The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 324 Fierce Battle!Heroes of the Jianghu

Chapter 324 Fierce Battle!Heroes of the Jianghu (6)

At present, there are only 10 minutes left before the time to board the competition arena. However, many contestants have already arrived around the competition arena, so they are not in a hurry to climb up. Let's get rid of all the competitors around them first.

Zi Lingyi also had this idea in mind, and rushed while fighting, waving the Phoenix Feather Sword, bringing out bursts of white sword light and white sword energy. With one sword, he split the two contestants first, and then rushed to the In front of Zhang Liao.

Zhang Liao was taken aback. When he saw Zi Lingyi, he was so frightened that he wanted to kneel. Zi Lingyi's strength is now known to the Glory of Kings. It is not easy for him to persevere until now, but now , Zi Lingyi went straight to him, and Zhang Liao, who was only half blood, was completely desperate.

Even so, Zhang Liao still intends to fight to the death, standing in place, holding a long halberd, and making a fighting posture, and Zi Lingyi doesn't care what Zhang Liao thinks in his heart, he only knows that Zhang Liao is a hero who prefers tanks , if you want to solve him quickly, it is best to cooperate with the two skills of "drinking wine" or "don't stop drinking".

Currently, Zilingyi is still charging, and has enough time to use scene skills, but Zilingyi doesn't plan to use both, because Zhang Liao was also fighting with others just now, and the blood value must not be much, so Zilingyi chose "Cup not stopping" skill, sprinkle wine on the sword, and then swing the sword.

The waving wine turned into hidden weapon needles and rushed towards Zhang Liao. Zhang Liao tried to dodge, but he couldn't help it. Zhang Liao was a stronger hero, but his speed was not fast. With the hidden weapon needle of "Cup Don't Stop", he hit the past in three spreads Yes, so, Zhang Liao couldn't dodge at all, and if he was hit by one of them, his defense value was instantly crippled.

Zi Lingyi smiled at the corner of his mouth, released "Jijiu Jin" and dashed forward, slashing horizontally with his sword, Zhang Liao raised his halberd to block it, then clenched his teeth, pushed Zi Lingyi away with force, Zi Lingyi was pushed back two times One step later, Zhang Liao exerted all his strength and released the skill of "Fearless Halberd".

Zi Lingyi still had a smile on his face. After being pushed back, he rushed up, straightened his waist and lowered his body, his body pressed tightly against the ground, and slid sideways, not only dodging Zhang Liao's "Fearless Halberd" skills, and slipped from Zhang Liao's left side to his back.

Zhang Liao was taken aback, and just as he turned around to face the enemy, Zi Lingyi supported himself with a sword, quickly stood up, raised his foot, kicked straight, hit Zhang Liao's abdomen, and kicked Zhang Liao back a few steps.

Zi Lingyi was about to continue attacking, but suddenly, not far away, Sun Shangxiang rolled over one by one, came to Zi Lingyi's left side, raised the ballista, and blasted it with a "tumbling surprise" skill.

When Zi Lingyi heard the sound of the bombardment, he immediately looked towards the source of the sound. Seeing that it was a cannonball, Zi Lingyi immediately jumped back and dodged the cannonball. He only heard a "boom", and the cannonball exploded, sending Zhang Liao to the ground. It blew up.

Seeing that her attack missed Zi Lingyi, Sun Shangxiang was a little annoyed. She immediately turned around and continued to fire at Zi Lingyi. Zi Lingyi was not afraid, and charged directly, dodging left and right to avoid Sun Shangxiang's bullets.

Sun Shangxiang hit more and more urgently, Zi Lingyi's speed was too fast, and her bullets could not hit at all. Seeing Zi Lingyi getting closer, Sun Shangxiang gritted his teeth and released the "Boiling Flame" skill, the ballista's cannon The mouth burst into flames instantly, turning into a fire-breathing cannon.

Sun Shangxiang rushed towards Zi Lingyi with a fire-breathing ballista, and Zi Lingyi smiled, and when he was about to be hit by Sun Shangxiang, he released the skill "Introducing the Wine" to the right, rushed to the side, and then He released the skill "Join the Wine" forward and rushed to Sun Shangxiang's left side.

Sun Shangxiang was stunned, and by the time he realized it, it was already too late. Zi Lingyi held the Phoenix Feather Sword and slashed straight up from bottom to top. With a "bang", Zi Lingyi directly hit Sun Shangxiang's ballista. Flew into the air.

"What!" Sun Shangxiang exclaimed, but Zi Lingyi didn't give him a chance to fight back at all. Holding the Fengyu sword, he slashed straight with the sword, then slashed with the sword, and then held the sword in both hands, stabbed straight with the sword, and then slashed with the sword again. Slash.

Afterwards, Zi Lingyi did not take the big move of "Qinglian Sword Song", but turned around and slashed obliquely with the sword, and then stabbed straight with the sword. Sun Shangxiang was hit one after another, and the red spirit crystal was shattered again and again. In the end, Sun Shangxiang's When the ballista hit the ground, Sun Shangxiang also fell to the ground and was killed by Zi Lingyi.

Sun Shangxiang is a shooter-type hero, and generally not too fleshy, so Zi Lingyi didn't use the "Qinglian Sword Song" ultimate move, because, in the situation just now, he could kill Sun Shangxiang quickly with just normal attacks.

After Zi Lingyi killed Sun Shangxiang, Zhang Liao, who had just been blown away, also rushed over. Zi Lingyi turned his head, looked at him sideways, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and said lightly, "That's right, he has fighting spirit."

After finishing speaking, Zi Lingyi drank the wine in the gourd on the spot, and used the skill "Drinking Rivers and Lakes". Then, when Zhang Liao rushed over and struck straight at him with a halberd, Zi Lingyi dodged sideways to the left, and then The sword stabbed straight and hit Zhang Liao's abdomen, and then another sword, from bottom to top, scraped Zhang Liao's chest, and the sword went straight up, hitting a critical strike bonus damage, completely harvesting Zhang Liao's residual blood.

With a sound of "ting", Zi Lingyi's "Xia Ke Xing" passive was accumulated again, and Zi Lingyi looked at the street, there were really not many people still fighting on the street, and there were less than ten left , and in front of them, there were exactly five people fighting.

Zi Lingyi couldn't help laughing, and rushed up at the fastest speed, released "Jiangjiujin" twice in a row, rushed in front of the five people in the melee, and shouted: "Qinglian Sword Song!"

As soon as the words fell, Zi Lingyi turned into five white sword shadows, slashing at the five people in the melee, and also had the effect of the crit skill "Drinking Jianghu", and the damage of Zi Lingyi's "Qinglian Sword Song", Although there is no armor-piercing effect, it has a critical strike effect, and a burst of output is all critical strikes.

None of the five people's blood volume was full, the most was only half blood, and the least was already at residual blood. Zi Lingyi's "Qinglian Sword Song" move killed all five people.

The five white sword shadows returned to their positions and changed back to Zi Lingyi, and the fighting of the previous contestants was over, and there was one survivor on their side, Baili Shouyue, and Baili Shouyue also bent His waist was bent, he was out of breath, and he looked very tired.

Zi Lingyi didn't have much mood swings, and it's normal to be tired after fighting until now, while Zi Lingyi held the Phoenix Feather Sword and rushed towards Baili Shouyue, who was also holding the sniper rifle tightly, biting Gritting his teeth, he stared straight at Zi Lingyi, determined to fight to the death, his eyes were very determined.

Baili Shouyue holds a sniper rifle and shoots at Zilingyi. Bullets hit Zilingyi. Zilingyi lowers his body and charges while shifting left and right, easily dodging Baili Shouyue's bullets.

When Zi Lingyi approached, Baili Shouyue released the "Extreme Blade" skill, and the head and butt of the sniper rifle shot out light blades, becoming a melee weapon. Baili Shouyue held a melee weapon The sniper rifle slashed straight at Zi Lingyi.

The light blade approached Zilingyi, Zilingyi didn't dodge, but was hit directly, Baili kept the promise very excited, but in the next second, he couldn't get excited anymore, the Zilingyi he hit was a phantom.

Baili Shouyue is also an old hand, and he knows what's going on. This is the "Jiang Jiu Jin" skill. Zi Lingyi used "Jiang Jiu Jin" to rush behind Baili Shouyue, and Baili Shouyue instantly understood.

Baili kept the promise and did not turn around to face the enemy, but turned his back to Zilingyi, released the "escape" skill, and prepared to control the angle, so as to get around behind Zilingyi, but Zilingyi faced Baili Li Shouyue's angle moved, and then he punched Baili Shouyue with his left hand, hitting Baili Shouyue's back, knocking Baili Shouyue to the ground, and Baili Shouyue's "escape" skill was forcibly interrupted.

Baili Shouyue panted, and slowly got up, while Zi Lingyi also rushed forward to attack. After a flash of swords and swords, Baili Shouyue was killed and fell to the ground. Immediately, the entire street was filled with They were all corpses, and Zi Lingyi was the only one standing on the street in the end.

At this time, a voice message was sent out in the sky, the content was: "The outfield competition is over, all contestants are invited to board the competition platform within 2 minutes to proceed to the next stage of the competition."

Immediately, the barrier of light outside the competition stage dissipated, and Zi Lingyi knew that the one-hour competition outside the competition stage had ended, and the competition stage was now open, so you could go up, so Zi Lingyi turned to face the competition stage, and walked quickly rushed over.

 There are too many characters in the hero information. In Genesis, my computer still can’t load it. I can only change the URL. In a post on Baidu Tieba, the URL:

(End of this chapter)

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