The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 325 Fierce Battle!Heroes of the Jianghu

Chapter 325 Fierce Battle!Heroes of the Jianghu (7)

At this moment, around the competition arena, the light barrier has been completely lifted. The surviving contestants must board the competition arena within 2 minutes after the light barrier is lifted, otherwise they will be eliminated. Now, all survivors are basically in the The competition arena is around, and they can basically reach it.

On the north side of the competition stage, Wang Xu kicked one foot, stepped on the railing, and then kicked again, leaped over and landed on the competition stage, then turned around, waved his hand, and smiled at the corner of his mouth, looking very Confidence and chic.

Ye Xin also jumped up, and when he landed, he was still diving forward, but he stabbed the knife in his right hand, then grabbed the handle, wiped the ground and turned around, with one knee on the ground, and then slowly pulled out the knife. He stood up again, inserted the two sabers back into his back, and stood there with his arms crossed.

Hou Zhanfei jumped from the roof on the side, swooped down, and after landing, he turned around, waved his robe, and looked at the crowd with a smile on his face, looking very amiable, but everyone knew that this was Hou Zhanfei's personality relationship, Don't underestimate his strength because of this.

Xia Mo held a sword in one hand and a qin in the other. From the side of the street, he slowly stepped on the stone ladder to the competition stage. There were stone ladders all around the competition stage. Although Xia Mo's appearance was nothing special , but he has no expression on his face and looks very cold, giving off a timid aura.

Zheng Xuanxue, Zhang Zhexun, Hu Lie, Ning Yu, He Zhifeng and others also took the stage one after another, and Liu Yansheng, who had just played against Zilingyi, also appeared on the stage. In addition, there were many well-known professional players, such as EA. Yang Lei, Shen Yanyang, Wu Shan and Han Youfeng.

In an instant, there were already more than 30 people on the stage. After 2 minutes, the attack restriction was lifted, and everyone could start attacking each other. In the end, Zi Lingyi was a little slow because he came from the other side of the street. , but still arrived with 30 seconds left.

Zi Lingyi quickly ran to the stone ladder, jumped up with one foot, vacated a front somersault, landed on one knee, and then slowly stood up, Zi Lingyi, he also boarded the competition platform .

"Xiao Yi." Zheng Xuanxue said happily.

"Yo, brother Ziling, you are coming up too." Wang Xu waved and shouted, Zi Lingyi nodded to him, then turned to look at Zheng Xuanxue, smiled and waved, Zheng Xuanxue also waved in response.

The area of ​​this martial arts arena is large enough to accommodate a thousand people standing on the martial arts arena at the same time, and Zi Lingyi looked at the people around him, all the powerful figures had arrived, this time, it was really lively.

The audience watched the countdown with excitement and nervousness. Once the 2 minutes are up, the attack restriction will be lifted, and everyone can attack. This time, the martial arts competition will definitely be more intense and cool than fighting in the entire Fengyun Ancient City .

23 second. 22 seconds. 21 seconds.
11 second. 10 seconds. 9 seconds.
2 seconds. 1 second. 0 seconds. Time is up!
Suddenly, the red spirit crystal stone pillars around the competition stage suddenly emitted light. This light turned into energy soaring into the sky, and exploded and scattered in the air, like fireworks. It was very beautiful, and this was the signal for the end of the countdown.

"Hey! Take the move!" Wang Xu took the lead, pulled out the double guns around his waist, and fired at the surroundings. All the contestants scattered around to avoid Wang Xu's bullets, and Yang Lei who was next to him was also dodging. At the same time fired back.

Wang Xu released the "Roaming Gun" to dodge to the side, dodging Yang Lei's continuous shooting, and then, Yang Lei rushed to Wang Xu, shooting continuously at close range, Wang Xu continued to dodge left and right and dodge left and right, flexibly dodging Yang Lei's bullet.

Yang Lei rushed up to get close, and directly used the energy cannon in his right hand to hit him horizontally. Wang Xu leaped back and dodged it. Yang Lei took advantage of the cannon to shoot.

Yang Lei was kicked over, Wang Xu took the opportunity to stand up, and shot with the Aurora revolver, Yang Lei was not to be outdone, he rolled back to dodge Wang Xu's bullet, and then raised his cannon to shoot with one knee on the ground.

Wang Xu also rushed up to get close, and at the same time turned to the left, dodging Yang Lei's bullets, then turned around and kicked Yang Lei away, Yang Lei gritted his teeth, the gun king, as expected of the gun king, is too difficult to deal with!
Yang Lei was kicked over, and when he was about to land, he stretched out his left hand to support the ground, then pushed hard with his left hand to push himself up, then adjusted his balance in the air and jumped back, landing safely.

Seeing this, Wang Xu smiled, and when he was about to continue chasing, suddenly, a competitor Zhao Yun rushed over and released the "Dragon of the Sky" skill. hit fast.

Without fear, Wang Xu turned around to face the enemy. While retreating to resist, he kept shooting back. Zhao Yun shot straight, Wang Xu dodged to the right, and at the same time raised the Aurora revolver in his right hand. Chopping, Wang Xu jumped back and dodged, and at the same time shot up with his left hand, hitting Zhao Yun again.

In the end, Zhao Yun's skills went up a wave, and the blood volume was damaged. Instead, Zhao Yun and Wang Xu didn't get hurt at all. This Zhao Yun was very helpless. Hit the past, forcing Wang Xu to retreat, and then use the "Thunder Dragon" to retreat.

On the other side, Hou Zhanfei slashed with his sword and hit one of Diao Chan's contestants. Diao Chan's contestant was beaten back, but at the same time as he retreated, Diao Chan waved his hand and released the skill "Luo·Red Rain", hitting a flower ball , and Hou Zhanfei swooped to the right to get out of the way, and after a roll landed, he rushed up with one foot, and directly gave him a "double intimidation" skill, which hit Diao Chan's abdomen.

Diao Chan clutched her abdomen and backed away again, while Hou Zhanfei stepped forward to attack, slashing straight with her sword, Diao Chan gritted her teeth, dodged to the left, and then waved her hand to strike, Hou Zhanfei retreated and dodged one after another.

Diao Chan released the skill "Blossom·Fenghua" to activate the magic circle on the spot, but when he was just about to attack, Hou Zhanfei turned around and used the skill "Sweeping Eight Desolations" to strike Diao Chan into the air with a horizontal slash. Because Hou Zhanfei and Diao Chan were on the edge of the competition stage, Diao Chan was directly beaten into the air, fell off the competition stage, and was eliminated.

Hou Zhanfei just eliminated one, but he was not careless. He immediately looked around and found that a person rushed over, and the whole person was Ye Xin!Ye Xin swooped down in the air, slashing straight with his two knives, while Hou Zhanfei held his swords in both hands and raised them up to block.

"Drink!" Hou Zhanfei roared, pushing Ye Xin away with all his strength. Ye Xin, who had been pushed back, jumped into the air to adjust his balance, then suddenly flew into the air, and swooped towards Hou Zhanfei.
Hou Zhanfei was not afraid, and faced the enemy on the spot. He continuously released the "Emperor of Han" skill and "Harvest others to benefit oneself" skill, opened two different shields, and then stabbed straight up with his sword to compete with Ye Xin.

Two people and three weapons collided, causing a loud noise, Ye Xin also fell to the ground, and directly hit him with a "Kongming Slash", Hou Zhanfei dodged to the left, then rushed forward, releasing "Double Threat" The skill stabs straight with a sword, Ye Xin leaps back and dodges, and then leaps back again, a backhand flip, pulling away the distance from Hou Zhanfei, Hou Zhanfei's "harming others and benefiting himself" shield explodes, and does not hurt Ye Xin .

Zhang Zhexun rushed over with a front somersault, and hit He Zhifeng with a stick in the air. He Zhifeng raised his spear to block it. He gritted his teeth, held the spear tightly, and pushed Zhang Zhexun away with all his strength. After Zhang Zhexun was pushed back, He Zhifeng turned around and jumped up, landing on the ground Afterwards, the shot hit the ground, and energy explosions were triggered on the ground, heading straight towards Zhang Zhexun, which was the skill of "Heavenly Soldiers".

Zhang Zhexun released the "Fighting Charge" skill to the left to dodge, but Liu Yansheng happened to be on his left side. Seeing this, Liu Yansheng released the "Whirlwind Slash" skill, and shot out sword qi.

Zhang Zhexun charged towards Liu Yansheng, shifting left and right while charging, dodging Liu Yansheng's attack, and then the golden cudgel from "Dou Zhan Charge" hit him straight, and Liu Yansheng immediately swooped to the right to dodge.

"It's all in the blink of an eye, amazing!" Zhang Zhexun said. He knew that the other party was a great god in the professional circle. Although he was still quite polite and respectful, Liu Yansheng didn't care about that much. "Charging, Zhang Zhexun also became excited, and charged directly with the "Body Protection Charm".

Heroes of the rivers and lakes will gather together
 There are too many characters in the hero information. In Genesis, my computer still can’t load it. I can only change the URL. In a post on Baidu Tieba, the URL:

(End of this chapter)

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