan are still in a daze, what is the situation, why the purple bell flower will enter the city, what is going on?Who can tell me!What exactly is going on!

When they reacted and surrounded the high-rise building, Zi Lingyi rushed to the balcony and jumped down. Everyone was shocked and looked at Zi Lingyi in shock. He was crazy. Well, although this is only the second floor, the height has reached the height of the fourth floor of a normal building, and there are all their people below!

However, with a wave of Zi Lingyi's hand, she released the "Dark Claw Iron Chain" skill, directly grabbed the roof of a small building in the distance, and then floated over, landing on the roof of a small alley.

"what's the situation!"

"Spider-Man is this?"

"What are you talking about, hurry up!"

A group of members of the Dragon Tooth Gang immediately chased Zi Lingyi, and Zi Lingyi ran quickly on the roof. When she ran to the edge of the roof, she kicked on one foot and jumped directly to another roof, repeating the operation like this , continue to run to the outside of the city.

"Fire! Fire!" A member of the Dragon Tooth Gang below shouted while chasing after him. Immediately, the shooters of the Dragon Tooth Gang shot wildly at Zi Lingyi, and shells and particle bullets rushed towards Zi Ling like a tide in an instant. Yat.

Seeing this, Zi Lingyi straightened up immediately, then fell off the roof, did a backflip, landed safely, landed at a corner, then ran along the corner to the street, and then ran from the street to the alley at a very fast speed. Soon, all the members of Longya Gang lost track of Zi Lingyi.

At this moment, Zi Lingyi leaned against the wall, opened the interface of the crystal bracelet, connected to the communication with Zheng Xuanxue, and shouted at Zheng Xuanxue: "Xiaoxue! I have succeeded, now immediately mobilize the troops and attack the city!"

(End of this chapter)

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