Chapter 343

The riots in Yanyang Mountain this time are more serious than the last time in the City of Eternal Night. The main reason is that the foot of Yanyang Mountain is too wide to accommodate more people, and Yanyang Mountain is one of the six main cities. There must be more players here than in the City of Eternal Night, so the scope of fighting gradually spread and became more and more intense.

Even the live broadcasters kept backing away, because gradually, they had already reached the top of the mountain from the foot of the mountain, Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue watched it for a while, then turned off the live broadcast, Zi Lingyi commented in four words: "It's horrible. "

In the end, Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue asked for a room at the inn for the insurance period. After the two entered the room, they closed the door decisively, and then went offline without any hesitation, mainly in case the fierce battle really spread to Linjia Town , They are in the hotel room, the security is relatively high.

Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue went offline. After they took off their gaming glasses, they turned their heads to look at each other, looked at each other, and then both smiled. Chen Hua, who was sitting at the front, knew that they were playing a game, so he turned his head and looked at each other. When the two of them went offline, they asked, "Have you finished the game?"

"Well, the situation is not optimistic." Zi Lingyi nodded and said.

"Oh, what's the situation?" Chen Hua asked immediately. As early as a month ago, he had already figured out all the things in the glory of the king, and Zi Lingyi also knew that Chen Hua could understand, so he started to understand it bit by bit. Explain the current situation of Yanyang Mountain.

After Chen Hua finished listening, he shook his head and sighed: "Fighting for profit, even in the game, this point has never changed."

"Well, one thing is good, that is Xiaoxue's space-time tunnel card, and there is another chance to use it, we can use this card to travel directly to the top of the mountain." Zi Lingyi said, and Chen Hua hurriedly asked Said: "Time-space tunnel card? I remember that this thing is very difficult to obtain, and you can only go to places you have been to. Have you and Xiaoxue ever been to the top of Yanyang Mountain?"

"Well, I went there once when I was playing games." Zi Lingyi waved his hand.

"That's great, you'd better get ready, we're almost there." After Chen Hua finished speaking, he went out of the window.

Zheng Xuanxue, who was sitting on the inside, immediately turned her head to look out of the window. She could already vaguely see the city below, but the height was still a bit high, and she might have to fly for a while, but she had already entered the city limits, and it didn't take long. Arrived.

About 10 minutes later, the plane arrived at the airport and stopped on the apron. The first person to get out of the plane was Chen Hua's bodyguards, and then Chen Hua came out, followed by a group of bodyguards. with suitcase.

As soon as everyone got off the plane, the person in charge of the Chen Group in Pingchuan City immediately stepped forward, followed by five bodyguards, and the person in charge bowed respectfully and said: "Director Long, I have been waiting for you for a long time, your residence has been arranged, and you can move in at any time."

"It's fine to stay in a hotel, I don't want to be too far away from the venue." Chen Hua said lukewarmly, and the person in charge nodded repeatedly, saying: "Okay, okay, I'll arrange it now, chairman, you first follow me Come."

So, the person in charge picked up the phone, and while making arrangements on the phone, he took Zi Lingyi and the others out of the airport and came to the parking area outside, where luxury cars were already parked outside.

By the time Zi Lingyi and the others boarded the car, the person in charge had already made arrangements. There was a five-star hotel three blocks away from the anniversary venue, and the person in charge had already booked an entire floor to ensure Chen Hua's normal life. Rest and safety issues.

The car arrived after 20 minutes. After Zi Lingyi and others got off the car, they saw more than 20 bodyguards from the Chen Group at the entrance of the five-star hotel. Zi Lingyi was so shocked that he was speechless. Even the richest man in China , There is no need for such a big battle, right?
In fact, Chen Hua really didn't need such a big battle before. The key point is that since the Chen Group became the patron of the Tang family and his son became the son-in-law of the Tang family, the enemies of the Tang family were also the enemies of the Chen Group.

The enemies of the Tang family are basically gangsters, hooligans, and criminal gangs. These guys are basically wiped out by the Tang family's troops, but there are still remnants of the gang, and after my son became an agent of the Tang family, He is also ruthless to the gangsters, no, seven months ago, his son cracked a drug cartel and killed all the members of the drug cartel in a building.

In such a situation, Chen Hua has to be cautious. Haitian City or Kyoto is okay, but Pingchuan City, hehe, the drug trafficking group that his son cracked was cracked in this city, and the security problem is not as serious as Haitian City and Kyoto That's why Chen Hua needs so many bodyguards.

Counting the bodyguards brought by Chen Hua and the person in charge, nearly fifty bodyguards formed a formation to welcome Zi Lingyi and the others into the hotel. Both Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue felt a little restrained, it was too exaggerated
Afterwards, Chen Hua's bodyguards took the elevator first, followed by Zi Lingyi and others. They reached the 20th floor. This floor has been booked, and no one is staying in a hotel. Therefore, the Chen Group forbids any Outsiders can enter and leave this floor, not even the waiters of the hotel, and the Chen Group will do the tidying up of the rooms themselves.

Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue got the key card of the room. After they entered the room, Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue put their luggage away, and Zi Lingyi moved the fastest. After putting the luggage away, they went out immediately.

After Zi Lingyi went out, she saw another team of bodyguards outside the door, forming a formation and began to stick to their posts. Zi Lingyi frowned, feeling that the atmosphere was not right. After swallowing her saliva, she went outside Zheng Xuanxue's room and knocked on the door , said: "Xiaoxue, can I come in?"

"Oh, here we come, wait a minute." In the room, Zheng Xuanxue replied, and then came to open the door for Zi Lingyi. After Zi Lingyi entered, he immediately closed the door and let out a long breath. Just now, Zheng Xuanxue also saw the person outside the door. The bodyguard guessed the situation.

Zi Lingyi sat beside Zheng Xuanxue's bed, and Zheng Xuanxue pushed back her hair, looked at Zi Lingyi, smiled awkwardly and said, "Is your uncle exaggerating? I feel like I'm with a national figure. "

"Well, I can understand, but this battle is really too big, and I feel a little uncomfortable." Zi Lingyi shrugged and said, Zheng Xuanxue nodded, and echoed: "Me too."

"Okay, let's not talk about this, we haven't eaten lunch yet, since the hotel is uncomfortable, let's go out to eat, after eating, is there any place you want to go shopping in Pingchuan City, I will accompany you." Zi Lingyi Smiling and saying, Zheng Xuanxue immediately clapped her hands excitedly when she heard the words, and said happily: "Okay, okay, let's go, it's just in time for dinner."

"Well, let's go." After finishing speaking, Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue got up, and after they walked out of the room, they took the elevator to leave the hotel. After leaving the hotel, Zi Lingyi called Chen Hua to say hello. After Hua finished listening, she also said that she was happy to let Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue go out to play, but don't come back too late.

 There are too many characters in the hero information. In Genesis, my computer still can’t load it. I can only change the URL. In a post on Baidu Tieba, the URL:

(End of this chapter)

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