The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 345 Sword God vs. Fighting Immortal

Chapter 345 Sword God vs. Fighting Immortal
Zhang Zhexun is not very far from where Zilingyi is, Zilingyi soon arrived on horseback, and Zhang Zhexun sat there, watching the figure in white who rushed over, he gradually felt more and more familiar, until the other party came In front of him, when he got off his horse and came over, Zhang Zhexun saw clearly that it was Zi Lingyi!
"Brother Ziling!? Why are you here?" Zhang Zhexun stood up and asked in shock, while Zilingyi shrugged with a smile, and said, "I'm passing by the Internet cafe, and I heard someone shouting Dou Xian, so I came in to have a look , as soon as I saw it was you, I came to fight you."

"You are the one who wants to fight with me?" Zhang Zhexun asked.

"Yeah." Zi Lingyi nodded, then slowly stretched her hand to the back, pulled out the Fengyu sword, waved the sword, and said with a smile on the corner of her mouth: "Okay, let's pick one out first, I guess Everyone who is watching the battle is waiting anxiously."

"Okay, let's think about it after we finish fighting." So, Zhang Zhexun also held the golden cudgel, held the stick in both hands, spread his legs apart, and made a fighting posture, while Zi Lingyi also swung his sword, jumped with one foot, and leaped straight Go up and stab straight with a sword.

Zhang Zhexun dodged by leaning to the left, and then slashed horizontally like a golden cudgel. Zi Lingyi straightened his waist and dodged it. Hold it up.

With a sound of "ting", the two weapons collided, and the two pushed against each other with force at the same time, and took a step back at the same time. After Zhang Zhexun stepped back, he took two steps forward. Leaning left and right, backing away step by step, Zhang Zhexun continued to press hard.

"The pen of magic!" Zi Lingyi shouted, just as the words fell, Zi Lingyi straightened her waist, centered on herself, and began to rotate the circle. In an instant, a circular magic circle appeared in front of Zhang Zhexun. It was the "pen of magic" Skill.

Zhang Zhexun gritted his teeth and smiled at the corners of his mouth. He was very excited. He didn't care about the magic circle of "The Magic Pen", he directly activated the "Body Protection Spell" skill, applied a layer of body protection to himself, and forcibly rushed into the magic circle of the "God's Brush". Hit like a stick.

Zi Lingyi in the magic circle was taken aback, and immediately raised the Phoenix Feather Sword with both hands to block it. However, only hearing a "boom", Zi Lingyi was hit by the powerful force of this blow, and was hit on one knee on the ground.

The audience around were shocked, Zhang Zhexun actually pressed Zilingyi to beat him, however, the situation quickly turned around, Zilingyi gritted his teeth, and tried to push back Zhang Zhexun with all his strength, Zhang Zhexun was pushed back, Zilingyi kicked one foot, got up and charged , Directly a "Join the wine" skill rushes through Zhang Zhexun, the skill hits!
Zhang Zhexun gritted his teeth, turned around and slashed obliquely with a stick. Zi Lingyi pierced through again with "Put the wine in", and came behind Zhang Zhexun again. "Skill, a huge golden cudgel fell from the sky and hit Zi Lingyi in front of her.

With a sound of "Boom", Zi Lingyi was sent flying, Zhang Zhexun turned around and jumped up, a front somersault, the golden cudgel flew into the air and struck straight, Zi Lingyi gritted his teeth, and slashed across the air with his sword, the weapons of the two reached at the same time However, because Zhang Zhexun's attack was stronger, Zi Lingyi was blown away.

When Zi Lingyi was knocked to the ground, she stepped on the ground, jumped backwards, and stabilized herself. After landing again, Feng Yujian stabbed the ground with a sword, but continued to retreat. However, when Zi Lingyi When Ling Yi stopped, his Feng Yu sword had already left a long sword mark on the ground.

After Zhang Zhexun landed, he also took several steps back, but Zi Lingyi's sword was not as powerful as his skills, so he stopped before taking a few steps back, and after he stopped, he did not neglect at all. Directly use the "Fighting Charge" skill to rush forward.

Zi Lingyi raised her head on the spot, staring straight at Zhang Zhexun with concentrated eyes, and Zhang Zhexun rushed up, kicked her feet, performed a front flip, and hit straight with the golden cudgel, Zi Lingyi leaped to the right and dodged and landed After a while of rolling, while Zhang Zhexun continued to charge, Zi Lingyi got up to face the enemy.

Zhang Zhexun slashed obliquely with a stick, Zi Lingyi stepped back and dodged, Zhang Zhexun stepped forward and continued to attack, but Zi Lingyi took the lead and stabbed straight forward with a sword, Zhang Zhexun dodged to the right, Zi Lingyi missed , but he took advantage of the situation to catch up with a horizontal cut to the left. Zhang Zhexun held the stick in both hands, raised the golden cudgel, and blocked Zi Lingyi's sword.

"Oh, not bad." Zi Lingyi praised.

"Hey, it's not over yet." Zhang Zhexun chuckled, and then pushed Zi Lingyi away with all his strength, Zi Lingyi was pushed back, and then the two turned around at the same time. After turning around, Zhang Zhexun held sticks in both hands, golden cudgels One stroke.

Zi Lingyi kicked her feet, jumped up high, and dodged Zhang Zhexun's stick. Zhang Zhexun was startled, and raised his head, only to see Zi Lingyi landed, holding swords in both hands at the same time, Feng Yujian struck a sword Straight down.

Zhang Zhexun raised the golden cudgel to block it, and after Zilingyi landed, Zhang Zhexun pushed Zilingyi away with both hands, and Zilingyi was pushed away, but Zhang Zhexun immediately seized the opportunity, raised the golden cudgel high, and hit straight , and Zi Lingyi immediately counterattacked, Feng Yujian stabbed straight.



With two consecutive sounds, Zhang Zhexun was hit in the abdomen by Zi Lingyi's sword first, and the next moment, Zi Lingyi was hit by Zhang Zhexun on the back. Zi Lingyi's eyes widened, because Zhang Zhexun's blow was not small, and he was about to be beaten. He fell to the ground, but Zi Lingyi immediately stretched out his left hand, propped himself on the ground to stabilize himself, then propped himself up with his left hand, and then turned around, Zi Lingyi kicked out with his right foot, hitting Zhang Zhexun's chest, throwing Zhang Zhexun was kicked away.

Zhang Zhexun was taken aback. He thought he would knock Zi Lingyi to the ground. Although the damage was the same and there was no difference, he won in terms of morale. But he didn't expect that instead of falling to the ground, Zi Ling Yi held it with his left hand. He lifted himself up, turned sideways, kicked up, and kicked himself over.

The Internet cafe audience at the scene saw the excitement of the crowd, and the battle between the two masters made their blood boil. They are indeed two of the five new Jianghu heroes from the Heroes of the Jianghu Association. They are too powerful.

But Zhang Zhexun was kicked and kicked over, and after a while of rolling, he stood up, one knee on the ground, holding a golden cudgel, while Zi Lingyi's left hand was still on the ground, but he turned back successfully, and swung his sword again, Take a fighting stance.

Zhang Zhexun looked at Zi Lingyi, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and slowly stood up, holding a golden cudgel, and made the same fighting posture. He is not a person who will give up lightly, and Zi Lingyi is the same. Looking at the opponent, brandishing weapons at the same time, rushing towards the opponent, and once again launched a fierce confrontation.

 There are too many characters in the hero information. In Genesis, my computer still can’t load it. I can only change the URL. In a post on Baidu Tieba, the URL:

(End of this chapter)

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