The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 326 Fierce Battle!Heroes of the Jianghu

Chapter 326 Fierce Battle!Heroes of the Jianghu (8)

The audience watched with enthusiasm. After watching the game, many people went to the game to fight. It was too intense. There were flashes of light, explosions, and sparks. It could be said that it was a fight between gods. what.

Gods fight, mortals suffer, and those who have no strength suffer. They basically avoid the enemy when they fight in the whole city. When they see the enemy, they hide. When they see the enemy, they hide. Well, there are always a few of this kind of guy in each Heroes of the Jianghu meeting, but basically, they will all be wiped out in less than 2 minutes on the competition stage.

Those who were dismissed in less than 3 minutes will not be recorded in the ranking of the Heroes of the Jianghu, which is quite satisfactory to the audience. Now, there is another pair of masters fighting fiercely, Xia Mo and Wu Shan!

Wu Shan's hero is Bai Qi. He rushed up with a sickle in his hand, slashed the sickle from left to right, blocked it with the Qingguang sword in his right hand, and then went straight up with the Xiaoyaoqin in his left hand, hitting Wu Shan's chest. The one who was beaten retreated, but at the same time as he retreated, Wu Shan swung his knife and released the "Scythe of Death" skill.

Xia Mo straightened his waist to get out of the way, then took advantage of the opportunity to do a backhand flip, and then leaped into the air with one foot kick, releasing the "Crazy Song" skill in the air, two energy streams hit the past, Wu Shan held a scythe in both hands, first a scythe Slash straight, and then slash horizontally with a scythe, splitting all of Xia Mo's energy flow.

Xia Mo rushed up to get close, ready to knock Wu Shan flying, and directly used the "Li Ge" skill, and Wu Shan also immediately stepped back a few steps, out of the attack range of "Li Ge", without being blown away.

The hero Gao Jianli, after entering the Miracle Light version, has a melee weapon, and "Li Ge" also has a shocking effect, but relatively, the attack range of the "Li Ge" skill with a shocking effect is also weakened. few.

However, Xia Mo did not stop, and continued to charge. He directly slashed with a sword with his right hand, slashing from bottom to top, and shot out a white sword energy, which was the skill of "Sky Sea". Wu Shan immediately dodged to the right, Mo also leaped forward, playing the Xiaoyaoqin.

Wu Shan raised his sickle to block it, there was a sound of "ping", the weapons collided, and Xia Mo also landed on the ground, directly hitting Wu Shan's sickle with a piano, Wu Shan's sickle was raised, Xia Mo's happy Qin also moved backwards, but Xia Mo still had Qingguang Sword.

Xia Mo directly slashed his sword from right to left, Wu Shan backed away and dodged it, but the Qingguang Sword unleashed a white sword energy, and charged straight at Wu Shan, Wu Shan was taken aback, this!This is no ordinary slashing, this is the "Sky Sea" skill!
Xia Mo's "Sky Sea" sword energy went straight to Wu Shan. At such a short distance, Wu Shan couldn't dodge it at all. He was hit in the chest, and the red spirit crystal was broken, but Wu Shan was not to be outdone, and directly used the "Scythe of Storm" "Fighting back, he rushed towards Xia Mo and brandished his scythe at the same time, while Xia Mo, with his expressionless face, held Xiaoyaoqin and Qingguang sword in place, and made a fighting posture to meet the enemy head-on.

On the other side, Zheng Xuanxue released the "Arc Light" skill to charge and hit the chest of a contestant Han Xin. Han Xin gritted his teeth, and after taking a few steps back, released the "Ruthless Charge" skill, rushed up and leaped into the air with a halberd Pick it straight.

Zheng Xuanxue immediately retreated and dodged, and after Han Xin landed, he used the "Last Stand" skill and rushed behind Zheng Xuanxue with his back. Zheng Xuanxue also reacted immediately and released the "Phantom Dance" charge forward.

Han Xin shot horizontally, because Zheng Xuanxue's accelerated charge did not hit, and after Zheng Xuanxue opened the distance, she turned around and used the "Lingfei" skill, and the knife in her sleeve shot out, hitting Han Xin's chest, sparking a fragment of the red spirit crystal .

Han Xin covered his chest and backed away. After Zheng Xuanxue retracted the knife in the sleeve, Zheng Xuanxue released the "Phantom" skill and created a clone. Then, the clone also shook his hands vigorously, and two sleeve knives popped out. After that, Zheng Xuanxue and Avatars charge together.

Han Xin gritted his teeth, released the "National Warrior" skill on the spot, and continued to turn around and waved the halberd. The avatar had no self-awareness, only knew to attack, so it directly jumped into Han Xin's "National Warrior", after using the skill output for a while It was killed.

As for Zheng Xuanxue, she went around behind Han Xin. Han Xin was taken aback, and immediately stopped the skill of "National Scholar Warrior", and when he was about to turn around to face the enemy, it was too late. The straight stab hit Han Xin's back, causing a burst of critical damage, and the red spirit crystal behind Han Xin shattered for a while.

Everyone is fighting extremely fiercely, this is a bit funny
"Hey! Brother Ziling, don't be like this, don't be like this, let's have a good chat, hey! Wait! Hey! Hey!" Hu Liao's current hero is Zhuge Liang, he waved his hands with an embarrassed smile, and continued to back and dodge , but Zi Lingyi completely ignored it, stepped forward and stabbed straight with the sword, and then slashed horizontally with the sword, Hu dodged very quickly, but it was also very difficult.

Hu Liao originally thought about increasing the publicity and how long he could last, but he didn't expect that Zi Lingyi's first target was himself. It seemed that he had no deep hatred with him, although the price of the things he sold was a bit high, But Zi Lingyi didn't buy it, and he didn't cheat him himself, so there's no need for such a deep hatred.

Zi Lingyi and Hu, there is really no deep hatred, Zi Lingyi simply wants to teach Hu a lesson, that's all, and Zi Lingyi smiled at the corner of his mouth, and said at the same time of attacking: "Wait, okay, let's take you Give me everything in the inventory, and I won't hit you!"

"Damn it, you'd better tell me you're joking, or I'll fight with you!" Hu Liao was also angry when he heard this. With a smile on his face, he will be more suspicious if he is not joking.

"It's serious, because if you really give me all the inventory, I really don't want to hit you." Zi Lingyi said while attacking, and when Hu Liao heard this, he was instantly excited: " Damn, I will fight with you! Look at the trick!"

As soon as the words were finished, Hu Li made a direct move of "East Wind Breaking Attack", Zi Lingyi jumped up, turned sideways in the air, dodged from the gap between the three diamond-shaped crystals, turned around and slashed horizontally with his sword after landing, Hu Le jumped back and dodged Open, and then released the "Time and Space Shuttle" skill to charge, Zi Lingyi also released the "Jiangjiujin" charge, the two energies collided and penetrated each other, neither of them hit the other.

Zilingyi and Hu Liao turned around at the same time, and Hu Liao released the skill of "Canglan Cracking Ground", two blasts of ice blasted along the ground, and went straight to Zilingyi on both sides. , The painting array dodged Hu Le's "Blue Earth Breaking" skill, and Hu Le also rushed forward immediately, attacking with the "Vitality Bomb" skill.

Zi Lingyi had just used the "magic pen" just now, and she smiled at the corner of her mouth, thinking that she should be able to hit Zi Lingyi, but the ice ball from "Vitality Bomb" went straight to Zi Lingyi, and Zi Lingyi stared at the ice ball , Standing against the enemy.

"Ahhh!" Zilingyi roared angrily, held the sword in both hands, and slashed horizontally with the sword, resisting the attack of the "vital energy bomb" head-on. The energy ball and the Fengyu sword kept rubbing against each other, but Zilingyi quickly He couldn't stand it any longer, and was forced back a few steps by the pressure of the "Vital Energy Bomb". Now, the Phoenix Feather Sword had been somewhat integrated into the "Vital Energy Bomb".

Hu Le immediately rushed forward, ready to release "Dongfeng Break Attack" for a close-range attack, but when Zi Lingyi saw Hu Le rushing over, he smiled at the corner of his mouth, waiting for you to come.

While resisting with his sword, Zi Lingyi released the skill "Jiang Jiu Jin", turning into a white sword shadow, piercing through the skill "Vital Energy Bullet", and then rushed forward with "Jian Jiu Jin" again, rushing in front of Hu Le , Hu Li was taken aback.

"I'll go!" Hu Li exclaimed, and directly hit with "East Wind Breaking Attack". Zi Lingyi slashed straight with his sword, and after splitting the diamond-shaped crystal in the middle, he stretched out his left hand and grabbed Hu Li's right shoulder. Then he turned around and threw Hu Liao back, and the "Vital Energy Bomb" attack that had just been tracked hit Hu Liao's back fiercely.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" Hu Li screamed, and was knocked into the air by his own "vital energy bomb", and was thrown into the distance. After a while of rolling, his right hand aroused energy and firmly grasped the ground. On the ground, looking up at Zi Lingyi, he said in shock: "Is there still such an operation?"

"Hey, there are team injuries in the scene mode, don't tell me you don't know." Zi Lingyi smiled, and after finishing speaking, Zi Lingyi swung his sword and rushed towards Hu Le, who was so excited that his blood boiled, and cursed One sentence shouted: "Damn, I will fight with you! Come here and die!"

(End of this chapter)

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