The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 327 Fierce Battle!Heroes of the Jianghu

Chapter 327 Fierce Battle!Heroes of the Jianghu (9)

Zi Lingyi and Hu Liode fell into a fierce battle, and Hu made a move of "Flying Spirit Soul", and Zi Lingyi rushed forward, slashing straight with his sword, cutting the energy crystal of "Flying Spirit Soul" in half , And this is not over yet, Hu Le will use the two skills of "East Wind Breaking Attack" and "Blue Earth Breaking" together.

Zi Lingyi kicked on one foot, leaped high, released "Jiang Jiu Jin" to charge in the air, accelerated the charge in the air, successfully jumped over the attacks of "East Wind Attack" and "Blue Earth Break", and stabbed directly at Hu Li .

Hu Li gritted his teeth a little bit, he clearly felt the pressure, but he was still in danger, first released the "space-time shuttle" to move backward, then, his feet floated in the air, and began to continue to retreat, at the same time, his hands Accumulate energy, and hit it directly with the "Vitality Bomb" skill.

Zi Lingyi smiled at the corner of her mouth, and used the skill of "Miraculous Brush" to draw an array on the spot, and the energy generated when the array was drawn successfully dispelled the "vital energy bomb". Hu Mo was a little annoyed, and directly stepped forward two steps, another stroke Call "Dongfeng Break Attack" to go up.

Zi Lingyi dodged to the left with a dodge, and just when he was about to continue charging, suddenly, a Monkey King on the right, a frontal flip, and then the golden cudgel slashed obliquely, Zi Lingyi clearly felt the breath and the sound, Turning around, I was shocked, it was Zhang Zhexun!

"Haha! Look at the trick!" Zhang Zhexun shouted with a smile in the air, and then the golden cudgel came down, Zi Lingyi immediately turned around, kicked on one foot, jumped backwards, dodged Zhang Zhexun's stick, Zhang Zhexun's golden cudgel hit the ground fiercely, causing a burst of airflow and smoke, and even sparks and energy explosions.

After Zilingyi landed, she gritted her teeth, released "Jiangjiujin" and charged forward, and fought Zhang Zhexun in close combat, while Hu Li, who was beside her, rubbed her chin and laughed excitedly. This is a good opportunity. !
Thinking of this, Hu Liao was ready to join hands with Zhang Zhexun to deal with Zi Lingyi, but what he didn't expect was that suddenly, someone stabbed him straight from the left, Hu Liao was so frightened that he quickly backed away, and then Hu Liao stared at Who is this person, who intervened halfway.

However, when Hu Liao clearly saw this person, his temper completely disappeared. The hero of this person is Miyamoto Musashi. Then, who is this contestant?Without a doubt, Ye Xin was one of last year's Four Heroes.

Ye Xin waved his knife and rushed towards Hu Le, Hu Le was speechless, one after another masters came to deal with him, he really thought he was easy to mess with, didn't he?Hu Liao couldn't control it anymore, so he directly used "Blue Crack the Ground" to welcome Ye Xin.

Hou Zhanfei on the other side.
He Zhifeng turned around and slashed horizontally, Hou Zhanfei retreated and slashed horizontally with his sword. The two weapons collided, and bounced off at the same time with a "ting", and the two of them were also forced back a few steps by the impact.

After He Zhifeng retreated, he hit Hou Zhanfei with the skill of "Heavenly Soldiers God General", one after another energy explosion rushed towards him, Hou Zhanfei flew to the left, and after landing, he rolled twice at an extremely fast speed, directly avoiding He Zhifeng's attack Big move.

He Zhifeng rolled over, with one knee on the ground, and swung his sword. Just as he raised his head, He Zhifeng had already rushed over, released the "Iron Cavalry Break" skill, jumped up with one foot, and swooped towards Hou Zhanfei in the air. Pierce straight, driving a burst of energy airflow.

Hou Zhanfei would not refuse anyone who came, he used the skill of "sweeping all wastes" and slashed his sword horizontally to block, there was another loud noise, the two weapons collided, and He Zhifeng was bounced away, but he did a backflip, and after landing he was still hit by the impact force. And take a few steps back.

"Ehhhhhhh" He Zhifeng gritted his teeth, held the spear upside down with both hands, thrust it into the ground, and forced himself to stabilize himself. Then he stopped and did not continue to retreat. When he just breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly, Hou Zhanfei The sword flew straight towards He Zhifeng fiercely.

He Zhifeng was taken aback, but it was too late for him to make adjustments. With a "bang", He Zhifeng's chest was hit straight by Hou Zhanfei's sword, sparking a burst of red spirit crystal fragments. He Zhifeng took a few steps back while holding his chest and gun .

Hou Zhanfei's sword was bounced, but he rushed up and jumped up, held the bounced sword in the air, and then landed with a front somersault. After landing, he quickly rushed to He Zhifeng who was retreating, and slashed diagonally with his sword.

He Zhifeng was still retreating, but he also quickly adjusted to face the enemy. When retreating, he raised his guns in both hands and blocked Hou Zhanfei's sword. Then, Hou Zhanfei continued to move forward and struck horizontally with his sword. He Zhifeng fell directly to the ground, and dodged Hou Zhanfei's sword with a backward roll.

Hou Zhanfei was a little surprised, this person's strength is not bad, he adjusted quickly, but this is not over yet, after He Zhifeng rolled back, he fell to the ground and stabbed straight, Hou Zhanfei dodged to the right, and then hit the ground with his sword. To stab, He Zhifeng rolled to the left and dodged, but Hou Zhanfei stepped forward and kicked He Zhifeng straight, hitting He Zhifeng's side waist, and kicked He Zhifeng directly into the air.

When He Zhifeng was kicked and fell to the side, he fell to the ground, clutching his abdomen, gnashing his teeth, Hou Zhanfei. He is indeed one of the four heroes in the Jianghu. It is too difficult to deal with. He and himself are not at the same level at all.

After nearly 15 minutes of fierce fighting, some people were eliminated one after another. They were either knocked off the competition stage, or were directly killed, and then teleported out of the competition stage. At present, there are still more than 13 people left on the competition stage.

Ning Yu's condition is pretty good. Up to now, he has been standing on the competition stage. He has knocked down one contestant and eliminated two contestants. What he is facing now is Liu Yansheng.

Liu Yansheng released the "Lingfeng Double Swords" skill, and a wave of energy gathered in his left hand, which actually formed an energy sword. Combined with the physical sword in Liu Yansheng's right hand, it became a double sword. Liu Yansheng held the double sword and rushed towards Ningyu , launched the attack speed.

Ning Yu rushed forward and released the "Extreme Blade Storm" skill, slashing straight up, Liu Yansheng resisted with two swords, after the attack was over, Liu Yansheng launched a counterattack, charged with the "Phantom Strike" skill, and stabbed straight with the sword in his right hand.

Ning Yu turned sideways to the left, then immediately backed away, dodging Liu Yansheng's sword, and when dodging, Ning Yu's sword was held vertically, so when Liu Yansheng stabbed with his sword, it was slashing at Ning Yu. The knife passed by, and the two weapons collided, sparking fierce sparks and lightning.

Liu Yansheng was in vain, but he turned around immediately, and "Phantom Strike" hit him again. Ning Yu was not afraid, and he used "Blade Phantom" to charge head-on. The skills of the two collided together, triggering a burst of energy explosion. Blow them up together.

After Liu Yansheng was blown into the air, he did a backflip, and when he landed, he stuck his swords on the ground, and then he stabilized his footsteps. After Ning Yu fell to the ground, he rolled for a while, and then stabbed his knife into the ground, and then he stabilized. In this situation, Ning Yu almost fell off the competition ring.

And Liu Yansheng gritted his teeth, stood up with one foot kick, and then rushed up quickly, swung his two swords, and hit Ningyu with white sword energy.

Ning Yu also brandished a long knife, resisting with difficulty, Liu Yansheng's "Whirlwind Slash" was completely resolved by him, but after the distance was shortened, Liu Yansheng hit with "Phantom Strike". Release three times.

Liu Yansheng charged straight over, Ning Yu gritted his teeth, held the long saber in his hand to resist, Liu Yansheng's "Phantom Assault" skill slammed into Ning Yu's saber, and only heard a "bang", Ning Yu was knocked into the air .

Although Ning Yu blocked the attack of "Phantom Strike", behind him was the edge of the competition ring. Ning Yu was knocked into the air and fell off the competition ring. In the end, he was eliminated
 There are too many characters in the hero information. In Genesis, my computer still can’t load it. I can only change the URL. In a post on Baidu Tieba, the URL:

(End of this chapter)

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