Chapter 304 Siege
"Understood, Xiaoyi, hold on." After finishing speaking, Zheng Xuanxue turned off the chat interface with Zilingyi, and immediately sent a voice message notification to the gang channel: "Everyone, the leader of the Zilinghua Blossom just sneaked into the gang channel." Long Yuan of the Dragon Tooth Gang took the helm and seized the Crystal Heart. Now that the Crystal Heart has been captured, let's go and meet him! Let's go! Siege the city!"

As soon as the news came out, the VT. Dream Gang's blood boiled in an instant. They had been discussing why the purple bell flower was blooming. It turned out that they were going to do such an earth-shattering event.

"My lord is mighty, we will definitely follow!"

"The boss is too strong, the Crystal Heart can still sneak in and steal it, 6 is going to explode!"

"Hurry up, brothers, go meet the leader, hurry up!"

People from the VT. Dream gang rushed over immediately after discussing for a while, Zheng Xuanxue also quickly explained the situation to the people from the Youfeng gang, and then, the coalition forces of the two gangs headed towards the Longya gang's Longyuan sub-helm, and quickly killed them.

The reason why Zi Lingyi didn't notify the members of the gang was purely because he was worried that an undercover agent would sneak into the gang and leak the news, but now that Zi Lingyi had been exposed, he wasn't afraid of leaking the news. Of course, he had to mobilize the troops to help.

Zi Lingyi's concerns are not wrong, there are indeed undercover agents from the Dragon Tooth Gang in the gang, not only the Dragon Tooth Gang, but also the Terminator Legion, and even the Tianbai Sect and Liebai Xingkong have undercover agents coming in, but now, these undercover agents It's too late to report.

Zi Lingyi turned off the bracelet interface, walked quickly to the other side of the alley, walked out of the alley, and came to another street, at the entrance of the main street, a large number of members of the Dragon Tooth Gang came to kill them, the number was extremely large, and so did Zi Lingyi He didn't intend to fight them at all, he turned around and ran, and the Longya Gang behind him was desperately chasing him.


"Purple bell flowers bloom you bastard, stop for me!"

The members of the Dragon Tooth Gang behind couldn't catch up with Zi Lingyi, so they had to shout with all their strength, and Zi Lingyi ignored them at all, but at the other end of the street, there were also a group of members of the Dragon Tooth Gang who came to kill them, and there were quite a few of them , In an instant, the front and rear of the street were surrounded by water.

Zi Lingyi panicked and did not choose a path, and immediately faced the nearby roof, released the "Dark Claw Iron Chain" skill, pulled herself to the roof, jumped off the roof, and jumped to the street on the other side.

Seeing this scene, all the members of the Dragon Tooth Gang were dumbfounded. For a while, there was no sound. What's going on?Why can purple bell flowers fly over the eaves and walls?What's happening here?
Zi Lingyi landed on the side street on the other side, but he was still running fast, shuttling around in the Longyuan sub-helm of the Dragon Tooth Gang, and fought a guerrilla war and a war of attrition with the members of the Dragon Tooth Gang, oh no, These two descriptions are inaccurate, because Zi Lingyi never fights with members of the Dragon Tooth Gang, and avoids them whenever she sees them, delaying as long as possible, waiting for the troops to arrive.

After grinding for a full 20 minutes.
"The purple bell flowers are blooming here!" A member of the Dragon Tooth Gang tracked down Zi Lingyi, and when Zi Lingyi heard the sound, she turned and ran into the path, and then released the "Dark Claw Chain" skill to grab the tall man over there. The wall jumped up and turned over. After climbing over the wall, he rushed to the street, and quickly rushed to the corner of the street. Just after the corner, a group of members of the Dragon Tooth Gang appeared in front of Zi Lingyi , charged towards Zi Lingyi.

Zi Lingyi smiled helplessly, turned around and released the "Dark Claw Iron Chain" skill, flew to the roof, and then quickly jumped. Behind him, a group of shooters from the Dragon Tooth Gang opened fire, and Zi Lingyi was surrounded by explosive flames And fire, very dazzling and intense.

At this time, at the north wall of Long Yuan's sub-helm, there were nearly [-]% fewer NPC guards. They all went into the city to search for Zi Lingyi, and the rest, while staying in the city, were still doing guard work.

One of the guards looked around, but suddenly, a large number of troops rushed out of the jungle in front of him, startling the guards, what's going on?It belonged to that gang, and they took advantage of this opportunity to sneak attack.

The guards scanned the gang with crystal bracelets, and immediately knew that it belonged to the VT. Dream gang. The NPC guards were speechless. Is this arranged by the purple bell flower?Sneak attack at this time!
He Zhifeng, who rushed to the front, rode a war horse, waved his gun, and shouted: "Siege the city for me!"

"Kill!!" members of VT. Dream Gang and Youfeng Gang roared in unison, very imposing. The NPC of Longya Gang was also frightened by this momentum, and immediately called the alarm bell to indicate that there was an enemy sneak attack.

The alarm bell rang throughout the Longyuan sub-helm, and the members of the Longya Gang who were chasing Zi Lingyi were all taken aback. At this time, an enemy invaded!Are you kidding me, we're chasing purple bells.

Some of the smarter people have already figured it out, they must be members of the VT. Dream gang, otherwise, why would there be troops attacking the city at this time?But now, the crux of the problem came. Zi Lingyi's current location was in Nancheng District, and the members of the Dragon Tooth Gang were basically in Nancheng District. However, the city wall that was attacked was the North City Wall.

The distance between the north city wall and the south city wall is relatively far. If you rush over, it will take at least 10 minutes. But in the current situation, people from the VT. Dream gang will approach the city in less than 5 minutes. The guards couldn't resist the army of the VT. Dream Gang.

"Bastard! I'll go to you when the purple bell flowers bloom!" A member of the Dragon Tooth Gang yelled. At this moment, all the members of the Dragon Tooth Gang realized that this was the plan for the purple bell flowers to bloom. The troops must also be members of the VT. Dream Gang!
5 minute later.
The members of the VT. Dream Gang set up a siege ladder. After climbing the city wall, a group of people quickly killed all the NPCs on the north city wall, and then controlled the gate control system of the north city wall to open the north city gate. People from the Dream Gang and Youfeng Gang entered the main city.

"Kill!!" In the Longyuan sub-helm, a large number of people from the VT. Meng Gang and Youfeng Gang came in, and Liu Mengyang was also in the army. He opened the bracelet interface and shouted to the gang channel: "Hurry up, Move the supplies inside quickly! Quick!"

As a result, people from the two gangs began to rob the resources of the Longyuan sub-helm, such as materials, weapons, props, etc., and the two gangs robbed them all. For a while, VT. Dream Gang and Youfeng Gang , More bandits than the Dragon Tooth Gang.

However, although snatching resources is very important, it is more important to rescue their guild leader, Zilinghuahua. Most of the players just grabbed it. They rushed to Nancheng District very quickly and caught the Dragon Tooth Gang by surprise.

The Dragon Tooth Gang has 3000 members in the Longyuan sub-helm, and there are only more than 5000 online at present. How could it be that the two gangs' coalition forces have [-] opponents, and they are not even enough to make up for the coalition forces.

In an instant, the Longyuan sub-helm was massacred, and within half an hour of the battle, the overall situation was settled. In the Longyuan sub-helm, there were corpses of the Dragon Tooth Gang everywhere, the coalition forces of VT. Dream Gang and Youfeng Gang , It's a sure bet.

(End of this chapter)

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