Chapter 344
Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue found a restaurant in Pingchuan City. After having lunch, they went to the tourist attractions in Pingchuan City. The two went to Yuxiao Mountain. It is winter now, and the snow is still heavy, and the two of them are still having fun in the white snow.

There is a waterfall in Yuxiao Mountain, because it is too rivery, it does not freeze. After Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue took a photo here, they went to other areas for a stroll. There are many tourists here, which seems relatively lively.

It was almost 4:[-] in the afternoon. Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue went back on foot. They were not in a hurry, and the hotel was not too far away. It took about half an hour to walk there.

On the way, Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue passed a block. In this block, suddenly, cheers and roars erupted from a shop on the right, which startled both Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue. They turned their heads and saw that it was an Internet cafe.

It's not uncommon for that kind of voice to appear in the Internet cafe. Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue smiled at each other. Just when they were about to continue walking, they heard another roar from inside, one of which was very clear and loud: "Douxian is amazing! This one can beat ten!"

"What?" Zi Lingyi immediately stopped and turned to look into the Internet cafe. Zheng Xuanxue also heard it. She immediately looked at Zi Lingyi and said, "Dou Xian? Is it Thunder and Shadow?"

"Zhang Zhexun is inside?" Zi Lingyi couldn't believe it.

Before the plane arrived at the station, Chen Hua and Zi Lingyi had a chat about the team's players. Currently, the one Chen Hua most wants to dig is Zhang Zhexun, one of the new five heroes. However, Zhang Zhexun has not been online recently, and there are no other players. Contact information, so Chen Hua couldn't contact him.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Zhexun was actually in the Internet cafe. Zi Lingyi held Zheng Xuanxue's hand, turned to look at Zheng Xuanxue, and said, "Do you want to go in and have a look?"

"Okay." Zheng Xuanxue said, so Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue entered the Internet cafe together.

This Internet cafe is called Youxuan Internet cafe. There is no separation of men and women like the Internet cafe in Haitian City last time, but there are special people watching directly. At this moment, a young man is surrounded by a group of Internet cafe players. Staring at his screen, shouting in unison, cheering and cheering.

As for Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue, at the front desk of the Internet cafe, after taking out their ID cards to get on the computer, they immediately walked over to watch. Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue, who pushed through the crowd, saw on the screen, a Monkey King, waving a golden cudgel, walking around Fighting against a group of players, although the number is not as good as the opponent, but the momentum is not diminished, the combat power is strong, and even fight against the opponent, the opponent has already hung up almost five.

"I'm going! What the hell!" A player was startled, and Sun Wukong flipped forward, and the golden cudgel went straight down. The opponent was Han Xin, who raised his spear to block it. , picked it up from bottom to top, and only heard a "bang", Han Xin's spear was picked up and flew into the air.

"What!" Han Xin said in surprise, and Sun Wukong released the "fighting and charging" skill with a smile on the corner of his mouth. He turned around and hit Han Xin's left waist with a golden cudgel. It flew into the air and crashed into a big tree not far away.

Zhao Yun from behind made a sneak attack and stabbed straight with his spear. Sun Wukong turned around and slashed his spear obliquely, splitting his long spear, and then stabbed straight again, hitting Zhao Yun's chest, knocking him back, and then stepped forward and kicked him up, and then pushed him back. He fought back, and finally, Sun Wukong raised the golden cudgel, held the stick in both hands, and hit Zhao Yun with a "boom", knocking Zhao Yun to the ground.

In the back, a Mozi released the skill of "Mechanical Heavy Cannon". Sun Wukong didn't turn around when he heard the sound of the cannon. After landing, a bull demon rushed up.

Sun Wukong turned around and hit the Bull Demon with a move of "Fighting and Charge". , was kicked back all of a sudden, and bumped into Mo Zi's body.

"Wahhaha, come on!" Sun Wukong shouted excitedly with a smile, and then he rushed up with a front flip and released the "Ruyi Golden Cudgel" skill, and the huge golden cudgel hit Mozi and Niu with a "boom". Demon's body, and then Sun Wukong hit the two tanks with a straight stick, directly killing the two tanks.

Zi Lingyi looked at the screen with her arms folded, her eyes focused, very serious, this Sun Wukong's skin is a supreme treasure, and judging by his skill and fighting style, he is no different from Zhang Zhexun, so, this one who fights in an Internet cafe, 80.00 %, that is Zhang Zhexun.

Zheng Xuanxue also roughly guessed it, and another minute later, Zhang Zhexun harvested all the residual blood, then activated the standby mode, took off the game glasses, looked around the players, and said, "Okay, who else wants to play?" superior?"

"I'll do it." At this time, Zi Lingyi raised his hand, decisively seizing the opportunity, and when Zhang Zhexun saw Zi Lingyi, he was also taken aback. Why does this person feel that he is as tall as Zi Linghua? resemblance.

And Zi Lingyi simply smiled, then looked at the player next to him, and asked, "Where are the coordinates?"

"Yanyang Mountain, in a small forest to the north of Linjia Town." A player explained the location to Zi Lingyi. After Zi Lingyi heard it, she found a seat and sat down, put on her gaming glasses, and started to log in to the game. Zheng Xuanxue watched from the side.

Zi Lingyi logged into the game, and Zhang Zhexun was just dazed for a while, put on the gaming glasses, and waited for Zi Lingyi to come over, while some players ran to Zi Lingyi's perspective, and saw Ying Ying beside Zi Lingyi When Zi Lingyi's picture was displayed on the screen, many players were stunned until...
"Fuck! Sword. Sword God! This person is the sword god Ziling Huakai!" A player shouted in shock. Many players were shocked when they heard it. A group of people gathered around to watch, and Zheng Xuanxue also reacted very well Quickly, immediately turn the screen to the outside, the players on the outside rushed to see it, and Zheng Xuanxue was standing on the other side, so she was relieved, fortunately, the screen was turned to the outside, otherwise, a group of players would be crowded and surrounded .

"Purple bells are blooming! It's really purple bells!"

"Sword God is here?"

"Not long after the Heroes of the Jianghu, the new Sword God and Fighting Immortal started fighting, it's so fucking amazing."

The players around were discussing a lot, and Zheng Xuanxue looked at Zi Lingyi with her hands on her hips. Sword God and Dou Xian actually had a duel online in the Internet cafe. It is estimated that the people in the Internet cafe have already started posting the news on the forum.

The forum is likely to explode again.
 There are too many characters in the hero information. In Genesis, my computer still can’t load it. I can only change the URL. In a post on Baidu Tieba, the URL:

(End of this chapter)

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