The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 328 Fierce Battle!Heroes of the Jianghu

Chapter 328 Fierce Battle!Heroes of the Jianghu (10)

Ning Yu was eliminated from the competition. He is considered a friend to Zi Lingyi, but Zi Lingyi has no time to take care of these things now, because the enemy he is facing now is not Zhang Zhexun. It's time to deal with others, what he is facing now is Xia Mo!

Xia Mo turned around, Xiaoyaoqin slammed horizontally, Zi Lingyi jumped back and dodged, Xia Mo rushed forward, Qing Guangjian stabbed straight, Zi Lingyi slashed horizontally with the sword, and Xia Mo forcibly split. Mo was also hit by the impact and lost several steps to the left.

As soon as Xia Mo stopped, Zi Lingyi rushed forward with "Jiangjiujin", stabbing straight with his sword, Xia Mo dodged to the right, and Zi Lingyi made another sword, slashing across from right to left, Xia Mo raised the Xiaoyaoqin to block it, and then stabbed straight with Qing Guangjian.

Zi Lingyi was startled, and immediately pushed Xia Mo's Xiaoyaoqin away, and then continued to retreat. Xia Mo continued to pursue with his sword. The sword slashed horizontally, splitting Xia Mo's sword.

Xia Mo's Qingguang Sword was split, but he stopped immediately, and hit the "Crazy Song" skill on the spot, two energy streams rushed towards Zi Lingyi, Zi Lingyi also stopped, and slashed straight with his sword, Then he slashed diagonally with his sword, directly splitting two streams of energy.

But at this time, Zheng Xuanxue leaped one after another, and at the same time slashed across the air, the opponent blocked it with his left hand, and then slashed straight with his right hand. There was a piece of red spirit crystal.

Zheng Xuanxue backed away clutching her abdomen, the opponent stood in place, and a move of "Kong Ming Slash" skill passed, Zheng Xuanxue gritted her teeth, released the "Phantom Dance" skill to speed up, and dodged the opponent's attack, yes, the opponent was Ye Xin!

Ye Xin turned around, waved his hand, and threw the Hanyou Knife in his left hand, hitting Zheng Xuanxue who was moving, and Zheng Xuanxue became dizzy for a while. This move was the skill of "Flying Sword Flow".

The Cold Ghost Knife bounced back into Ye Xin's hand, and Ye Xin unleashed "Extreme Speed" to rush forward, and then the two knives staggered and slashed horizontally. When Zheng Xuanxue's dizziness ended, she immediately prepared to block, but it was too late. Zheng Xuanxue just raised her hand, and Ye Xin The pair of knives hit her in the chest, knocking Zheng Xuanxue to the ground and rolling over.

During fierce battles, Zi Lingyi often looked towards Zheng Xuanxue from time to time. Even now, when fighting Xia Mo fiercely, as long as he opened the distance, he would definitely look over. Now, when Zi Lingyi saw Zheng Xuanxue being beaten by Ye When Xin was fully suppressed and almost couldn't bear it anymore, he was shocked and said in a broken voice, "Xiaoxue!"

"What!?" Hearing Zi Lingyi's words, Xia Mo immediately turned his head to look at Zheng Xuanxue. Seeing Zheng Xuanxue being bullied by Ye Xin, Xia Mo felt bad, but he was a calm and rational person, very Then he calmed down, this is a meeting of heroes, not a place where children love each other, and Zi Lingyi is the same.

And suddenly, two people intervened in the battle between Zi Lingyi and Xia Mo at the same time. In front of Xia Mo, a long halberd was blocked in front of him. Xia Mo was startled, and immediately backed away, and then looked at the attacker. It was Yang Jian. .

"Go away!" Xia Mo roared, Qin Sheng has always been labeled as indifferent and indifferent, which is completely in contrast to Wang Xu's chic and self-confidence, seeing Qin Sheng roaring in such a tone, Yang Jian was also taken aback.

On Zi Lingyi's side, what he met was Tachibana Ukyo. Tachibana Ukyo held a long knife and stabbed it straight. Zi Lingyi slashed Tachibana Ukyo's knife with a sword. After the footsteps, he directly used the "Xi Xue" skill, slashing and stabbing with a sharp knife, and Zi Lingyi immediately jumped back and dodged.

Xia Mo played the movement, rushed forward and released the skill "Crazy Song" to catch up. Yang Jian struggled to resist. After Xia Mo approached, Yang Jian immediately released the skill "Eye of Roots", and the nearby sky eye released a laser to attack Xia Mo .

Xia Mo kicked with his left foot, jumped backwards, dodged the first laser beam, Xia Mo kicked with one foot, jumped high, then jumped into the air, dodged the second laser beam, and then the third laser beam , forming three straight-line spread attacks, Xia Mo charged forward, directly slashed the "Tianhai" skill, slashed horizontally with a sword, and shot a sword aura, forcibly offset the laser in the middle, and rushed through the middle.

Yang Jian was scared out of his wits, and when he was about to back up and regroup, Xia Mo directly used the "Magic Sound Piercing the Ear" to accelerate his charge, and at the same time as the energy collided at close range, Xia Mo used the "Shadow" skill to catch up, Qingguang The sword and Xiaoyaoqin hit together, Yang Jian's blood volume was greatly broken, and the fragments of the red spirit crystal shattered one after another. In the end, Xia Mo used the "Li Ge" skill to kill him.

Yang Jian wanted to cry, but why did Qin Sheng suddenly become so fierce? Shouldn't this kind of master always play steadily?But Xia Mo is fierce, and Zi Lingyi is even more fierce!
At this moment, Zi Lingyi, he charged forward with "Jiangjiujin", stabbed straight with his sword, and hit Tachibana Ukyo in the chest, causing Tachibana Ukyo to back up, Zi Lingyi stepped forward, and with a "magic pen" skill, he trapped Tachibana Ukyo in the chest. In the array.

Then, Zi Lingyi slashed obliquely with his sword, slashed horizontally with his sword again, and slashed obliquely with his sword in the opposite direction. He was blocked by Tachibana Ukyo, then raised his foot, kicked Tachibana Ukyo out of the magic circle with one kick, and then released "Bring the wine in" came out the most, after closing the distance, he stabbed straight with the sword, and then slashed horizontally with the sword.

With a sound of "ting", Zi Lingyi swiped out the "Xia Ke Xing" passive, and then roared: "Qinglian Sword Song!"

As soon as the words fell, Zi Lingyi turned into five white sword shadows, and slashed at Tachibana Ukyo. It's time, all those standing on the stage are masters, and with so many masters, Tachibana Ukyo is ashamed to be able to be given the passive "Xia Ke Xing" by the opponent.

Tachibana Ukyo originally had some HP worn out, but Zi Lingyi's burst of damage caused him to use the "Qinglian Sword Song" move. Tachibana Ukyo was also killed, and his body fell to the ground, turned into particles and sent out of the martial arts competition tower.

The reason why Zi Lingyi and Xia Mo fought so fiercely was the same, because Zheng Xuanxue, although Jianghu Qunying would not be a place where children love each other, but seeing Zheng Xuanxue being suppressed by Ye Xin, both of them felt bad, and their mentality changed. The style of play will naturally change.

And Zheng Xuanxue at this moment.
Ye Xin jumped up with both feet, and charged straight down with two knives in the air. This is the "Two-day first-class" skill. When Ye Xin landed, a violent energy explosion was triggered. First-class" energy explosion, but Ye Xin hit with another move of "King Kongming Slash" skill, and Zheng Xuanxue immediately blocked it with two knives staggered.

Ye Xin's "Kong Ming Slash" is powerful, and Zheng Xuanxue also counteracted his attack with resistance while continuing to retreat, and finally blocked it. Ye Xin rushed forward quickly, and hit Zheng Xuanxue with a "Super Speed" skill. fly.

"Ahhh!" Zheng Xuanxue's eyes widened. After being knocked into the air, she began to slowly fall towards the competition stage. Zi Lingyi, who had dealt with Tachibana Ukyo, saw Zheng Xuanxue being knocked off the competition stage. She stretched out her hand and yelled involuntarily : "Xiaoxue!"

 There are too many characters in the hero information. In Genesis, my computer still can’t load it. I can only change the URL. In a post on Baidu Tieba, the URL:

(End of this chapter)

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